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On Rescuing Heretics - Ishgard Lore Question


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I'm working on Solenne's back story at the moment, and I've hit a bit of a snag. Solenne is a Gridanian Wildwood Elezen, and I had it in mind that she was once part of a group rather like the Scarlet Pimpernel and his men, only instead of rescuing French aristocrats, they rescued accused or suspected heretics from Ishgard and the surrounding countryside.


Now, my highest class is only level 48 at this point, so I haven't gotten to the new content yet. I've been doing a lot of research to try to fill in the gaps in my knowledge, but I know I'm still in danger of screwing up the lore. Is it possible that a clever group of actors and smugglers with disguises, falsified credentials, and the assistance of co-conspirators within the walls of Ishgard could have pulled off a few daring rescues of that sort? Any input would be highly appreciated!

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Well, the only problem I can see is getting through the Gates of Judgement, as it's the most policied place in Eorzea short of the castrums.  If your character is smart and skilled enough to armor up as a Temple Knight or something, however, I imagine that it's quite feasible if insanely dangerous should one be caught.  Ishgard doesn't have an all-seeing eye, as the 2.0 Coerthas questline shows, but woe be to anyone who draws the ire of the Inquisition.


Interesting character concept, anyway!  I've never seen anything quite like it and I'd love to RP with you at some point! :D


Edit: Late-night grammar mistakes, oh my!

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Try the dirty approach. A city like Ishgard needs a way to get rid of its sewage. But it's also above the Sea of Clouds. Perhaps they rig a balloon or have two stolen black chocobos flying with a net ready near where the latrines from the Steps flush to.

Of course we don't know any details of how the water and sewage systems work for any of the major cities, other than the most obvious details. It seems however like a classic way to flee a castle. Every other major entrance we see is heavily guarded in Ishgard.

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My whole FC is based around this premise. We work in secret though and have members in high places, etc. So....

Lots of people smuggling and lying and what not.

I would say it's possible...but you either got to know the escape routes or know people to help you out.

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I'm working on Solenne's back story at the moment, and I've hit a bit of a snag. Solenne is a Gridanian Wildwood Elezen, and I had it in mind that she was once part of a group rather like the Scarlet Pimpernel and his men, only instead of rescuing French aristocrats, they rescued accused or suspected heretics from Ishgard and the surrounding countryside.


Now, my highest class is only level 48 at this point, so I haven't gotten to the new content yet. I've been doing a lot of research to try to fill in the gaps in my knowledge, but I know I'm still in danger of screwing up the lore. Is it possible that a clever group of actors and smugglers with disguises, falsified credentials, and the assistance of co-conspirators within the walls of Ishgard could have pulled off a few daring rescues of that sort? Any input would be highly appreciated!


This all seems probable and like a lot of fun! (Woo Scarlet Pimpernel!)


These are some lore things to think about to add some depth and help detail out the character and are not meant to deter you from this concept in any way cuz I love it!


1) The Gates of Judgement have been closed to most Ishgardians and to all outsiders for the last twenty years. Only select few are allowed to pass through and only on business. Temple Knights seem to be able to come and go as they please with minimal difficulty. So if you're moving people in and out of the city during this time period, you'll have to get creative! Dressing up as Temple Knights or perhaps as others suggested finding alternative routes out of the city. Sewage is always a good way out of a fortress, but do you know how Ishgard disposes of Dravanian attackers in the city?




2) You mentioned that your character is Gridanian. Gridania and Ishgard have a long-standing treaty that any heretics and fugitives of Ishgard caught within the borders of the Twelveswood will be rounded up and extradited back into the Inquisition's custody. So be aware that your character's actions are illegal in both city-states and would have dire consequences should you be caught. Your character will need to smuggle the fugitives to lands beyond the Shroud if they are to be safe.





Hope this helps! ^^ Looking forward to seeing this character concept develop!

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Well, the only problem I can see is getting through the Gates of Judgement, as it's the most policied place in Eorzea short of the castrums.  If your character is smart and skilled enough to armor up as a Temple Knight or something, however, I imagine that it's quite feasible if insanely dangerous should one be caught.  Ishgard doesn't have an all-seeing eye, as the 2.0 Coerthas questline shows, but woe be to anyone who draws the ire of the Inquisition.


