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[Periodic] Crimes Against Nature Sign-Ups

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Anstarra will -not- be going on this particular run. Much as it pains me to miss the first chance anyone gets to suffer character death (uh..) I am forced to acknowledge that a) Since there are a lot of people who might want to go, to any dunjin that might happen, it's best to reserve oneself for one that is ICly important to one, b) Since she will likely go alongside Nihka, they should both be in accord about risking their lives, c) The other two, particularly the Sylphlands mission (which is liable to remain unless something catastrophic happens) are more in-character for her, and d) That Saturday night I'd get home an hour late for the start! Booo...


Oh, and e) Given Liadan's most recent IC post, there's the concern that ANOTHER mission might come up very soon...

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Anstarra will -not- be going on this particular run. Much as it pains me to miss the first chance anyone gets to suffer character death (uh..) I am forced to acknowledge that a) Since there are a lot of people who might want to go, to any dunjin that might happen, it's best to reserve oneself for one that is ICly important to one, b) Since she will likely go alongside Nihka, they should both be in accord about risking their lives, c) The other two, particularly the Sylphlands mission (which is liable to remain unless something catastrophic happens) are more in-character for her, and d) That Saturday night I'd get home an hour late for the start! Booo...


Oh, and e) Given Liadan's most recent IC post, there's the concern that ANOTHER mission might come up very soon...


*coughcough* :angel:

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I'm just going to take the leap and say that Klyn is available to join either this event or the upcoming Toto-rak one, if Leanne or Orrin want her along.


She has the advantage of being very tanky but is afraid of explosions.

My time is a pretty limited right now, but I will definitely be available on Saturday if she is needed.

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Okay, tentative group so far:


1. Orrin Halgren

2. Tengri Moks

3. Liadan Summerfield

4. Leanne Delphium

5. R'shesha Otharn.


Ququki, I'd like to get you in the group and acclimated to the system before sending you off on what may prove to be a mercilessly dangerous deathtrap. People tell me it's bad form to murder PCs right away, and I generally believe them! Please PM and we'll get you into the LS and set up with a storyline. I'm usually on in the evenings.


As for the rest of you, I've already spoken to several, but if you have not already, please do the following:


1. Send me a headshot of your character via RPC PM

2. Sign up for an account at roll20.net. It's free, and we'll be performing the dungeon there.


In the meantime, there will be other awful things happening outside and around the dungeon, so stay tuned!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Screaming Never Stops {IC Post}



Wednesday Oct 21, 2015 at 8CST.


Something has happened at the South Shroud Landing, something horrible.  Where once had been a thriving camp of Coeurlclaw poachers, now there is only blood washed away in a recent storm and pieces of Moon Keepers scattered among the foliage.  There are rumors of something living in Rootslake now, something that does not belong.


Sign Ups:


1) Leanne

2) Orrin

3) Klyn

4) Jana


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Blood Harvest


Thursday, Oct 22nd, 9pm cst



The Adventurer’s Guild is requesting assistance from a group of combat ready adventurers. A small village in the Shroud has gone silent, with merchants noting that anticipated shipments from the community are severely behind schedule. A patrol of Wood Wailers was dispatched to investigate and have not checked in since. The situation is presumed to be highly dangerous and only the most experienced of adventurers should apply.



2) Anstarra

3) Kiht

4) Zanzan

5) Enju



((Don't forget to check out The Screaming Never Stops, on the previous page. It still has slots open!))

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