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My Life Finally Begins Here


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Hello, I'm very new here. This is probably the first time I ever post in forum since....ever. I stalked forums but I never joined in or create a welcome thread.


Warning: Being an emotional writer, I'm just pouring my emotions right now xD. So please skip this part all the way to the empty spaces.



I...could not express how much joy I have to finally create a character on the Balmung Server. I have heard for days that this is the RP server and I just wanted so badly to be part of the world. I don't know what to say about myself except that I'm just new...at everything actually.


I have at best minimal RP experience with my online friend for the past five years only by the use of instant messages. My friend's a crazed fan of MMPORG but she would never play or start any games unless I play with her. I played a free online MMPORG game with her once. While it went well for her, it does not end well for me. Being an introvert, I found myself at the bad sides of impatient players. Soon enough, my friend quit playing that game because I was not there. I cherished her loyalty and friendship to no end.


I'm a huge fan of RPG games. She convinced me to play FFXIV with her and I did. I had created a character on the server with her a month ago. It was fun at first but it was not just for me. We joined an EU server solely because her friends were there. They were nice people and have their own small Free Company but I still felt like I do not belong there. The people of FC were her friends, not mine. I could talk to my friend but with others, I felt like an outcast. That's when I was longing for that wonderful feeling of RP.


For the past week, I did light research...well...very light...I haven't read the Lore yet. I just simply type in FFXIV RP and eventually I came to this forum. I basically stalked around, not having any clue of what I should be looking at. So I figured I'll create a character first. And so I have been waiting like a vulture for the RP server to finally open. When I saw a maintenance news, I just had a thought...just maybe right after 2 AM, it'll finally open. And so, I stayed up late even though I should have slept early for my morning Uni classes. I just couldn't miss this chance. Exactly at 2 AM, I just click Data Center and just goes from there. I simply selected Balmung and proceed to character creation. I couldn't believe my eyes as I spent almost a hour trying to create an ideal RP character. Am I really in the Balmung server? As soon I talked to the Guildmaster, I was immediately bombarded by people RPing right in the Adventurer's Hall. I still couldn't believe my eyes. I just had to log out and see for sure that I'm really in Balmung server. Tears just came to my eyes (Yes, I'm a softie xD) and I'm just beyond thrilled that I can at last being my RP life.







Um wow, that was long. Well putting that out of the way, I literally have no experience on MMORPG RP. I do have experience RPing over instant messages with my friend and that's just it. I'm hoping that if there are anyone here willing to guide me. You can treat my character with amnesia if you must. I'm willing to be the servant or puppy if that's your kink ;D.


While I have not read the lore and not sure what to do from here (heck I don't even know to use forums or wiki. Heck I don't even have FB account xD). I'm positive that my character will be sensitive, soft-hearted, and eager to learn anything. I'll probably be an eager virgin if I have to get into that territory.


That being said, it's 4 am in the morning when I posted this xD. I gotta get to sleep for my lecture in four hours. I just wanna express my joy right away after character creation and hope for guidance from anyone here.

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Your enthusiasm I LIKE IT.


If you need help with your lore research. There's a certain user here who goes by the name sounsyy, she knows a LOT about the surrounding lore. 


Glad you could make it in here and may fortune favord your RPing life! My characters are all listed in my sig so if you run into them do say hi. Likewise I'll harass you too if I find you





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RP'ing via IM is pretty much how MMO RP works, except the chat box has a really pretty graphical world around it. ^u^


Welcome to Balmung at long last, and to the RPC and Eorzea in general. There's lots of folks able to help you out with lore stuffs, with Sounsy being the prime source. And as far as just RP'ing in general, just get out there and do it when you can! :D Sounds daunting as hell, believe me I know...but it's really the best way to get it going. Additionally, there's the Making Connections forum and several threads in the RP Discussion about how to get your foot in the door, so to speak.


Additionally, if you'd like some FemRoe in your circle, feel free to give me a poke whenever I'm around, which is usually 6-7pm EST. Or perhaps we'll interact in-forum here. In either case, welcome and here's hoping we get to play together.


Have fun! :D

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If you speak her name, she appears. It's kind of spooky.


I'm glad your journey onto Balmung was relatively painless! It's been a nightmare recently so hopefully your good fortune lasts, and maybe rubs off on the rest of us.