Interesting character concept, anyway!  I've never seen anything quite like it and I'd love to RP with you at some point! :D


Edit: Late-night grammar mistakes, oh my!

Hmm... The Temple Knight disguise sounds like a great idea, but it wouldn't quite fit my concept of my character. She's more likely to impersonate a great lady than a knight. If that's not something that would be possible within the gates of Ishgard itself, maybe she worked elsewhere in Coerthas as a stop along a sort of underground railroad for escaped heretics?


At any rate, I'd really love to line up a few RP partners for when Solenne's back story is finalized, so thank you! I look forward to it.

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2) You mentioned that your character is Gridanian. Gridania and Ishgard have a long-standing treaty that any heretics and fugitives of Ishgard caught within the borders of the Twelveswood will be rounded up and extradited back into the Inquisition's custody. So be aware that your character's actions are illegal in both city-states and would have dire consequences should you be caught. Your character will need to smuggle the fugitives to lands beyond the Shroud if they are to be safe.

This at least would not be a problem as far as Solenne is concerned. She would probably enjoy that aspect of the job very much.


It does look like smuggling people past the Gates of Judgment might be near-impossible. Still, aren't there noble families in Ishgard with holdings and posts outside of the city proper? Wouldn't they have to pass through from time to time? My thought was that Solenne could have impersonated a member of a noble family. That would probably work only once (if that!), but it would still be quite the coup. 


Thanks everyone for the feedback, by the way! I didn't expect to get such an enthusiastic response so promptly!

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2) You mentioned that your character is Gridanian. Gridania and Ishgard have a long-standing treaty that any heretics and fugitives of Ishgard caught within the borders of the Twelveswood will be rounded up and extradited back into the Inquisition's custody. So be aware that your character's actions are illegal in both city-states and would have dire consequences should you be caught. Your character will need to smuggle the fugitives to lands beyond the Shroud if they are to be safe.

This at least would not be a problem as far as Solenne is concerned. She would probably enjoy that aspect of the job very much.


It does look like smuggling people past the Gates of Judgment might be near-impossible. Still, aren't there noble families in Ishgard with holdings and posts outside of the city proper? Wouldn't they have to pass through from time to time? My thought was that Solenne could have impersonated a member of a noble family. That would probably work only once (if that!), but it would still be quite the coup. 


Thanks everyone for the feedback, by the way! I didn't expect to get such an enthusiastic response so promptly!


Nobles and possibly their higher knights and retainers would likely be granted access through the gates, so this is another way you can get in and out. Perhaps because your character can only pass through the Gates herself every so often without becoming obvious, she employs Brume-borns with noble clothes to dress up and guide the suspected heretics out of the gates for her. Have like a lowborn network of aid on the inside. IDK, there's a ton of possibilities that are really only limited to your imagination as far as this concept goes. And I think once you unlock Ishgard yourself and get to run around and do some of the quests you'll get a better feel for some of the creative ways you can play with the concept.

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Nobles and possibly their higher knights and retainers would likely be granted access through the gates, so this is another way you can get in and out. Perhaps because your character can only pass through the Gates herself every so often without becoming obvious, she employs Brume-borns with noble clothes to dress up and guide the suspected heretics out of the gates for her. Have like a lowborn network of aid on the inside. IDK, there's a ton of possibilities that are really only limited to your imagination as far as this concept goes. And I think once you unlock Ishgard yourself and get to run around and do some of the quests you'll get a better feel for some of the creative ways you can play with the concept.

Ah, yes, that's exactly the sort of scenario I was thinking of! It would be dangerous as hell to pull off, of course, but therein lies the charm. Thank you!

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Everyone makes it sound like the gates of judgement is literally the only way to leave. There are areas surrounding Ishgard that are populated by Ishgardians. There are probably plenty of villages and other settlements between the loading screens and people seem to often forget that there is a lot of land between zones too. It may take longer and involve more walking and hiding (which I personally think would make things more interesting) but it's completely possible to escape on foot through the highlands or something.

