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So... that Red Mage, huh?

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I am all about that Red Mage! It was my chosen jobclass back in FFXI and it has been my favourite along with Summoner since the day I found out about it! In every FF I can be a Red Mage, I am a Red Mage! Also, the whole concept of a spellcasting swordfighter is one I adore most of all.


So as soon this jobclass goes online, that will be my main!

It sounds really interesting so far, being a ranged spellcaster who can dash in to do some melee rapier damage and then flip back again. It's so incredibly stylish, and if there's one thing RDM SHOULD be about it is STYLE! Having the rapier and the magic crystal which can be combined into a staff... PURE GENIUS!!!


I can't wait to see what kind of spells they will have. Hopefully alot of enfeebling spells, some support spells and of course alot of flashy damaging spells channeled through the rapier, having alot of beautiful and stylish swordfighting.


What do you think about the Red Mage so far?

Are you excited? Anything specific you want to see RDM have?

And is it a jobclass you will main, or maybe not? And why?


Happy Holidays, everyone. ^^

This was a really good present, imo. <3

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RDM looks nice, but I can already tell it won't appeal to my playstyle dps wise (I prefer tanking anyway) or RP wise (Aaron using a staff or a rapier of all swords feels weird.)


But regardless of my personal preferences, the class looks promising and I sincerely hope it meets everyone who will main its expectations plus some ^^

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RDM looks nice, but I can already tell it won't appeal to my playstyle dps wise (I prefer tanking anyway) or RP wise (Aaron using a staff or a rapier of all swords feels weird.)


But regardless of my personal preferences, the class looks promising and I sincerely hope it meets everyone who will main its expectations plus some ^^


It is definitely appealing to my playstyle, but RP wise, it would not fit Cailean. So I would either have to twist Cail a bit to make him fit or make him an alt, as I make a new character into a Red Mage.


I have my alt who's been changed into several characters... but it will most likely become my main and then RP as Cail alternatively.


Currently, my alt is Gemeaux, a Duskwight Elezen who is mainly an Arcanist, so he could ICly fit into becoming a Red Mage. So either that or I change him into a whole new character who is just mainly RDM, building up a new story around that. I have yet to decide, but I will make my decision as we learn more about RDM. ^^

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In theory it seems pretty awesome, the spell chains to a big boom thing could be fun!  But I just need to know more about it before I can even begin to think about a character that could do it ICly, (and I'm one of the types that my main job has to match my character.  It's weird I know).


If I play it and I love it?  Then Jojo might retire.  (He's old, and Ive been playing him a while, so it might be time for a big story to wrap him up.)


We'll see though.

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In theory it seems pretty awesome, the spell chains to a big boom thing could be fun!  But I just need to know more about it before I can even begin to think about a character that could do it ICly, (and I'm one of the types that my main job has to match my character.  It's weird I know).

If I play it and I love it?  Then Jojo might retire.  (He's old, and Ive been playing him a while, so it might be time for a big story to wrap him up.)


We'll see though.


Not even weird at all. I'm wired the same way.


Red Mage is getting leveled no matter what, tho.

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In theory it seems pretty awesome, the spell chains to a big boom thing could be fun!  But I just need to know more about it before I can even begin to think about a character that could do it ICly, (and I'm one of the types that my main job has to match my character.  It's weird I know).


If I play it and I love it?  Then Jojo might retire.  (He's old, and Ive been playing him a while, so it might be time for a big story to wrap him up.)


We'll see though.


Like Heidrek said, it's not weird at all. I too can't help but form my character around the class I choose. It might have to do with my World of Warcraft days where the essence of my Blood Elf was that he was corrupted by fel magic and was a Warlock. The old-school MMO way that one character can only be one class is stuck with me, hence why Cailean is a Machinist, though was a Rogue in the past so he also knows daggerwielding... I just can't help but have my chosen class become part of my character's RP as well.


With my future Red Mage character, I will most likely go down the path of "he's a practitioner of magic, but knows swordfighting as well, and is now learning to combine the two"... but again, it depends on what RDM lore will be in the game.

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The old-school MMO way that one character can only be one class is stuck with me, hence why Cailean is a Machinist, though was a Rogue in the past so he also knows daggerwielding... I just can't help but have my chosen class become part of my character's RP as well.


