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The Screenshot Thread [Tag Your Spoilers]

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I cried so fucking hard, I don't think I'll ever get over that scene, ever. I'm never taking his title off either, I shipped WoL and him so hard that it killed me. The last words. They kill.


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So I have to say, the Dark Knight questline so far has been SO GOOD. I was snapping a lot of screenies during the level 50 quest. So just in case people haven't followed through, I'll spoiler hide this shot. It's a personal fav.




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More Randoms from April


Dancing with Memeli, Finnia, Sigurd, Virara, and Chachanji. Milly Red hair (that's how old it is)



Recovering from battle wounds with Alexaria, Leanne, and Oscare. That backrub put Jancis to sleep for a while.



♥♥♥ Virara! Bunchan! ♥♥♥



Long overdue shots from one of The Bacchus Shots Competition hosted in the Goblet.




Then random Jancis - the waiting theme still dressed as Milly Red


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Photo dump for John and a single pic from Kestlona.  Sorry for the photoboom but I'm not sure of the coding to do these under spoiler tags so computers don't take forever to load the page.



First person of the line up of the Grindstone the weekend before early access is to start.  IC: John is taking picture of some of the first fighters lining up for the Grindstone.



Another shot of the line up before it grew even more then this.



A shot of Warren, Flower, and I think Oscare but don't remember now if it is.  IC: John took a photo of Warren and the other two on the Stone.  He had plan to seen the photo to Howl and Sei but never got a chance to.



Another Grindstone pic.  IC: John using his camera again to get pictures between healing duty.



Another fighting photo, think this might have been the last fight of the night or next to last fight.  IC: Again with the camera, John.




Screenshot of "Grandpa" Judge.  IC: John decided to try and get a picture of Judge on his horse, only to the explain to the other what he was doing and confusing him with dark room and light and stuff.



Screenshoot of the Wander's event.  Got to enjoy it.




Screenshot of John having completed the Level 30 SCH quest.  IC: What Kit will look like when John becomes strong enough to help her regain her wings again.



Photo from last night Grindstone.  So many Greatswords and a certain Seeker in the line up.  Also Miss Frying Pan was back in the fight.  Don't know how far she made it.  IC: John had to pull out his camera to get a picture of his friend/crush as he came back from the War up North.  He then got a scary later that evening when Howl turn blue from Screaming Silence's Sleeper Hold.



Screaming Silence fight against Brave/Oni.  IC: John again pulling out the camera to get a picture of this fight.  He does sense something odd about Oni but doesn't realize what until after the gloam falls apart.


And that's it for all the screenshot I collect for the last couple of weeks.  There's a couple more on the Grindstone's event thread of John and Jancis and the line up before the event started, if you want to check those out.

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I can't stand that haircut, but you managed to make a character look cute while having it. I applaud you!


Thx. I always want to use that haircut for everything, or the other boyish one that's really shaggy. It's a little goofy but I like it. I specifically like the little tuft that sticks out like a little antenna on top. I tried the new short, groomed hairstyle but it felt a little unnatural to me so I swapped it. Maybe another time!

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