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The Great Crash of '15 - Gripes and Rants Are Going Heavensward

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A company that right now, ranks only slightly above EA Games, called Activision-Blizzard, recently had an expansion launch for their crap game World of Warcraft. Far as I know, it went off with no issues. But one thing they do have, and have had forever, is if you already have a character on a server, you are allowed to make alts on that server regardless of the server being closed. SE wont even do that!


Ahaha, no. WoD was a total disaster. I think it was a week before I could log in without queues, frequent dc's, horrendous server lag or garrison bugs? In comparison, after two hours or so, everything seems to have stabilised here and I haven't had any issues since I logged in.


That said, I do agree with you on the character creation restrictions. :(

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Is it bad of me that I'm feeling less and less bad about not taking today off, given we have ten pages of people mentioning all the errors they're getting trying to get in? I'm still eager for the work day to be over so I can get home and try to play, but I'm also hoping that all the initial Early Access issues are also ironed out within that same time-frame. :blush:


We're doing some stuff for the first time ever at my work, which involves clients, of all things (something we've never had before, just donors)... and so naturally we're behind.


Taking today off was never an option for me.


But I would still gladly be at home, sleeping through the worst of it and waking up to glorious hours spent derping around in character creation and watching people go crazy. Launches, even soft launches, are so much fun.



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But I would still gladly be at home, sleeping through the worst of it and waking up to glorious hours spent derping around in character creation and watching people go crazy.  Launches, even soft launches, are so much fun.




That's... probably what I would've done, too. Slept until like noon or something and then popped on to try and get in. And likely stayed up later last night in the Skype RP I was in (even though most of the other folks bailed around the same time). I'm running on a lot less sleep than usual because of it, too... so I feel you on that one - taking an early lunch helped me a bunch, getting some caffeine and food in me to keep me going.


That and the fact that there's a Heavensward waiting for me when I get home. :blush:

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A company that right now, ranks only slightly above EA Games, called Activision-Blizzard, recently had an expansion launch for their crap game World of Warcraft. Far as I know, it went off with no issues. But one thing they do have, and have had forever, is if you already have a character on a server, you are allowed to make alts on that server regardless of the server being closed. SE wont even do that!


Ahaha, no. WoD was a total disaster. I think it was a week before I could log in without queues, frequent dc's, horrendous server lag or garrison bugs? In comparison, after two hours or so, everything seems to have stabilised here and I haven't had any issues since I logged in.


That said, I do agree with you on the character creation restrictions. :(


I have yet to play any mmo where a launch went without disconnects, errors, crashes, and servers getting taken offline.


Which, I dunno, maybe just means I have bad luck or I am bad luck. ;D

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But I would still gladly be at home, sleeping through the worst of it and waking up to glorious hours spent derping around in character creation and watching people go crazy.  Launches, even soft launches, are so much fun.




That's... probably what I would've done, too. Slept until like noon or something and then popped on to try and get in. And likely stayed up later last night in the Skype RP I was in (even though most of the other folks bailed around the same time). I'm running on a lot less sleep than usual because of it, too... so I feel you on that one - taking an early lunch helped me a bunch, getting some caffeine and food in me to keep me going.


That and the fact that there's a Heavensward waiting for me when I get home. :blush:


5 hour energy, bro. :D


also yes, gaming when home. If there are still issues, I will make a glorious, overlarge dinner that will continue to feed me through the weekend so I don't have to cook again.

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I'm sorry but this is just unacceptable. A company that right now, ranks only slightly above EA Games, called Activision-Blizzard, recently had an expansion launch for their crap game World of Warcraft. Far as I know, it went off with no issues. But one thing they do have, and have had forever, is if you already have a character on a server, you are allowed to make alts on that server regardless of the server being closed. SE wont even do that!




Oh I wouldn't say that. Blizzard had the same type of problems with the high pop servers at their launch. It was a mess just as crazy as this on. I was there. It sucked.

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I'm sorry but this is just unacceptable. A company that right now, ranks only slightly above EA Games, called Activision-Blizzard, recently had an expansion launch for their crap game World of Warcraft. Far as I know, it went off with no issues. But one thing they do have, and have had forever, is if you already have a character on a server, you are allowed to make alts on that server regardless of the server being closed. SE wont even do that!




Oh I wouldn't say that. Blizzard had the same type of problems with the high pop servers at their launch. It was a mess just as crazy as this on. I was there. It sucked.


No I can confirm that war craft and it's launch of WoD was a god damn nightmare. You may not get to make extra alts but I would suffer that lock out versus not getting in for nearly a week and being dc'd in a matter of minutes and bugs galore with a new feature that was pathetic at best.


Plus SE has it so all characters can do all the classes and jobs and crafts without a problem so in theory the lockout with creating alts is understandable.

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I'm sorry but this is just unacceptable. A company that right now, ranks only slightly above EA Games, called Activision-Blizzard, recently had an expansion launch for their crap game World of Warcraft. Far as I know, it went off with no issues. But one thing they do have, and have had forever, is if you already have a character on a server, you are allowed to make alts on that server regardless of the server being closed. SE wont even do that!