This habit combined with the fact that Final Fantasy is a setting where I want to play EVERYTHING has caused me no end of consternation, I can tell you that.

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Like a lot of folks, I'm excited to try it, but it won't be my character's IC class. It was my jam back in XI, so I'm eager to dig into it, but it's also wildly different from how it was in XI. Time will tell if it'll be my new DPS go-to class (I personally enjoy healing and tanking more than DPSing).

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I love the Final Fantasy XI Red Mage. It was my love. Being a back up healer, doing debuffs and of course the constant cry for 'Refresh' and 'Haste'. Who doesn't love a big rimmed hat with a large feather! Though.. it not being a support class does deter me slightly I may still pick it up as my choice for DPS when I'm in the moon (and potentially utilize it for RP if the outfits are stylish ^_^) Other then that, Healer is where my Heart is.

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Really excited to see how this class works. Whether I will roll it IC? Doubtful. Ave is what she is, and so is Vi.


However I got my fourth character who's completely blank on what her class is, and can go so many ways still. Basically, I'm first and foremost going to wait for the lore before deciding to go either way.

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I know my husband is super excited, Red Mage is exactly what he wanted, both ICly and OOCly for his character, Vallerin.


I gotta say, it does look pretty dang awesome! It's not really Raine's style, even if she is quite the lovable rogue, but I'll definitely live vicariously through Vallerin instead :D

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I'm looking forward to this only because versatility is my life. I've always liked the fact that RDM can do a little of everything, "Master of None" be damned. Besides, it may give me a reason to play a mage. Not really a fan of the "turret" play-style.


...Ironically, seeing as I main Machinist. RP-wise, I haven't done ANYTHING RP related, so Tae's a blank slate. Much as I love MCH, I'm still waffling on what he is, so here's hoping for possibilities. 

(Still holding out for Dancer, though)

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If I was starting the game this time next year instead of this time last year, I might have started Aghurlal's character concept as an RDM one. It seems pretty close in concept (spell-slinging melée fighter with a weapon designed for dexterity) to the fighting style of his original inspiration.


However, as it stands, I'm very happy with the way I have developed him and I don't want to retcon the stuff I've done so far. Like I said in the other thread, he has enough to juggle with his DRK soul crystal, his LNC+ROG-style weapon proficiencies, and his FSH profession. I won't be adding RDM on top of that without some very compelling story input from other players.


BUT. Gameplay-wise. I will absolutely be taking the class (probably a few months after launch... dem DPS queues) and probably make a bunch of screenshots/edits with Aghurlal as it, too. May or may not weave it into the sneaky alternative universe I have where he's the Warrior of Light, lol.

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I'm so happy, like EXTREMELY HAPPY.


Since launch, I and a couple other friends have RP'ed as a family of mages. A parent and two siblings. They were homeschooled in not one but multiple schools of magic (which a different specialization between each sibling of course). But another thing they were trained in was agile and close-combat competence with the use of magic. Zanzan was even gifted with his father's sword and his sister uses blades as well as has been training ever since. IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT

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I don't really care for it in terms of roleplay, unless maybe if the rapier has gunblade forms or something...


I will probably level it up and maybe it will enkindle a potential interest as a main job if I happen to like it more than BLM.


A bit annoyed that all ranged DPS classes but casters are support though, if that one happens to be yet another support. Maybe I also don't find support roles in that game very well fleshed out, besides regening MP and TP...

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Hm, I'll have to see what the class story is but I already have John being able to do some THM type spells with his dagger, usually if he is fighting a voidsent.  If it looks like it could work, with his dad teaching him THM and already having some learning in CNJ, and being able to channel some spells into his dagger, I could have him start learning the sword for him to learn RDM.


But he and Kit will always be partners so his main will still be SCH with some learning for the RDM job.

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I've been building towards Red Mage as a character concept for quite some time now so I'm pretty excited by this, and I know a friend of mine who is too. I'm also cautious because last time I was excited for a new job I got Machinist and it ended up being pretty bad right off the bad. I'm still going to level it right as it comes out but I think we should be ready for the job to be pretty underpowered right off the bat.

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I'd like to say I could use it as my character, who already fights in melee and uses magic... But I'm getting the feeling that this job is going to go the way of WoL-only with that weapon, fighting style, and the "combination of White and Black Mage" thing.


A rapier doesn't fit Jana at all anyway ;w;

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