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The Wishlist Thread


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More I supose wishes to myself to sort mysrlf out.


Help Others - I love doing this, and have gear and skilz and patiance. That is help and not carry people.


Role Play - I really want to do more interactive stuff but I feel the stuff I try fails and there is always something in the way... I know I can fix this myself.


PvE - T8 and FCoB, and a nice Shiva farming experience


CT/ST/WoD Static - could be fun to get a group to burn this weekly on Tuesdays


PvP - I need more levels so I can wear the gear so maybe a maelstrom group is out there?


Crafting/Gathering - I suppose just pimping out a bit. I can get mats and even know crafter's but I don't like asking for help.


I think maybe a small house, I haz funds but am unsure it would work. I have not even made use of my FC room. So a pipe dream.

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I'm actually quite happy where I am with Chachan right now. I've had some amazingly nice people help get me things before - even things I never expected to be able to get (Moogle Suit comes to mind, still can't believe Howl and Warren did that for me :blush: ), so I feel bad about putting up a Wish List.


If I had to make a list of small things I'm still working towards, though...


- Crescent Moon Cone and Slippers for Chachan's pajama outfit

- A Kotatsu for his room

- Getting all crafting classes to 50 so I can start my journey towards the Vulcan Lucis (Currently BSM and ARM 50, with CUL and CRP at the 25-30 range and the rest around 15 or so)


I'd really like to pay it forward for other folks with everything that's been done for me so far... but I'm not exactly swimming in gil, so all I can really offer is a little tank for some of the simpler stuff like the Tower instances and Expert roulettes. :(

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This wishlist isn't really that dire or out of my own power to get myself...but all the same I'd love to do this with friends new and old sometime. Pretty much everything here is brand-spankin' tankin' new to me, so...noobsauce incoming!


  • All the clears needed for the High Level Roulette unlock
  • An Odin Clear (want the vanity goodies)
  • An Ultima's Bane clear (Personal satisfaction thing)
  • Advice on prepping for an Atma/Novus/Whatever weapon for my pending DRK


...though I suppose the last item could...just...be a thread but. Blurf.


And like Chachan said, I'm a now iL 105 Rawrior willing to help with pretty much anything...except Coil things. I haven't touched Coil things, sorreh.

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Advice on prepping for an Atma/Novus/Whatever weapon for my pending DRK


I think I can help with this.


First off, the oil you use to bump up your freshly created relic to the next level is bought with soldiery. If you have some extra that isn't needed anyway, snatch one up and bank it.


Secondly, You can collect an extra set of Atma from FATEs, I'd recommend it if you have some free time so that you can just skip that phase when you get to it later.


Once the Alexandrite daily is unlocked, it is unlocked forever. Keep nabbing it every day before you do your Expert roulette (which you'll need to unlock, of course, but I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of people to help with that :thumbsup: ) and do the maps you get from it, and you should have a ready stockpile of them for your DRK weapon. Then it's just a (costly) matter of having the 75+ materia for all the melds.


There's a bit more (like buying bombard cores ahead of time with your GC seals and banking them), but that covers the first couple steps nicely. Really, I think you can do prep-work for all of the phases save for the Light-gathering one and the initial quest chain (since the primals won't drop the item you need unless you're on the quest for it).


So many parentheses.

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On a note for DRK(And MCH and AST relics):


We have no guarantee they're going to get 2.0 relics. Remember the steps involved for all of those upgrades require level 50 content and below - once the expansion hits there is no telling how painful the lv50 primal wait times could be, not to mention all of the myriad lv50 dungeons needed for books et al.


I'm not saying not to prepare for it, I'm just not wanting anyone to get their hopes up and summarily dashed.

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Oh, yeah. That's a good point. Hrm.


I just figured it'd be a lot like people banking all the key stuff for NIN so they could have their Zodiac weapons well on their way right out the gate. Didn't even think about them either not getting one (unlikely, but possible), or having a different process.

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On a note for DRK(And MCH and AST relics):


We have no guarantee they're going to get 2.0 relics. Remember the steps involved for all of those upgrades require level 50 content and below - once the expansion hits there is no telling how painful the lv50 primal wait times could be, not to mention all of the myriad lv50 dungeons needed for books et al.


I'm not saying not to prepare for it, I'm just not wanting anyone to get their hopes up and summarily dashed.


This is a fair point..I was just trying to think/be like Ser Warren in his advice in a prior thread about prepping and banking stuffs.


I suppose hard information get before looking to banking would make sense. But then when will that info drop if not too late? Or will I just skip that step entirely and ...agh! xD


*deflates* Lost too many calories..nyaah...

