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I was sorta an immature ass one time when Monster was being shown as the pick for a Friday night. Now, we were mostly quiet but we were there to (somewhat) enjoy viewing an anime with friends but...


My suspension of belief could not handle the doctor. I wanted to gripe at him for the first few episodes.


Also that one "evil/bad" kid. >.> The yaoi fangirls who were skyping could not stop talking about it and it led to some people who looked over someone's shoulder to look at the laptop screen (at the very back so we don't interfere with people watching, yay uni class rooms) to giggle incessantly.



I should probably give the series another chance but egads the main protag for awhile... "STOP. BEING. A DUNCE. YER A DOCTOR."

Well, it's your typical transition manga. It tries to detach from romantic values trying to be realistic. When I watched it years ago it was ok, but now that I've watched it again I can re-identify certain archetypes and literary devices. I don't want to say it's one of the best anime I've seen in years, but I can cope up with its slow pace and character development. Also, the panoramic devices employed in the anime are really charming. It has that romantic perk I've always been fond of.

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Studio Ghibli has announced that they will no longer be making feature length animation.


I just felt a part of me die.


......When they announced the restructuring I was expecting something bad. This figures.


One way to make Miyazaki retire for good, I guess. :(






. . . I think it might be bad translation again. People thought the studio was shutting down when they announced the restructuring, so this might be one of those things. In the article I linked, it says "brief pause" on the movies.


Hope yet remains.


edit 2 - also this: http://kotaku.com/studio-ghibli-is-not-dead-yet-1615520289

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Studio Ghibli has announced that they will no longer be making feature length animation.


I just felt a part of me die.


......When they announced the restructuring I was expecting something bad.  This figures.


One way to make Miyazaki retire for good, I guess.  :(






. . . I think it might be bad translation again.  People thought the studio was shutting down when they announced the restructuring, so this might be one of those things.  In the article I linked, it says "brief pause" on the movies.


Hope yet remains.


edit 2 - also this: http://kotaku.com/studio-ghibli-is-not-dead-yet-1615520289


Come on Miyazaki, don't quit! We need you, man!

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Studio Ghibli has announced that they will no longer be making feature length animation.


I just felt a part of me die.




Well, I didn't know we had an anime thread so I'ma list the anime that I have watched including my top 3 favorite.


Favorite Top 3:


1) Fullmetal Alchemist (Includes Original & Brotherhood).

2) .hack (Includes Sign & Roots)

3) Brave 10


Other anime I have watched:


1) Utawarerumono: The Beast Within

2) Dragon Ball Z (Includes all Seasons/Series)

3) Sword Art Online (Season 1)

4) Attack on Titan (Season 1)


Speaking of Brave 10, I have just discovered this anime last night while randomly browsing on Google for gawds knows what. I FOUND XYDANE IN AN ANIME. WTFOMFG.




Saizo totally looks like Noctis/Xydane and his personality matches Xy's perfectly. Haha, the coincidence is quite amusing.







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There's a new gundam anime soon. O.o


Also someone on ANN has an article that Miyazaki may make short films.


Yeah, new Gundam will be called Reconguista in G. REALLY looking forward to a new Gundam. This "Build Fighters" crap has gone on long enough!

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I just finished watching Psycho-Pass which I picked up because an FC member said it reminded them of Judge Dredd.


Save for the guns, there were no similarities and it was more like an anime adaptation of The Minority Report... they even referenced Phillip K Dick in the later episodes.


I loved it.

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I just finished watching Psycho-Pass which I picked up because an FC member said it reminded them of Judge Dredd.


Save for the guns, there were no similarities and it was more like an anime adaptation of The Minority Report... they even referenced Phillip K Dick in the later episodes.


I loved it.


Second season and a movie later on this year!



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Know who else looks like Noctis/Xydane?




Fuck da police Anbu.


This is an insult.


...Xydane actually has a brain, and uses it. Meanwhile EYES EYES EYES EYES EYES.


Man, I only just saw that this thread is alive and kicking again. It lacks some manga recommendations. I'll be back later today with some.

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I don't remember if I've mentioned them before but...


Yakitate!Japan and the mangaka's medical manga is nice too.


HunterxHunter Kurapica's got a better take on the EYES EYES EYES EYES EYES EYES schpiel.


Give me any of Adachi Mitsuru's manga to read.

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So okay, guess I'll talk about this.


If you haven't already, you really should watch Gundam Unicorn. EVERYONE should watch Gundam Unicorn. Doesn't matter if you're a mecha fan or not, this is the magnum opus of the entire Gundam franchise and is easily required viewing for anyone interested in Japanese animation in general. Incredibly detailed, high-budget animation, a gripping story, looaaads of fanservice (the GOOD kind), and more mecha-on-mecha battles than you can shake a joystick at. It's set in the Universal Century timeline as well, which means you can expect a level of believability in the combat and setting that you don't usually get in the genre.


Oh, and did I mention that the soundtrack is god-tier? Listen to this stuff, just try and tell me it does not capture your imagination:





Same guy that composed the soundtracks for Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), Kill la Kill, and Guilty Crown, among others. Also now composing for Aldnoah.Zero. It's good stuff, and consistently good all the way through. Love it.


But, okay. That's just one series. What else do I recommend?


Hellsing Ultimate's already been mentioned. Violent and crazy as all hell, it's perfect turn-off-your-brain entertainment. Prisma Illya was a big surprise for me last year, and this is all you need to see to know why:



There's more I could talk about, but I haven't even read the entire thread yet and I need to get back to work. Chao! :cactuar:

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  • 5 months later...

Giving this a necro bump after being sadly late to this news.


The singer for the Ghost in the Shell SAC anime passed away from lung cancer.






m-my feels.....her music was so pretty ;n;


I'm really sad over this. GITS is one of my all time favorite anime/manga series. I fell in love with the movie and manga back in the 90s and never let go. Also my older daughter and I bonded over the SAC anime. My daughter when for years saying she wanted to grow into the Major and even thought (by kid logic) that somehow the show writers had seen the future and that the show itself was the story of her personal future. Going so far as to beg us to colour and style her hair to match the main character.



In short this series is very important to us, especially the music. Origa's music made the show all the better and more so was alone excellent music. Her voice carried the spiritual and futuristic blend that carried the show, but also stood out. Something that you could throw on the stereo and let carry the mood of the house. Even now my little girl asks me to play "Major music" but asking her about it, its not because the music leads her to one of her favorite shows. If you ask her she will say, "Because its pretty and fun". No greater words could be said.



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i'm still srurpised how well she sat for that when i colored her hair honestly. :T i would have kept up for it (she had that color/cut for almost a year) but had to stop because her school was against it >.> still first anime con we drag her to; i already know she wants to cosplay as ksunagi and where as i'm not encouraging her normal outfit (she's little .__. ) i have no problems with her going in this one.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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