Oh I wouldn't say that. Blizzard had the same type of problems with the high pop servers at their launch. It was a mess just as crazy as this on. I was there. It sucked.


No I can confirm that war craft and it's launch of WoD was a god damn nightmare. You may not get to make extra alts but I would suffer that lock out versus not getting in for nearly a week and being dc'd in a matter of minutes and bugs galore with a new feature that was pathetic at best.


Plus SE has it so all characters can do all the classes and jobs and crafts without a problem so in theory the lockout with creating alts is understandable.


I can confirm as well. WoD was difficult. And to be rather honest this has been so much more smoother than ARR release and by far better than Aion which was absolute horrible.

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So, curious status update - are there still errors and issues logging in now? Or is mostly just queues and lag and stuff at this point? I'm only a couple hours away from joining in the fray myself and I'd really like to know if there's anything I should be worried about or looking out for. :blush:

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I'm sorry but this is just unacceptable. A company that right now, ranks only slightly above EA Games, called Activision-Blizzard, recently had an expansion launch for their crap game World of Warcraft. Far as I know, it went off with no issues. But one thing they do have, and have had forever, is if you already have a character on a server, you are allowed to make alts on that server regardless of the server being closed. SE wont even do that!




Plus SE has it so all characters can do all the classes and jobs and crafts without a problem so in theory the lockout with creating alts is understandable.

From SE'S perspective it makes perfect sense. The problem lies in... given the way the game allows you to be any class, who would need alts?


Rpers of course. Combine the fact that there was no official rp server designated, AND rpers settled on Balmung, one of the most populated servers, and you end up with disgruntled people :P

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So, curious status update - are there still errors and issues logging in now? Or is mostly just queues and lag and stuff at this point? I'm only a couple hours away from joining in the fray myself and I'd really like to know if there's anything I should be worried about or looking out for. :blush:


I've heard there are queues, but not ones that will make your eyes bleed out your skull. However I expect that once prime time starts around mm...2pm PST it'll be even busier.

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So, curious status update - are there still errors and issues logging in now? Or is mostly just queues and lag and stuff at this point? I'm only a couple hours away from joining in the fray myself and I'd really like to know if there's anything I should be worried about or looking out for. :blush:


I've heard there are queues, but not ones that will make your eyes bleed out your skull. However I expect that once prime time starts around mm...2pm PST it'll be even busier.


I've logged in and out a few times this morning and the longest queue I've had was about 30 people. So, its a lot better than the last launch. >.> I missed all of the shenanigans this morning though.

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So, curious status update - are there still errors and issues logging in now? Or is mostly just queues and lag and stuff at this point? I'm only a couple hours away from joining in the fray myself and I'd really like to know if there's anything I should be worried about or looking out for. :blush:


I've heard there are queues, but not ones that will make your eyes bleed out your skull. However I expect that once prime time starts around mm...2pm PST it'll be even busier.


I've logged in and out a few times this morning and the longest queue I've had was about 30 people. So, its a lot better than the last launch. >.> I missed all of the shenanigans this morning though.


I'm glad to hear it. Though I do think prime time will be a bit harder. Though not nearly as bad as ARR. I was there for that so I recall. Lol

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So, curious status update - are there still errors and issues logging in now? Or is mostly just queues and lag and stuff at this point? I'm only a couple hours away from joining in the fray myself and I'd really like to know if there's anything I should be worried about or looking out for. :blush:


I've heard there are queues, but not ones that will make your eyes bleed out your skull. However I expect that once prime time starts around mm...2pm PST it'll be even busier.


I've logged in and out a few times this morning and the longest queue I've had was about 30 people. So, its a lot better than the last launch. >.> I missed all of the shenanigans this morning though.


I'm glad to hear it. Though I do think prime time will be a bit harder. Though not nearly as bad as ARR. I was there for that so I recall. Lol


As long as I can get in and start doing things, I'll be happy. Whether it's just Fantasia'ing Judge or taking a bite of the HW MSQ on Gogon. Preferably managing both. :blush:

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So, curious status update - are there still errors and issues logging in now? Or is mostly just queues and lag and stuff at this point? I'm only a couple hours away from joining in the fray myself and I'd really like to know if there's anything I should be worried about or looking out for. :blush:


I've heard there are queues, but not ones that will make your eyes bleed out your skull. However I expect that once prime time starts around mm...2pm PST it'll be even busier.


I've logged in and out a few times this morning and the longest queue I've had was about 30 people. So, its a lot better than the last launch. >.> I missed all of the shenanigans this morning though.


I'm glad to hear it. Though I do think prime time will be a bit harder. Though not nearly as bad as ARR. I was there for that so I recall. Lol


As long as I can get in and start doing things, I'll be happy. Whether it's just Fantasia'ing Judge or taking a bite of the HW MSQ on Gogon. Preferably managing both. :blush:


Even I eventually finished my download and got a couple hours of play, so you're probably good.  Areas are congested but instanced, so it's not so bad.  People gripe a lot.

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