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2016 Starlight Wishes?


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The magical capability to enjoy Heavensward content instead of just tolerating it.


Um, and FC rooms on all my alts! Most of them are still dawdling at 30. Gotta get on that.


ETA: Gegenji reminded me that I'm still after a Small in Mist for my Rogues' Guild-affiliated alibi factory tavern, but that's, like... pipe dreams for me, man. xD

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If I'm to be completely honest? Finally getting a Small personal house in the Goblet so I can make Chachan's full-on forge. That's really the only thing I'm looking for right now, because I have a penchant for choosing really obnoxious goals to attain (see: BSM Lucis pre-HW because "I liked the look of it").

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A return of old event gear in game that can be bought with gil.


Furniture items from different establishments in Eorzea (like the fountain in the Gridanian Inn, an actual bar like in Wineport or Limsa, etc.)


Lost ath Gnath music scroll (I need... T_T )


Beast tribe quests for gatherers.


Qiqirn costume.


Exterior christmas lights.


Those spontaneously generated apartments we were supposed to get...


Flexible-party, untimed dungeons. (I can dream.)

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Aw man.


I'm wishing for more 'clutter' furniture items. Things related to crafting or storage. Give me smoking alchemy bottles, spice racks, armor/weapon stands, coin piles (a la Aquapolis), glasses/plates, piles of clothes, etc. Let me trash my room with more than papers, goshdarnit. And while I'm thinking on it, let me rotate my paintings. What if I want them to be askew? What if an upside-down Merlwyb is good luck? What then?


I'd also like to be able to send friend requests to people who aren't online. Too many times have I had to wait for the stars to align in order to catch someone and add them. Too many.


And I want to mail gil/items to my alts, and make my alts tenants of my house. Let me be lazy, SE. I understand the reasons for restrictions on mail (gilsellers), but this is my wish and I'm sticking to it.


Idle animations. The NPCs have better idle animations than we do (see: none). Let us talk with our hands/nibble on food/do squats/look around. Think of the possibilities! Immersion!


And like ExAtomos said, untimed dungeons. Or at least, when the final boss is defeated, stop the timer so that we can wander around afterwards. I'd love to clear the place and be able to RP in there indefinitely. Ugh, yes.

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MORE APKALLUS! They are the closest thing I've seen in this game to the penguin.


Apkallu mounts, apkallu furniture, apkallu food items for housing decor, multi-colored apkallu, apkallu based clothing items. You name it.


Also I would like that new glamour in 3.5 but that's a late Starlight gift.


And most important of them all? A computer which plays FFXIV in the first place.

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I know that we have an explanation for it but..


I'd just really wish that the highlander men get the option to have eyebrows. You know, since we're going to Ala Mhigo and such. They could just keep not having eyebrows as an option too.

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MORE APKALLUS! They are the closest thing I've seen in this game to the penguin.


Apkallu mounts, apkallu furniture, apkallu food items for housing decor, multi-colored apkallu, apkallu based clothing items. You name it.


Also I would like that new glamour in 3.5 but that's a late Starlight gift.


And most important of them all? A computer which plays FFXIV in the first place.

You mean aside from the actual penguin minion right?

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Aw man.


I'm wishing for more 'clutter' furniture items. Things related to crafting or storage. Give me smoking alchemy bottles, spice racks, armor/weapon stands, coin piles (a la Aquapolis), glasses/plates, piles of clothes, etc. Let me trash my room with more than papers, goshdarnit. And while I'm thinking on it, let me rotate my paintings. What if I want them to be askew? What if an upside-down Merlwyb is good luck? What then?


I'd also like to be able to send friend requests to people who aren't online. Too many times have I had to wait for the stars to align in order to catch someone and add them. Too many.


Edit: And more dodo stuff. >>

And I want to mail gil/items to my alts, and make my alts tenants of my house. Let me be lazy, SE. I understand the reasons for restrictions on mail (gilsellers), but this is my wish and I'm sticking to it.


Idle animations. The NPCs have better idle animations than we do (see: none). Let us talk with our hands/nibble on food/do squats/look around. Think of the possibilities! Immersion!


And like ExAtomos said, untimed dungeons. Or at least, when the final boss is defeated, stop the timer so that we can wander around afterwards. I'd love to clear the place and be able to RP in there indefinitely. Ugh, yes.


All of this. Every single one.

Adding onto the furniture talk, I'd love the addition of sizing and either giving a z axis for all furniture, or more surfaces to place things.

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I wish....

  • Getting to level 60 was easier so I can hurry up and get those nice MCH glamours for Kanako.
  • Another way to obtain the fenrir pup other than PvP and buying it off the MB
  • More housing space! 100 is not enough for me in a small house!
  • Instead of new races, give the current races more customization options.
  • To add on to the customization options, separate face shape from horns for Au Ra! I don't want a doll face but I do like the horns that point back.

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Aw man.


I'm wishing for more 'clutter' furniture items. Things related to crafting or storage. Give me smoking alchemy bottles, spice racks, armor/weapon stands, coin piles (a la Aquapolis), glasses/plates, piles of clothes, etc. Let me trash my room with more than papers, goshdarnit. And while I'm thinking on it, let me rotate my paintings. What if I want them to be askew? What if an upside-down Merlwyb is good luck? What then?


I'd also like to be able to send friend requests to people who aren't online. Too many times have I had to wait for the stars to align in order to catch someone and add them. Too many.


Edit: And more dodo stuff. >>

And I want to mail gil/items to my alts, and make my alts tenants of my house. Let me be lazy, SE. I understand the reasons for restrictions on mail (gilsellers), but this is my wish and I'm sticking to it.


Idle animations. The NPCs have better idle animations than we do (see: none). Let us talk with our hands/nibble on food/do squats/look around. Think of the possibilities! Immersion!


And like ExAtomos said, untimed dungeons. Or at least, when the final boss is defeated, stop the timer so that we can wander around afterwards. I'd love to clear the place and be able to RP in there indefinitely. Ugh, yes.


All of this. Every single one.

Adding onto the furniture talk, I'd love the addition of sizing and either giving a z axis for all furniture, or more surfaces to place things.


Dear god, the friend request while offline thing would be the best thing ever.


And mirroring/chirality-reversal for furniture items so I can have an Oasis couch in each corner and have it be symmetrical!


And yes, more surfaces! (Though the placement glitch helps.)


Seconding someone else's wish for the auto-generated apartments, too.

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Auto generated apartments.

More housing wards.

Untimed dungeons.

Ability to buy old event gear/emotes.

More housing item slots.

Barding that doesn't look so ridiculous

Idle emotes.

Send friend request while they are offline.

More character customization.

To dye clothing in a primary/secondary color for more variety.

Mail to alts.

Level 60 boost potions.

More weapon idles.

More people to RP with.

A reliable way to make gil outside crafting.

Bard gear that doesn't look like shit.

To run unsynced and still get mob drops.

Ability to level sync up/down to hangout with friends wherever.

More inventory space.


Yeah, I don't want much.

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An apartment to hang out/RP in. I don't even have enough gil for the base cost much less the whatever million it would take to get someone to give one up so that's waaays off.


Also to actually get my butt RPing. I've slowly learned that the times I'm online to role play are worse than I thought.

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The ability to send mail to people not on my friend list.


I'd be fine with "friends list only" mail iff friend requests could:


- be sent offline


and it'd be nice if friend requests could also:


- include a short (like 32 character) note about the purpose behind the friend request

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