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Turn your main RP char into an NPC

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So I have always had this fun thought of treating my character as if he was it's own in the universe and what purpose to serve in it. Then I think about if I was ever offered that chance to mold that character to be a real NPC, possibly relevant, I then think... Would I do it? I'm curious to hear what your thoughts are or would be if you went through.


I think if I was offered, I would deny because if they use my character as an NPC.... it would feel like I wouldn't be that character anymore as my own. Sure I could go around RP'ing based off the NPC's creation like how we have people RP as NPC's, but it wouldn't feel like you're quite unique anymore I guess is my thought about it.


If I was to accept though... Considering his attire, I would want him apart of the red mage quest line I think. Perhaps as an old friend or someone as knowledgeable as the mentor to discuss with. Most job quests seem to love the concept of the warrior being the one and only of that job for the most part or using some class/job that's been long since abandoned. Exclusions of course applying to ninjas, summoners, warriors, etc. Would love to see him as an NPC that just helps breathe population into the world as something that exists outside of special snowflakes like job mentors. Like X'ruhn's endeavors to spread the wisdom of red magic succeeding to a point where you start to see other NPC's actually as red mages. Either this or I'd love to see him as an NPC on random ARR maps with a pen and paper out, taking notes. Maybe spawning on % chances randomly, just to make it look as though he travels around studying often, nothing major, just a side no-name character that exists solely to show the life of someone who studies and has a passion for learning.


Another more teasing one... I could imagine Valic outside the Scholasticate's door asking to get in, only being told he can't come in lol. No particular reason why, just would love to see him trying to get into somewhere with a vast assortment of knowledge only to be denied it so painfully xD.


What would you do if you could, and if you could... would you? Any particular dialogue they would say or how they would interact?

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Wendy would be a side quest npc that the hero gets to help realize her dreams of being a professional songstress. She would be reoccurring for a questline like manderville, but following her misadventures.


I envision the hero being dragged into a lot of hilarious situations. Lots of face palming.

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Wendy would be a side quest npc that the hero gets to help realize her dreams of being a professional songstress. She would be reoccurring for a questline like manderville, but following her misadventures.


I envision the hero being dragged into a lot of hilarious situations. Lots of face palming.


Quest Text from Y'zhara Zekial at the Golden Saucer:


"Oh it's you again! I just want to say thank you for helping Gwen, Dali, Wendy and I find our true potential. Gwen and Dali are already at rehearsal, but I can't seen to find Wendy! We need her for this rehearsal. Can you please help us find Wendy? She likes to obsessively play the Moogle Paw Game and pig out on cupcakes. Thanks!"

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Chachanji as an NPC... my mind immediately imagines him having a spot somewhere in the Armorer quest lines. Either the quest-giver, or someone who plays part in the training like the Kugane smith in the 60-70 quests. He's normally kind of reluctant to take on pupils, but the Warrior of Light would likely special snowflake his way into getting the little dork's assistance. Blanstyr might be there too.


Gogonji, though... would be more tricky. I would see him as being an interact-able (or perhaps not) NPC that you would see just sort of "in the background" for a lot of the major military operations that take place during the story. Never directly identified or pointed out, but there nonetheless. If he did have his own quest-line stuff... I could see it going two ways:


a.) Utilizing the WoL's presence and status to basically serve as a distraction while he and his do some covert information-gathering and sabotage and the like. "You just... go over towards that Castrum and do what you do best: drawing attention and causing damage." Or,


b.) Actually have the player doing some more covert, information-gathering/sabotage stuff themselves. This could likely work if the character is a job fit to either tactical or sneaky stuff like Scholar or Ninja. Though, given his ego, it would be a chain while you effectively have to "prove" yourself to him. "We'll start you off with something simple: go and observe the enemy movement patterns and report them back to me. Don't screw up."


... Judge would just be in a leadership position for any PvP area. Being unnecessarily loud and interjecting if anyone does anything rule-break-y and flinging cards at them. Would likely just be RP-walking on Bench on an eternal path around said area.

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Lili (rip) would be an NPC watching after Khloe in Idyllshire making sure people treat her kindly and busting some balls if they don't.


Parva would be either in the GSM questline or in North Shroud as a quest giver with a lot of valuable Keeper of the Moon lore.


It's always interesting to think about what roles our characters could play if they were on their own out in the world.

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There's no way I would do it. My main has been my main for seventeen years, and I've enjoyed writing him every second of every day of every year. I would miss him terribly if he was an NPC, even a significant/important one. :blush:

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I've done this with many old characters in other games.  (WoW, a few NWN persistant worlds used mine after I was done with them.  I get to reprise one every so often for a larp as well.)  