Advanced search / show posts / search "Sounsyy"


if we hadn't made /sounsyysignal a thing this would not have happened! YOU ARE SPOOKED OF YOUR OWN VOLITION.


That being said, hello new person! Enthusiasm will carry you far here! You'll find most of the community is friendly and willing to help get you settled comfortably in your character.

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If you speak her name, she appears. It's kind of spooky.


I'm glad your journey onto Balmung was relatively painless! It's been a nightmare recently so hopefully your good fortune lasts, and maybe rubs off on the rest of us.


Advanced search / show posts / search "Sounsyy"


if we hadn't made /sounsyysignal a thing this would not have happened! YOU ARE SPOOKED OF YOUR OWN VOLITION.


That being said, hello new person! Enthusiasm will carry you far here! You'll find most of the community is friendly and willing to help get you settled comfortably in your character.


This guy speaks the truth about enthusiasm. Got me to where I am.



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Having done a fair share of IM Rp, MMORPG Roleplay, and Board Roleplay. The only thing I can think of really different is that Board Roleplay and sometimes IM roleplay can have you playing any types of characters but most commonly heroes or people important to the story. While in a MMORPG roleplay you are still important to your own story. But interactions between players and people you don't know kind of take the spot light. Therefore in order to be respectful to others players often take the role of an everyman/woman. I.E. Just an average person living in the world.

The best thing you can do is is get accustomed to the lore the best you can, which is just a lot of reading and knowing where to read, and learning the basic rules of MMORPG roleplay. Then it is all up to you to design your characters backstory from there.


I strongly suggest reading the roleplay handbook if you have not already.



Wiki's are also a good source of general information normally as well.



The way you use Wiki's is you search a specific key term you are looking for like "Miqo'te" or you go through the tabs and hotlinks (Normally blue letters you can click) like "Race's -> Miqo'te" to get where you are trying to go and they have quite the fair amount of information.


Lastly when you are scrubbed up on your basic lore. Post your idea for your character in the rp discussion and see what they think. Everyone here is extremely helpful and love to get new players settled in. Just remember to not make your character a Mary Sue (Good at everything, with no challenges or faults)


My suggestion for making a character is to identify specific traits about your character, then ask why those traits came to be. Come up with an explanation in your characters history that explains why he uses those traits now and why he is who he is. Like "Jimbob is smart" the reason: "Jimbob grew up in Limsa and frequented the Arcanists guild. Spending most of his evenings reading books or tomes which he borrowed and studying them extensively" If you want to get even more detailed you can further your questions by asking "Why did he spend so much time at the Arcanist's guild and not other places?" "Where did he even learn how to read?" "Why is Jimbob's family in Limsa and not a different city state?" and it makes a chain of backstory for your character to build off of. When it gets big enough all you will end up doing is filling in the blanks and you will have a fairly nice connected story.


A good resource for this method of backstory writing is the 100 questions to ask your RP character.


I would suggest copy pasting it into a microsoft word file or even a notepad file and taking the time to fill it out when you are fairly caught up on your lore.


Lastly, when it comes to meeting people. Just ask. Wether it be in game or on the forums. As I said everyone is rather helpful and enjoy new roleplayers. If you explain your character and his roleplay style on the forums I am sure you will find some people that click and in game all it takes is sending a PM to someone you find interesting that you caught roleplaying, complement their roleplay style then say you would like to roleplay sometime together. Not EVERYONE will want to roleplay with you. Either because styles don't agree or because they can't think of a reason for your characters to hang out. But there is a lot of people on balmung and you will certainly find people if you keep trying.

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Awwww-ha-haaawwww, I feel for you Ludger! X3


Dude/dudette... You are -so- gonna love it here... You don't have to be lore-savvy, exactly, to roleplay (although knowing some things or two would indeed help~) with others... Trust me, I'm not so well-versed in it, myself but I see that it doesn't impede so much with my being able to roleplay with others!


I can relate to the introvert bit though... It can be a little tough when you're pretty shy... But I'm sure you'll have some people willing to approach you and all (might work, too, if you roleplay your own actions to yourself... But that's just me, I haven't done that so often myself). Either, I believe you don't have anything to worry about. Just try out the advices that the others here have given you regarding the lore.. Take advantage of the forums here and you'll be well on your way!


