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The Heavensward appreciation thread!

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PRIMALS AND THEIR EX MODES. I WANNA BEAT EM UP. Also Alexander NM and HM. If Omega shows up then OMEEGGAAAAAAAAAA. I've been pining for an Ultima EX so I will fervently pray that Omega will give me the kick that I crave. (Otanoshimi ni, Amen.)

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I've been squirming in my seat about it and rambling in excitement for the inclusion of Dark Knight so much that either people will get so annyoed that they want to RP with me less than they do now, or they'll be delighted by the fact I have the job so I can shut the hell up about it. So that's definitely prime in my list.


Otherwise, it'll be just enjoying having to re-learn how to play all over again, with all the excitement and annoyance that entails. I'm also looking forward to watching other people in action. Watching Ninjas operate was a personal delight of mine, so getting to see all new jobs and all new actions for everyone is gonna be a treat.

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Lots of things! So hyped. Nine more daaaaaays.


I love the excited/curious feeling you get when entering a new area, so I'm looking forward to having that feeling again, although it won't last long. :roll:


Alexander. When FCOB was released, I had only just started Second Coil. It'll be great to get in on the raid scene at an equal level to everyone else, do blind runs, and have to work out our own stategy.

Raiding is my #1 favourite thing to do about the game, so I'm praying I can find a team who want to run it at release.


Astrologist & Summoner! The SMN rework sounds VERY interesting.


And lastly, just generally excited for roleplay. It's taken a while, but I have a lil' more confidence to put myself out there, so fingers crossed I can finally build some meaningful relationships on my character Nara, and maybe get involved in a plot of some sort. :P



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The main stuff's already been mentioned, sooooo..........


This may sound unusual, but I am very curious to see if a new RP hub will form in Ishgard, since so many people are going to be there. We really don't know if there IS an actual Adventurer's Guild in Ishgard, really, or if there will be spaces in town suitable for forming a useful hub. Of course, Uldah isn't going to empty out completely overnight, but it'll be a massive migration, for sure.


I'm also going to be quite amused to see Mor Dhona become a ghost town in comparison to the way it is now.

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Between Eric and Lin, I don't know who to start with.


Eric was my first character in Balmung and my start to Rping in FFXIV, but Lin is my Legacy Character from Excalibur that I brought over. Lin for the most part was my primary character to play but Eric holds just as much emotional investment in him, especially seeming I cleared A Realm Reborn with him BEFORE doing the storyline as Lin to accentuate the differences between the two character origins.


Eric is a Summoner/Scholar, and I am VERY interested into seeing how Summoner develops. (As well as its storyline.)


Then Lin being a Dragoon, major plot and mechanical additions to her are coming up and I'm just squee.


I've got two characters worth the excitement coming down the pipeline for me - I'm not sure where to begin.

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So many things......


Housing changes.... music boxes, EB sharing of houses, hopefully some Ishgard-style furnishings, finally get to build a nice shrine to Halone


Story.... To see Ishgard, something I have blatantly used a lot for half of Erik's story... the continuation of the turmoil in Ul'dah.


RP... So much, we already even have FC events planned and the last six months of rp has gotten Erik ready for the changes about to come.


Tank! and new stuff for my other classes...... I dont level everything. You will never catch me leveling a dps more then I need to for my tanks and WHM, that said all the new skills and of course DRK, I cant wait to ooc explore them and also do the DRK questline and either be crushed or vindicated in my origin tale that says his dad had been a drk.... /random :)


All the FF4/Red Wings references... When we get the house music box, its all but assured that one of the songs will be the ff4 theme to Cecil, so its all but garrenteed the Red Wings theme will be playing in the hall.


GC Update..... New uniforms (combat I hope), new ranks and achievements! To finally be a captain ooc will be so amazing. YP said it himself... gather those seals.


And finally the reason I love this franchise as much as I do........ AIRSHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Two words: LARGE. ZONES.


Two more words: BIG. SCALE.


Ishgard is an enormous city, and the sense of scale with the new zones is fantastic. The only gripe I had about being immersed in FFXIV is that the world felt a little small and compact, especially compared to the lore that came with it. (Ul'Dah having an enormous 'refugeetown' outside of the city walls being shown in-game as two tents, for example)



But now it fits my imagination. Now it feels like a world! I looooove it. :D Hopefully now there will be a true sense of exploration and adventure!

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Astrologian. That's it really. No longer will I suffer mashing cure over and over and over and over. Now I have to juggle buffs and CARD GAMES ON AIRSHIPS and heals. Yes I know scholar has heals and shields and dps, but I just don't like the feel of that class. AST is something I've been waiting for. 





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Um, I suppose.... Au Ra alts making?


Cause with the dumb restrictions, I won't be able to access anything else, not even just to take a sneak peek.

why not complete the MSQ? then there will be nothing stopping you!


I'm looking forwards to some airship piracy...I mean trading... yeah, thats right.

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Um, I suppose.... Au Ra alts making?


Cause with the dumb restrictions, I won't be able to access anything else, not even just to take a sneak peek.

why not complete the MSQ? then there will be nothing stopping you!


It's related to my role of coordinator in our MSQ RP LS. Not going to explain how the whole process works, but yeah, it's just something personal/for my RP group.


I'll probably use a character to OOCly access and take a look around, but for a good while I won't be able to RP in there sadly, not with how story-related the opening of the gate is. Which is ironic, considering how many people who disregard the story will be accessing Ishgard. It would've just been nicer for SE to make the gates open for everyone indipendently of the story, and only gate the MSQ quests behind 2.55 (meaning, let us enter the city, but not let us be involved in its story till we're caught up). That's all.


Might also be the bitterness in me talking because a friend of mine who was about to buy the game walked out because of this very same gate, too. It's just a personal matter on too many levels.

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