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Looking for various connections!

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Hello everyone! I've never really...posted here much before (/nervous), but I wanted to bring my characters out and see if I could catch anyone's interest! I have a few, some played more than others, but I'm willing to hop on any of them for some RP.


Without further ado!



Locke Rinannis

(RPC Profile)

My main character and the one I've invested the most in so far, Locke is a Midlander mechanic based in Ul'dah, studying clockwork tech/magitek/airships, and even has his own repair shop in the Goblet. He was raised in the northern part of the Black Shroud and has a history in voidsent hunting, though that life seems to be behind him for now. He's very nice and polite, great for coaxing conversations out of shy characters, but he's also good at following stronger characters' leads. He has a strong moral compass, and he's generally a good friend to have around!


Looking for...

  • Friends. Locke is a friendly guy, and he likes getting to know people better. A chat over drinks. Or oggling at airships. Or sparring. Or testing battle mammets. Or anything!
  • Repair Shop Clients. Locke has flyers around Ul'dah to advertise his shop. People who are interested in purchasing his services (building and repairing tech/airships) could easily find one of these papers and visit him (The Goblet, Ward 1, Plot 41 - Southeast Subdivision).
  • People in need of help. Whether they be mechanic- or Voidsent-based problems, stabbing monsters, chasing a pickpocket, or serving drinks, he's always willing to jump in and assist people who need it.


Orrian Servais

(RPC Profile)

A grumpy Duskwight mage who studies the Void, primals, Ascians, and things of that nature. His intentions are shady, and he seems to be willing to do whatever it takes to further his own goals. His preferred city-state is Ul'dah, but he's been known to travel anywhere for the sake of his research. He tends to mind his own business, so he lends himself better for bolder personalities to pull him along.


Looking for...

  • Suppliers of illegal goods. Banned herbs, voidsent parts, heretical texts, Orrian wants it all. He'll make the most of underground suppliers and pay a hefty sum for a few particular items.
  • People with aetheric anomalies. Orrian's curiosity often gets the better of him, and it's the best way to get his attention. Through word of mouth or just by speaking with him, it's possible that he could eventually study or even cure their ailments, plot pending.
  • Fellow mages. Even if Orrian comes across as rude or a snob, he's willing to admit when he doesn't know something. Someone to bounce ideas off, have a couple intellectual/philosophical debates, or teach him a few new tricks would be nice. If they're interested in the same questionable subject matters as him, that's a plus.


Vhali Tayuun

(RPC Profile - Not much there yet.)

An outspoken and stubborn Keeper who has a knack for getting into trouble. A normal life bores her, she wants excitement! And so she does her best to fill her time with troublemaking, pickpocketing, archery, and pursuing adventure. She can often be seen around La Noscea and the Thanalans, steering clear of the Black Shroud for the timebeing. While Vhali tries her best to seem as innocent as possible, she's...both simultaneously great and terrible at it. Somehow. She can sometimes be seen with her sister, Miata Luna.


Looking for...

  • Underground shenanigans. She tends to lean this way by nature, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong or getting a thrill from running from the Brass Blades. She would be a good character to develop into some of these criminal LSs around, she just needs to get her foot in the door.
  • Friends. Vhali is an even better character than Locke for getting to know new people. She'll pull questions out of the air and entice conversation, not really caring what the other person thinks of her. She's a pretty great drinking buddy.
  • Profit. If you're going on a dangerous trip with big rewards, Vhali wants to be there. Do you need a guide? Does it pay? Vhali will take you. Does she know where she's going? Probably not.


Atreus del Alumet 

[ingame name: Atreus del'Alumet]

(No RPC Profile)

I hesitate to mention this character because of likely lore bending, but Atreus is out there for people who are interested. He's a man-turned-voidsent (Locke's brother with an alias) back to glamoured Midlander: a twisted survivalist, hot-tempered and incredibly selfish. Severed from his humanity and easily driven to rage, he won't think twice about attacking innocents. (The only exception thus far has been for those who prove themselves more useful alive than supper.) He makes for a good villain or a wild encounter/conflict, just there to spice things up for people who want that kind of thing. Kind of nice to have a PC monster instead of an NPC one sometimes.