On that note, welcome! "May the path in the light of the crystal" be filled with many memories and experiences!

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Aww, you are so sweet and I completely understand. My main is on a different server and I wasn't in love with the game per say. Once I finally got Lyrik onto Balmung, I'm starting to form an addiction. xD


Welcome! Feel free to walk right up to Lyrik, she's very friendly. Add her if you like as well. Happy RPing and I'm so glad you got on the server at last! It's an accomplishment in itself.

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If you need help with your lore research. There's a certain user here who goes by the name sounsyy, she knows a LOT about the surrounding lore. 

There's lots of folks able to help you out with lore stuffs, with Sounsy being the prime source.

If you speak her name, she appears. It's kind of spooky.

Advanced search / show posts / search "Sounsyy"


if we hadn't made /sounsyysignal a thing this would not have happened!


I... I don't even have to rep myself anymore. I like it! My work here is done.




In all seriousness- Welcome to Eorzea and the RPC! ^^ If you need any lore help feel free to PM me or make a thread! Hope I can help!

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If you need help with your lore research. There's a certain user here who goes by the name sounsyy, she knows a LOT about the surrounding lore. 

There's lots of folks able to help you out with lore stuffs, with Sounsy being the prime source.

If you speak her name, she appears. It's kind of spooky.

Advanced search / show posts / search "Sounsyy"


if we hadn't made /sounsyysignal a thing this would not have happened!


I... I don't even have to rep myself anymore. I like it! My work here is done.




In all seriousness- Welcome to Eorzea and the RPC! ^^ If you need any lore help feel free to PM me or make a thread! Hope I can help!

*Bows to the power of the Sounsyy*


side note- Welcome :)


Other side note: You still have yet catch me afk Sounsyy. ;)

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awwww! *hugs and gives cookies* glad you were able to finally get here then. sounds like you've had it a little rough on your last server :/ as you can already see; lots of people on here are nice, friendly and open :3 feel free to send me a tell in game/run up if you see me. i'm usually up for a nice chat (also i'm usually willing to help with leveling here and there too if you need it o3o )

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Such enthusiasm is what I like to see! 


First of all, welcome to Balmung! Here is your complimentary cookie and personal name tag thingy. A lot of the lore comes from dialogue and quest information, so a good way to learn about Eorzea is to read. Shocking I know.


It might be a little scary and daunting at first, believe me I'm sure a lot of us can say the same, but with a little poking and some time I'm sure you'll find some RP and fun times with everyone! I'm trying that myself at the moment. Don't worry about going all out with backgrounds and stuff as well when making a character. Vivica has only one piece of information about her and she's grown so much because of it! Sometimes small and simple is the best. 


Anyway! If you ever need a shield swinging, man tripping door stop then just poke me! I'm a UK player (GMT), but you'll see me at the weirdest of times. Just ask Steel.

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Wow, I knew there were nice people here but I never expected so many replies. I want to thank everyone here for showing me warm greetings and helpful advice. I hope to seek your guidance/teachings in the future. Treat me as a mold if you desire lol.


I'm not sure how to quote replies since I'm still new to everything. I'm not even aware of macro-language.


Chicken Nugger: I wasn't aware I was being enthusiastic but thank you! I hope to see you around too. If you do find me, do harass me! I won't mind! :blush: This is my absolute first time RPing with more than one people or a whole server. I'm not even sure how many RPers are there in Balmung lol.


Steel Wolf: Thank you for the welcome! I'm not sure about "just get out there and do it" lol. In between classes, I sneaked into the server (still feel like a dream to me!) and just watched people around me as I walked. I seen so many chats and I'm not sure how to jump in. I'm truly very shy online. Heck, this is my first forum in a long time. I do not know about Making Connections, I will check that out! Thanks!


Warren Castille: If you need my fortune, I'll gladly give it to you! I'm not sure about being lucky. RNG can screw me tremendously so many times lol. A nightmare you say? It still felt like a dream to me!


Kellach Woods: There's that enthusiasm again! To be honest, I'm not familiar with that word and this is the first that you guys mention to me. :blush: I do read rumors about how players were treated snobbishly by elitists. I'm thrilled that everyone is so nice here.