Also, I'm in danger of derailing this thread with this matter so I'll release this to other wishlisters and just send PMs to respondents with further questions. Sorry!

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On a note for DRK(And MCH and AST relics):


We have no guarantee they're going to get 2.0 relics. Remember the steps involved for all of those upgrades require level 50 content and below - once the expansion hits there is no telling how painful the lv50 primal wait times could be, not to mention all of the myriad lv50 dungeons needed for books et al.


I'm not saying not to prepare for it, I'm just not wanting anyone to get their hopes up and summarily dashed.


This is a fair point..I was just trying to think/be like Ser Warren in his advice in a prior thread about prepping and banking stuffs.


I suppose hard information get before looking to banking would make sense. But then when will that info drop if not too late? Or will I just skip that step entirely and ...agh! xD

*deflates* Lost too many calories..nyaah...


We won't know unless SE specifically tells us. If they don't do that, we'll know once someone dat mines the quest dialogue out before the patch hits 50 and tries to flag a relic on the classes.


It's entirely possible I'm jumping at shadows here, and I can't stress that enough. I'm just not sure how badly SE wants to shackle new classes to old content, old currencies and the like: FATEs in old zones, Leves in old zones, old dungeons, old trials, etc.

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  • The Kirimu Coat thing.
  • Turns 10-13 to stop dropping casting and ninja gear holy shit.
  • The rest of the T9/Shiva weapons (I'm just so damn lazy ORZ).










...I finally have funds again and coulda helped make you one :<


I looked around for you, but could not find.  Plus I mean... this coat around her like that with your name on it.


Tch...little too obvious. ;)


Forgive me, I promise next time shall make sure it has Franz's name on it.

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[align=center]You don't know how much I need this minion, both because yassss Garlemald yasssssss and because my character is just a straight up Magitek hoarder and only needs this and the Gold Magitek Armor to complete his set. I made a classified ad for IC request of the minion too. The thirst is real.:dazed:[/align]


[align=center]I don't really want much else, the Wootz knives are pretty cool I guess and the gryphonskin eyepatch actually covers the eye Flynt has a cataract on, but really it's the minion.[/align]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm usually too shy for these kinds of things, because I always have the impression I'm asking too much. So I'm going to write this with the expectation that nothing will happen, to make myself feel less bad :blush:


For my RP FC:

Donations to get us a large plot would be great.

We're currently missing 28,900,000 gil to reach the 45M goal (for plot + permit).

This could also be helped by showing me new ways to make money. Currently I'm doing most of our income by selling Ehcatl Sealant and HQ gear between lv21-30.


For Blue:

I'd really, really really love the Bluebird minion.


For Jet'a:

  • Garuda EX clearance
  • Ifrit EX clearance.
  • Titan EX clearance
  • A main tank to babysit my weak paladin through the Curtana Relic Reborn battles (chimera, hydra, HM trials)
  • The Ultimate Ballade clearance
  • Odin Trial clearance
  • Labyrinth of the Ancients clearance


Lots of first-time bonus tomes for yoo...!


Not sure if this thing is still going, but I've got some updates to make as I took care of some things and flagged others at the same time...


For my RP FC:

28,900,000 28,500,000 gil to reach the 45M goal (for plot + permit).


For Blue:

I'd really, really really love the Bluebird minion.


For Jet'a:

  • A main tank to babysit my weak paladin through the Curtana Relic Reborn battles (chimera, hydra, HM trials)
  • The Ultimate Ballade clearance
  • Odin Trial clearance
  • Second Coil of Bahamut clearance

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For Jethas:


Arachne Bandana of scouting

Arachne Shirt of Scouting

Arachne Gaskins of scouting

Arachne Field Dressing of scouting

Kirimu Sandals of Scouting

Kirimu Belt of scouting


Arachne Bandana of striking

Arachne Shirt of striking

Arachne Gaskins of striking

Arachne Field Dressing of striking

Kirimu Sandals of striking

Kirimu Belt of striking


For Jia'khan


Arachne Bandana of scouting

Arachne Gaskins of scouting

Arachne Field Dressing of scouting

Kirimu Sandals of Scouting

Kirimu Belt of scouting


Plumes of the Vortex (i95)


For C'shomu


The augments for the Envoker's gear for Summoner (2/7)


Cashmere Hat of casting

Cashmere Robe of casting

Cashmere Breeches of casting

Saurian Gloves of casting

Saurian Crakows of casting

Saurian Belt of casting


Gold Spectacles

Cashmere Robe of healing

Cashmere Skirt of healing

Saurian Gloves of healing

Saurian Boots of healing

Saurian Belt of healing


Vanya set of healing


Will of the Vortex (i95)

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I would very much like someone to run really annoying zodiac dungeons with me. If not that, maybe someone to sit around with me and chat or throw crafty materials at me. 