Looking for...

  • Conflict! Currently, there's a notice at the Twin Adders for an attack in the Black Shroud by a man of his description. Voidsent hunters, adventurers, people with strong aether? Atreus is good for a fight. Want your poor unsuspecting character to have an injury or a story to tell? He's your man.
  • Voidsent/'Voidtouched'/Void Sympathizers. Allies? Rivals? Hmm!


I work from home, so I can be available most of the day. I have raids Tues/Wed/Fri nights (9pm EST), so it can be difficult to catch me on those nights until 12am EST.


My Skype is nomocer if you'd like to contact me there, otherwise PMs or ingame whispers are just as fine. Thanks for your time!

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Locke! I'll see if you're around when I'm next on, I want some interesting stuff before V'lanya dies - and Atreus looks super fun!

Highly recommend this man as a roleplayer, utterly fantastic writer and lovely to boot!

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Oh, wow, thanks for the replies! And the good words and compliments. You're all awesome! I wasn't expecting to get anything. o///o


Clio and Li, I'll keep an eye open for you two for more RP!


Foxberry and Haunt and Nailah, I'd love to start up some RP! Atreus is actually in MercWorks, so shouldn't be too difficult to give you a poke, Nailah. :D


And yesss, Vhali and Miata are pretty great together. Double the trouble.

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Hi, I just wanted to offer joining hugs & cake LS. We have a fair few new players there as well as some of the more shy ones looking for connections. There is generally quite a bit of intro RP going on between members and this is a great way to widen RP friends.


Iink in my SIG.


Also if you need the services of a witch, bard, alchemist or just some investigations Nebula can hook you up.

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Wow it seems that we would be a great match to meet up eventually!

I have several alts but I'll tell you which ones I think would be neat to meet up eventually. I too have a voidsent like character named Saki Mitan, that I only introduced to several people such as my FC although her host is currently dead now since the continuation of my FC storyline she will be back with a new host so meeting your voidsent eventually would make for a nice meeting! Heck my group Forged Axis could rival with your voidsent too because having your bunch roam about is not good for the people of Eorzea!


I have a duskwight named Kydenaux Langelier, and he too is a scholar. He used to combat the void and dangerous marks with the group Forged Axis but since his disappearance he has done a lot of research mainly attached to the void. I'd say having him meet with Orrian Servais could happen too!


As for your main I think meeting with any of my characters would work. I'll keep a look out for you so perhaps we can meet eventually as I'm looking to expand my RP.


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Thank you, Nebbs! My LS list is full on my main, but perhaps I could join it on an alt!


Uuugh, yes, Nah! We keep missing each other, that must change!


Haha, Rini. :D Sounds great, I'll be sure to look you up!


Oh man, Elaris, I'm liking this potential. +_+ I'm the same way with Atreus, I've only introduced him to a couple people for specific plot reasons. He's not really the type that I can just RP around and do whatever because of how volatile he is. But yeah, they should definitely meet at some point. As for Orrian, that sounds good too! Duskwights!


I'm totally down to meet your Au'ra, Brianna! Who knows what kind of inventions Locke can bring to the table by the time 3.0 rolls around...

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I'm totally down to meet your Au'ra, Brianna! Who knows what kind of inventions Locke can bring to the table by the time 3.0 rolls around...

Fair warning, most of my Au'ra inventions right now are quite possibly dubious (I blame her employer). However! She is always looking to talk tech, swap explosive powder recipes and more! If Locke has any tech out when she is around she will invite herself in to examine it with or without his permission. She is nosy like that.

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Hey there, 

Just wanted to drop a line. Reiner is a self titled Witchhunter, tracking and contract hunting mages using forbidden powers, and voidsent/touched


I also run the Runestone mage tournament so I'm happy to make contacts any way possible.