There's a lot of history created with a character over a the years, especially if you run them more like living breathing parts of the world than a protagonist/antagonist in a plotline.  If you just stop playing and leave the character intact instead of removing the character like some do, it's a bit odd for that resource the character has become to just vanish from everyone else's stories.


On my WoW character, I played him for a decade and he became firmly entrenched in the server's specific lore along side a few others.  It's amusing every now and then to have someone ping me going "Hey, how would Asherrean act if we brought this to him, I want to make sure we're getting it right?" or to get asked to NPC him for someone else's story line here and there, either directly or through handwaved background action.


With the NWN servers (Two now) I've had characters that became permanent parts of the NPC casts in games.  I no longer have any creative control over them, but it wouldn't be fair after getting them to the points they reached to have them just vanish and leave a gap for the DM's to sort out.  One (until the server died) was a vizier for a city and turned into a quest giver.  The other's is an npc hermit they move to random places in the hill/country side that spits out random cryptic prophecies as the DM team needs him to.  


With the Larp, my character was a lorekeeper (this is a trend with my characters) and after turning over my notes to the plot crew, they use him on occasion to give some of that info out to player groups when it becomes relevant again in return of odd favors done.  So he's still around in writing facilitating story like I used to do when I was playing him.  As a bonus, when I show up, I get to actually play him as an NPC for plot.


Erah'sae?  Well... I haven't really played him enough to where he'd warrant much of an NPC unless someone needed a name to drop for who they hired to deliver something.  His 'job' as a chocobo courier in Eorzea is usually hand-waved as an 'unimportant detail' for most stories/plot-lines.  Maybe he'd end up like one of the Fate escort NPC's running a chocobo load of goods from Gridania proper to Ala Mhigo or some such?


Though for now, I'm still exploring him.  He's still growing, and I'm sorting out his story.  I wouldn't be opposed to NPCing him out so to speak when I quit/fantasia/rename out of him if someone had a use for him.

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There's no way I would do it. My main has been my main for seventeen years, and I've enjoyed writing him every second of every day of every year. I would miss him terribly if he was an NPC, even a significant/important one. :blush:

Hasn't FF14 only been out for 7 years now? <.> Unless you mean you carried over the exact same character from another mmo to this one with all the same physicality of this universe o-o? In which case, what would you have him do if he did regardless xD?

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  • 2 weeks later...


There's no way I would do it. My main has been my main for seventeen years, and I've enjoyed writing him every second of every day of every year. I would miss him terribly if he was an NPC, even a significant/important one. :blush:

Hasn't FF14 only been out for 7 years now? <.> Unless you mean you carried over the exact same character from another mmo to this one with all the same physicality of this universe o-o? In which case, what would you have him do if he did regardless xD?


Noooo. I only played FFXIV roughly twoish years ago? Or around the time when A Realm Reborn was released (soooo old). I've had my character in MuDs since well before FFXIV. xD I just created a character who looked like him to chase the storyline of the game. I didn't even know back then that RP was a thing in MMOs.


What would I have him do, hmm... Something important and widescale, to do with protection of heaps of people or really important delegates.

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I can see Liara doing numerous things as a NPC. 


- An on going character in the white mage quest line who spills a lot of lore about Amphador to the player. 


- A character who gives a side quest either near the Ruins of Nym or near Amphador in South Shroud. These quests would also spill quite a bit of lore about Nym and Amphador. 


- A character you have to help in a dungeon that's old ruins from a long time ago. 


- A character who just chills in the Conjurers Guild. Maybe has a little bit of dialogue but otherwise serves no purpose. 


- A beach goer in Costa Del Sol who's surrounded by a harem of men and women and drinking a mojito.

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An engineer maintaining Magitek weaponry of some kind. Garlean, Resistance double-agent, anything to get close to a Predator.

It's great that the Alliance has started utilizing claimed Reapers (even going as far as having sidequests with them). Totally lends more weight to this idea... right?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Simhi would be a re-occuring character - the odd homeless Miqo'te girl who keeps asking you to find the male Keepers she managed to convince to play "her mate" to keep her mother quiet. Or find items for her that she actually needs to fetch for her customers in Limsa.

Edited by Shimiharu
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  • 4 weeks later...

"Greenheart" would be a Botanist or Alchemist questgiver, enlisting your help to design urban farming systems and fertilizers to help grow food for the struggling people of [tokyo fanfest spoilers]

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  • 2 months later...

I like to keep things on the down low, so Anaguma would simply be one of Limsa Lominsa's many ambient NPCs that sometimes spout dialogue as you approach them.


He would be found in the Lower Decks, specifically inside the tunnel-like space that leads to the Fisherman's Guild.

The player sees him cross-armed and leaning against the wall, dressed as a FSH.  He offers no dialogue, but his head would track the player's movements. Once the player passes him, and if their camera can no longer see him, he would not be there anymore should they turn around.

Edited by Anagna
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