Enzo: Thousand thanks for your advices. I'll keep them in mind! They're very useful links. Since I'm out of school, I'll begin reading them soon, Sir Enzo. I don't mind being a background character since I enjoy finding new stories everyday. Like everyone here probably, I loathed Mary Sue and Gary Stu to the maximum lol. Flaws are the best character traits inside and outside. And may I ask where can I post character idea for advice? And I'm not even sure I can answer 100 questions but I'll do my best!


Ligardian Dreamer: Thank you for words of comfort! I was unsure if I have to memorize the entire lore. It's comforting to know that I only need to understand the basics. And I'm really shy! Like I mentioned, this is my first forum in a long time. The last forum scarred me with bullying from very overzealous fangirls. It didn't help me that the moderator took their side when the rules clearly stated that no insults should be allowed. Honestly, I would love people come up to me instead of me taking the first step lol. I'm that shy and invisible lol.


Lyrik: Sweet?! That's the first anyone ever said that to me! :blush: I'm not that great lol! I hope I'll form an addiction too! Everyone here is so friendly, it just lighten up my day really!


Sounsyy: *not sure what to do in the presence of the almighty. Bows clumsily*


Melodia: *bows again to Sounsyy* Oh thanks for the welcome!


Cliodhna Eoghan: *not sure what to do with the hug* :blush: Thanks for the cookies! White chocolate are my fav! I'll keep you in mind if I need help leveling up in the game! Should I focus on leveling first or just jump right in?


Zhavi: W-w-w-what?! I'm not adorable! :blush: Have you seen my avatar? Does that look adorable to you? xD


Roen: What's adorable about me??! :blush::blush::blush:


Ralyon: There's that enthusiasm again! I'm not even sure I'm an enthusiastic person! :blush: I'm just so excited to be here and so anxious to make friends. To be honest, my instant message RP buddy is my only close friend. I have casual web friends...(again through my friend's connections) but I usually talk to them once....in six months? I do have a good friend whose like a brother to me but he does not have the same interests as me. I can truly expect him to have my back but he probably won't be watching Anime or play video games with me anytime soon xD! I hope we can help each other out.


Faye: Thank you for the welcome! And I'm glad to be....refreshing? xD.


Quick questions. Can you send private messages to people or friends who are not online? Also...how do you save logs of your RP? And I'm not sure how to post screenshot here lol. Sorry! You'll have to see my avatar to see what my character look like!

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Ligardian Dreamer: Thank you for words of comfort! I was unsure if I have to memorize the entire lore. It's comforting to know that I only need to understand the basics. And I'm really shy! Like I mentioned, this is my first forum in a long time. The last forum scarred me with bullying from very overzealous fangirls. It didn't help me that the moderator took their side when the rules clearly stated that no insults should be allowed. Honestly, I would love people come up to me instead of me taking the first step lol. I'm that shy and invisible lol.


Quick questions. Can you send private messages to people or friends who are not online? Also...how do you save logs of your RP? And I'm not sure how to post screenshot here lol. Sorry! You'll have to see my avatar to see what my character look like!


If you're just quoting one person, there's a little thing under their post where, if you hover over it, you'll see one bit that says, "Quote this in a reply" and another that says "quote this" or something like that..... The latter is used when you're quoting multiple people. So, in your case of quoting multiple people, just click the + like if you're queuing them up... and then if you click "Post reply" afterwards, you'll see if it works if you see that there's more than one quote shown on your message draft.


Anyway, don't let it take away your drive to learn about the lore though! It definitely would help to be in the known of some things =3 


I hear ya about the shy thing... I, too, would prefer to be approached because I'm kinda insecure over the idea that I'm just an uninterested person and that they only accept the approach just to be nice.... I mean I'm 100% sure that no one in the game is like that! I'm sure they'll genuinely accept the approach and even welcome it too! It's just that's one of the kind of anxieties that I gotta deal and fight with ><;


Hehe... But you seem particularly liked here considering how many people responded to you so I'm sure that you'll be just fine >X3


You can leave private messages here to people even if they're offline. As for saving logs of your rp; if you're talking ingame, you have to manually do so unfortunately... What I had to do was to go to an inn room, enlarge the chat window, and just copy and paste the messages onto a word document (the game doesn't give the satisfaction of allowing you to auto-scroll as you're highlighting though so be prepare to have to divide up what you copy and paste and do your best to keep track of where you left off as you scroll down the convo window >w<; )


Post screenshots? Uhh, in game, there's the printscreen button to take a snapshot. The source of the screenshots you take, from there, should be somewhere in your game folder (I don't remember the directory but when you go to the game folder for FFXIV, there should be a folder that says Screenshots.... FYI, you can go adjust certain settings so that you can pick another location on where the screenshots will be saved and stored for your convenience).