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You are assuming said heretics -want- to be rescued. If a man is sick does he not seek to cure himself of the ailment? In the same way, if someone's mind is corrupted and his path goes astray, it is his responsibility to submit to judgement and PURGE the corruption from his very soul! Stop this madness and turn back now before you invoke the Fury's wrath! mua ha ha, hahahahahaaaaaaa!


:bomb: :cactuar:

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You should also bear in mind that the Ishgardian Justice System is Halonic Trial by Combat. If any of your characters or associates are suspected, they will be forced into closed combat with highly trained soldiers.


Actual heretics are likely jailed pending execution. Iceheart could easily "prove her innocence" in combat, so in her case she'd likely just be executed.

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You should also bear in mind that the Ishgardian Justice System is Halonic Trial by Combat. If any of your characters or associates are suspected, they will be forced into closed combat with highly trained soldiers.


Actual heretics are likely jailed pending execution. Iceheart could easily "prove her innocence" in combat, so in her case she'd likely just be executed.

Yes, look at all those Ishgardians being flung of Witchdrop, all those trial by combat they had!


I really think you only get a trial by combat if you have the status for it, rest will just be flung off witchdrop or executed otherwise.

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Another, though probably much less dramatic route is having a mage in your employ who can teleport/return, he just takes them and YOINK!



Although, of course, some people refuse to even acknowledge teleporting, so meh


Erm, yeah, teleportation is a fraught subject. Like, it's definitely lore-compliant, but it's also such a cop-out that the lore conveniently forgets about it on a regular basis. I'm one of those who don't acknowledge it in RP.

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Mmm I think a lot of the accused heretics just get sent to places like Witchdrop unless they have some good amount of pull. They might be able to use trial by combat or get the interrogations to stop [referencing Ser Yuhelmeric's father securing his wife's release from interrogations].

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You should also bear in mind that the Ishgardian Justice System is Halonic Trial by Combat. If any of your characters or associates are suspected, they will be forced into closed combat with highly trained soldiers.


Actual heretics are likely jailed pending execution. Iceheart could easily "prove her innocence" in combat, so in her case she'd likely just be executed.

Yes, look at all those Ishgardians being flung of Witchdrop how much they had a trail by combat!


I really think you only get a trail by combat if you have the status for it, rest will just be flung off witchdrop or executed otherwise.


As I said, those suspected of being Heretics and those suspected of Heretic Sympathizing are likely treated differently. Tataru Taru has no status anywhere. She's a secretary. You could consider it a diplomatic triviality, but if you return to Dragonhead, those Witchdrop executions were performed by a vile and corrupt individual whose entire goal was death.


You can't compare that to actual Ishgardian Law

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You are assuming said heretics -want- to be rescued.  If a man is sick does he not seek to cure himself of the ailment?  In the same way, if someone's mind is corrupted and his path goes astray, it is his responsibility to submit to judgement and PURGE the corruption from his very soul!  Stop this madness and turn back now before you invoke the Fury's wrath!  mua ha ha, hahahahahaaaaaaa!


:bomb: :cactuar:

I think she's talking about people falsely accused of being heretics.

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Another, though probably much less dramatic route is having a mage in your employ who can teleport/return, he just takes them and YOINK!



Although, of course, some people refuse to even acknowledge teleporting, so meh


Erm, yeah, teleportation is a fraught subject. Like, it's definitely lore-compliant, but it's also such a cop-out that the lore conveniently forgets about it on a regular basis. I'm one of those who don't acknowledge it in RP.


Most of the time, when it's not being employed, it's not that they're forgetting about it, but rather, that they don't have time to use it. Teleportation does not work for quick escapes.  It takes quite a while to get the spell done.

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Another, though probably much less dramatic route is having a mage in your employ who can teleport/return, he just takes them and YOINK!



Although, of course, some people refuse to even acknowledge teleporting, so meh


Erm, yeah, teleportation is a fraught subject. Like, it's definitely lore-compliant, but it's also such a cop-out that the lore conveniently forgets about it on a regular basis. I'm one of those who don't acknowledge it in RP.


I admittedly feel the same way regarding teleportation. I'm not much a fan of cop-out services and devices that allow someone to easily escape, especially my own PC. That being said, I wanted to take the time to say that I love this idea! I have a character whose parents fled ishgard while his mother was pregnant with him, and I'd love for your group to have helped them take refuge :)

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