I have a lot of things I want, most of which I clawed for. I've had a few very amazing gracious people suffer through getting my t9 coat with me, and I am eternally grateful. 


I've just been having a bad habit of keeping to myself, and it's rather awful.

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Shiva Extreme (managed this today!:moogle:Next step; Diamond Grimoire)


T6-9 - I just can't seem to get myself motivated to get through, the healer gear is so pretty but I find myself attempting T6 and failing horribly. I make my share of mistakes but I'm getting myself closer slowly but surely!


I'd like to try the FCoB but I just don't see it happening, I love raiding but the ones that have real butt-clench moments make me feel awful when I make a mistake!


Ajudicator's Gavel/Law of Levin - Reeeeally want one or both of these for glamour/RP!

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T6-9 - I just can't seem to get myself motivated to get through, the healer gear is so pretty but I find myself attempting T6 and failing horribly. I make my share of mistakes but I'm getting myself closer slowly but surely!


I doubt that -you- are failing horribly. It's usually DPS. On the note of healer gear, like the HA Healer Robe, T7 is insanely easy especially for a healer. The main thing you have to do is.... face the Renaud point where they must be Voiced. Cast cure or physic on MT/OT. Get out of purple areas. Esuna/Leeches poison. Top off stupid dps. Voice Renaud...


Also, for T7 ONLY, turn off auto face target for heals. That way your character just points at a certain direction unless you have to move it for renauds or getting out of explodey platforms.

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I'm reeeeally sorry. I haven't really been around to work on this for a bit, even when I was the one who tried to get the ball rolling. Been having a rough past few weeks and haven't had much of a presence in-game or out. But, here's to hoping on starting things back up.


The augments for the Envoker's gear for Summoner

Cashmere Set of casting and healing.



...Partially, anyways, for all three sets. You can just update what you still need for the time being.


Arachne Shirt of Striking (MNK)


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well, I suppose I'll put up my wishlist xD


For Nako

  • Fat Cat/Nutkin/Miniature Minecart/Magitek Bit minions
  • Echatl Sealant/Artisan's offhand for BSM

For the YTC

  • Donations towards a larger house, currently sitting at 200,000 just through random sales, etc.
  • More connections for RP xD

For Kert Stahl

-Some method to powerlevel CRP to 50 really really fast xD

Consider this done when I get back home tonight :)

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Not sure if this thing is still going, but I've got some updates to make as I took care of some things and flagged others at the same time...


For my RP FC:

28,900,000 28,500,000 gil to reach the 45M goal (for plot + permit).


For Blue:

I'd really, really really love the Bluebird minion.


For Jet'a:

  • A main tank to babysit my weak paladin through the Curtana Relic Reborn battles (chimera, hydra, HM trials)
  • The Ultimate Ballade clearance
  • Odin Trial clearance
  • Second Coil of Bahamut clearance


New update, though I got most of it done on my own, I still want to thank Sarcire for healing my PLD's turn on Chimera. Thank you thank you thank you!


For my RP FC:

28,500,000 27,700,000 gil to reach the 45M goal (for plot + permit).


For Blue:

I'd really, really really love the Bluebird minion.


For Jet'a:

  • Odin Trial clearance
  • Second Coil of Bahamut clearance

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Eh, why the heck not. For Shoshopu...


RP outfitting goals:

  • Allagan Tunic of Casting or Dark Divinity Feldr
  • Tidal Wave Grimoire
  • Tortoise mount!!!!

PvE goals:

  • Odin clear
  • Shiva ex clear
  • Diamond Grimoire
  • Titan ex clear? just to get it off my quest list


unfortunately most of these things are like, drops from raids or trials, so it's like. urgh. but it would make my day to have to pug less people for these things

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stuff for rp:

-An Arachne shirt

-A Darklight or Warwolf Eyepatch of Striking

-An augmented Temple Cyclas.

-A room with lotsa Doman furniture like the kotatsu.

-The yukata and peach blossom earring items, but that seems impossible now unless they're added to the cash shop.

Stuff I just want:

-A better weapon, like Shiva claws or (if I get into Final on this server too.) Poetic or DW claws.

-The tortoise mount.

-Crescent moon pajamas and related items.

-All the eye patches in the game!

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