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I can't speak for everyone else but I probably misread the tone of your post and interpreted all this excited and anxious energy as enthusiasm. I'll infect you with my excess enthusiasm if have to as well. You're new blood and this community tends to help out the new blood when we can. Yes even new blood like me will try to help. 

So how rich is your character...does he know any brilliant get gil quick schemes?


I'll also drop this little tidbit from one noob to another.


If you're shy about jumping in just send that person a tell. /tell *player name* Hello can I join in your conversation? Or Hello, can I perhaps interest you in some RP? or here's a magic tell /tell Kurt Steel Hey you there why are you a woman?


/tell to win, Ludger Kresnik /tell to win. The characters just standing there just as shy as you are or simply winding down, or looking for a quick spot of RP. OOC communication is sometimes important too and if you managed to churn out this thread then I have full confidence you can pull off OOC communication too.




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Hi Ludger!


I am new, too, as of last week. I think you speak so openly for a lot of people who struggle to make it on Balmung--it's a special place to be. I've been RPing for a long time, but the people on this server are so good and so numerous that I feel I am starting from the basics. The game itself... It's amazing. There is so much love put into the game and the world and it radiates out. I really hope you will love it like I have for the past week and half I have been playing.


The best way to get started (from someone who spent weeks reading INSANE amounts of lore before even hitting Lv10 and was worried and obsessing about being good or being accurate) just... hop in. People are so nice, and the game is so wonderful that you will feel quickly overwhelmed with all the amazement this game has to offer. Take your time and don't worry. Read all the quests. They will teach you the true lore, not just interpretations. Read a lot, and, as a fellow introvert, take things slow and really absorb them. The experience is so immersive and rich--visually and narratively.


I'm on a lot as the character Kamome Greywing and I am still learning the game, too. There is so much to learn for a beginner--more than in any MMO I have ever played. You are really brave for going for it and striking out on your own after usually playing with a friend. I'm sure you're already making a lot of new friends!


See you in Eorzea!



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i hug cute things; get used to it :3

hmm...well honestly i first focused really really REALLY heavy on content and didn't rp much till i had one class near maxed out and the other about half....but it's your choice. it can be easy to get burnt out running fates/dungeon grinding or omg the cut scenes >.>; (don't get me wrong i love this game but half the time it felt like watching a movie. xD ) i will at least suggest you get yourself leveled/past main story quest far enough to unlock the airships; that way you have access to the three major areas (and then can run to attune to all the smaller crystals scattered around) unlock the housing wards for said areas and get the ball rollin on earning your chocobo if you don't have a mount already (sorry but i don't recall if you said you have the CE or not and those came with two? mounts early) that way if you feel like you need to take a break from content or want to jump in; you'll be able to move as needed if the rp heads that way. (since we tend to rp all over the map sometimes depending on what's going on ic :3) plus a lot of ic events are held in various fc houses and walking there sucks. .___.



but don't feel you have to do it this way; you can always start rping before that list of stuff above is done; just hang out in the quicksand or around there. if you target people, a lot of them will say "walk up welcome" or chances they'll walk up to you so no need to be shy! you can always send them a tell as well to as if they'd like to rp :3 and if there's ever anything you're unsure of lore-wise, don't hesitate to ask either your partner in tells or open a tab fast to look it up; it's a lifesaver xD

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Quick questions. Can you send private messages to people or friends who are not online?


If someone is on your friend list, you can send him or her a short message via Moogle Mail. :)

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I...I have this very strong feeling you appreciate the Tales series. I'm not quite sure why. But if you do, I'm sure we'll be great friends.biggrin.gif


With that said, welcome! If you need anything feel free to get in touch with me if you can find me (Shiina Ayana), and I'd be happy to RP with ya!


Totally willing to help you level to, if that's something you're interested in. :3

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