Also Reiner -does- have some form of aetheric abnormality

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Hey there! I have a Voidtouched character who may be of some interest to Orrian and/or Atreus. I have another character who's an aspiring mechanic so I think she might take an interest in Locke, and also a bit of a scoundrel who could probably get along with Vhali (I'd also recommend checking out the Turks who this character could get her in with)! Aside from that, I have quite a few characters who I'm sure could potentially just be friends with Locke. :)

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I'm totally down to meet your Au'ra, Brianna! Who knows what kind of inventions Locke can bring to the table by the time 3.0 rolls around...

Fair warning, most of my Au'ra inventions right now are quite possibly dubious (I blame her employer). However! She is always looking to talk tech, swap explosive powder recipes and more! If Locke has any tech out when she is around she will invite herself in to examine it with or without his permission. She is nosy like that.

Haha, Locke is good with people who do that. He'd probably enjoy someone geeking out over his stuff. :D She sounds very interesting, I can see them getting along!


Hey there, 

Just wanted to drop a line. Reiner is a self titled Witchhunter, tracking and contract hunting mages using forbidden powers, and voidsent/touched


I also run the Runestone mage tournament so I'm happy to make contacts any way possible.


Also Reiner -does- have some form of aetheric abnormality

Aaah, I've been considering having Orrian stop by the Runestone just to see what it's all about. I could also see some interesting interactions with Reiner/Orrian or Reiner/Atreus! Hmm!


Hey there! I have a Voidtouched character who may be of some interest to Orrian and/or Atreus. I have another character who's an aspiring mechanic so I think she might take an interest in Locke, and also a bit of a scoundrel who could probably get along with Vhali (I'd also recommend checking out the Turks who this character could get her in with)! Aside from that, I have quite a few characters who I'm sure could potentially just be friends with Locke. :)

Yes! Val got in touch with me recently, we might be able to connect the three of us! I'll be having Locke stop by HoD's tavern night next week, so there's a possibility right there. ^^ I'm interested in hearing more about your characters, and I'll definitely check out Turks!

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I've been looking for an IC smith/tinkerer for Sophia to patron. She uses a lot of gadgets and devices, and isn't 100% knowledgeable in all their inner workings. She could really use maintenance on her tools, and perhaps even some new ones altogether! So if you're interested, PM me or find me ingame ^^

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I'm always looking out for villain characters in need of recurring adversaries. I think Oskwell might be a good fit, seeing as his most common area of operation is the Shroud, and that he often finds himself hunting various intruders into the area, such as voidsent.


He also often is involved in high-risk adventuring and hunting jobs, and is still at least tangentially linked to the criminal underbelly of Eorzea through his sparse ex-bandit connections, so that might be something Vhali can get some use out of.

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I've been looking for an IC smith/tinkerer for Sophia to patron. She uses a lot of gadgets and devices, and isn't 100% knowledgeable in all their inner workings. She could really use maintenance on her tools, and perhaps even some new ones altogether! So if you're interested, PM me or find me ingame ^^

Ah, excellent! :D Sounds just like the kind of thing Locke could do. I'll contact you shortly!


I'm always looking out for villain characters in need of recurring adversaries. I think Oskwell might be a good fit, seeing as his most common area of operation is the Shroud, and that he often finds himself hunting various intruders into the area, such as voidsent.


He also often is involved in high-risk adventuring and hunting jobs, and is still at least tangentially linked to the criminal underbelly of Eorzea through his sparse ex-bandit connections, so that might be something Vhali can get some use out of.

Atreus would be a great adversary for Oskwell, at least just for random clashes between the two. He's been spending a lot of time in Limsa lately, but I can see him going back to the Shroud very soon.


Aha! That would also suit Vhali well, since she has a disreputable background. She and her sister are more well-known in the Black Shroud than anywhere else, so it's possible he could have heard of them in passing. I like both of these ideas!

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