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The Great Crash of '15 - Gripes and Rants Are Going Heavensward

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I checked my email and registered my code for the full expansion before leaving for work. :blush:


Also, I managed to get just shy of 59 in the EA. Likely could've made 60 and some progress on Chachan or Judge if I had taken Friday and Monday off, but I'm relatively happy with what I managed in spite of all that. Got stalled a couple times where the MSQ required a level I hadn't reached yet (basically every level from 56 to 59) and resulted in a few extra dungeon runs and hunts to try and make up from the difference. Most notably, I heard a lot of folks complaining about only being halfway through 58 when done with sidequests when the MSQ needs you to hit 59.


... I can only hope things will be easier on Chachan, since he's actually in an FC and stuff. And that I'm right in the Collector's gear giving bonuses to XP for the levels Judge will be slogging through to get DRK up to snuff. We'll see.


I can say that the Collector's stuff does not give XP bonuses, nor does it even have stats on it. It's just for glamour at the moment. Sorry Chacha. D:


Sadfayse, I was kinda hoping at least one bit of it would be like the Warrior of Light helmet 2.0 or something. Extra XP up to 45 or something. Oh well.

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For anyone on PS4...






I’d like to provide an update on the current situation for some PS4 users who are unable to play Heavensward content, despite having it registered and installed.


The Development and Operations teams remain completely focused on addressing this issue and have confirmed that it could be a result of several different factors. We’re currently finalizing how to address the problem and how to test and confirm the fixes.


We’re trying to complete this as soon as possible, but it may take at least another few hours until we’re able to confirm.


Once again we’d like to apologize to users who are affected by this issue. We’ll be providing further updates as soon as we have them.

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Folks should be receiving, if they haven't received already, their expansion registration codes today via email. I hear NA has gotten theirs already, and can collaborate that as I've received mine. Haven't heard whether other regions have received their emails.


For anyone on PS4...






I’d like to provide an update on the current situation for some PS4 users who are unable to play Heavensward content, despite having it registered and installed.


The Development and Operations teams remain completely focused on addressing this issue and have confirmed that it could be a result of several different factors. We’re currently finalizing how to address the problem and how to test and confirm the fixes.


We’re trying to complete this as soon as possible, but it may take at least another few hours until we’re able to confirm.


Once again we’d like to apologize to users who are affected by this issue. We’ll be providing further updates as soon as we have them.


Baaaaaahhh! Hopefully don't get caught up in this when I purchase the expac for PS4 tomorrow.

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I know choosing a guardian when making a character has (as of now) no impact on the game at all, but I cannot help but be a little annoyed that the Au Ra, coming from a country with a different pantheon of deities, cannot have their own guardians of choice. MY CHARACTERS ARE BEING DICTATED INTO BELIEFS THAT AREN'T THEIR OWN!

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I know choosing a guardian when making a character has (as of now) no impact on the game at all, but I cannot help but be a little annoyed that the Au Ra, coming from a country with a different pantheon of deities, cannot have their own guardians of choice. MY CHARACTERS ARE BEING DICTATED INTO BELIEFS THAT AREN'T THEIR OWN!

Lol yessss this bothered me too xD

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But other places outside of Eorzea like Garlemald and Doma don't follow the Twelve or the Eorzean zodiac. It has been shown very clearly that the Garleans don't follow the Twelve, they even mock them. Would stand to reason that the Au Ra wouldn't follow them either.

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The Au Ra would follow the Dawn Father and the Dusk Mother most likely.


Hell, I had to deal with it with Kell canonically and often fuck up because he shouldn't be saying "By the Twelve!" or any of the Eorzean swears.


* * *


About to head home (had the day off because hospital) and will see if I can get in the game.

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Queue at 1,928.



My whole Fc got 90k'd.


Game got laggy, was casting stuff for a solid minute with nothing happening... 90k.

Try to get back in, my character options wouldn't load. Tried again, had a 1300ish queue. Okay, fine.


Moments later, it's suddenly just 1. The 1 Queue error. Try multiple methods to bypass it, still showing 1. Close it out entirely, load it up again. Log in, 2002 error trying to load characters again. Log in, 90k'd. Now I'm sitting through a 1600ish queue. Wee.


Oh wait. 10105 error once the queue finished. Here we go again - queue 4742.

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I honestly should have taken next weekend off instead of last weekend, heh. When will I learn.


Honestly it looks like the whole server shit the bed, I got back in.. 4000+ queue, it's down to 500 right now.


Luckily I'm off tomorrow so I have all the time in the world.

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No, game, I wouldn't like to have a constant gaming experience. I'd like a couple minutes of actual gameplay in a dungeon interspersed with minute long lag spikes... followed by a 90k disconnect and a queue to wait on to get back in (and ultimately likely end up having been voted out of the dungeon, I hold no hopes they'll wait for a Balmung queue's time for their healer).


Thanks, game.

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Gilgamesh has been surprisingly stable so far. At least on my end. There are queues but nothing in the thousands. No server-side lag or dc's either, though I did dc once due to my internet farting.


I've heard a few others were having issues logging in though so I'm probably just lucky.

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