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Post about why you love the Site, the Mods, The Game and the Community


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Given the few negative threads lately, I think it would be nice to have a more positive one. As the title says, please post your favoritr and most loved things about this crazy site and group of people.


As for me, I love this site, I love the people on it and I love RP. Even though I often disagree with others, I hold them no Ill will. I love that there is a place we can congregate in and call home.


Please no vieled criticisms, I do really like this place, and this thread is for celebrating it.

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Given the few negative threads lately, I think it would be nice to have a more positive one. As the title says, please post your favoritr and most loved things about this crazy site and group of people.


As for me, I love this site, I love the people on it and I love RP. Even though I often disagree with others, I hold them no Ill will. I love that there is a place we can congregate in and call home.


Please no vieled criticisms, I do really like this place, and this thread is for celebrating it.






In all truth I would have to say the people (WTF). You can meet some great people on here. Events are hosted, people are vocal. Everyone clap hands.

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I love all the threads discussing and going over lore. I love the discussions we have on the art of RP, the feedback you can get almost immediately on character concepts and ideas, the events that get advertised even if I can't go to them, the wiki pages (I love reading those), the community of linkshells and free companies that cover an amazing variety of concepts in our shared world, and the writing prompts that, even when they're silly, promote thinking about your character. I love the artists and their work and the people I've made connections with here that follow into the game.


I love the mod team for all the hard work they do. I've done the job and I know how challenging it can be; there's rarely right answers to the complex problems they face, and that they're willing to stand up and take it upon themselves to do a needed job is both admirable and brave. I love our patrons for helping me keep the site up, lightning fast, and ad free.


I love that we can, sometimes, have big threads on complicated issues where we have nuanced, interesting discussions and a lot of different points of view being shared. And yes, I do love witty meme images to make a point and the occasional silly thread.


I love that this site has been around for the entire life of XIV, still has new people coming by, and still helps people forge new relationships.


So, yeah. I've been around since 1.0, and I still check the site several times a day.


That's my paean to the RPC.

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I really have enjoyed all the folks I have met. Only met a few I dont like and even then its 1 in many that turns out that way. :)

Agreed, there is almost no one on here I actually dislike.


I disagree with people a lot, but I almost always think the people themselves are good. This is truly one of the best and most creative groups of people I've ever met. 


I mean that earnestly.

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I really have enjoyed all the folks I have met. Only met a few I dont like and even then its 1 in many that turns out that way. :)


Edit: I must also state I met my current rp partner and friend on here through the forums. I also enjoy the positive threads like the Compliments Thread And the Free Hugs thread.

Agreed, there is almost no one on here I actually dislike.


I disagree with people a lot, but I almost always think the people themselves are good. This is truly one of the best and most creative groups of people I've ever met. 


I mean that earnestly.

Very true. And the Beef here is a lovely person as well.

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No Mod's Land.


In-depth lore discussions and analysis. 


A vibrant IC section filled with many talented and bright writers putting down great, great stuff for everyone to read.


Bronco Grease. 


The wonderful dorks I've met in game, and have yet to meet.


There's very little not to love about everything, we just need a little reminder from time to time.

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For me it is that this place (RPC) still exists and is a strong place for the broad church of the FFXIV RP community.

There is a lot of diversity out there and with this comes different views, personalities and styles. The RPC has managed to provide a melting pot for RPers in that messy world. It has managed to please some of the people some of the time, to quite a large degree, and weather the storms of displeasing some of the people some of the time. 


So the fact that there are things I dislike but others do like is a positive for the breadth of the community. And that is where the mods come in, they have listened and taken the time to adapt the RPC to meet needs in a considered way, not a knee jerk pandering way. 


Is life perfect.. never, don't look at what went wrong look at the fact that the RPC staff continue to strive to improve things, listening and adjusting. That's why the RPC lives and what I love about it.

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I love that there's a general desire to help people here. Questions rarely go unanswered; even the most repeated, awkward, or just plain silly (I'm guilty of those!) questions, always at least one person replying and usually many more than one.


It's a great place to find events, FC/LS, and other likeminded individuals. Personally I would have a much more difficult time finding roleplay if it wasn't for here.


& A shout out to the Mods, for always wanting to improve, and doing the best they can with a bunch of misfits like us. :P

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RPC was what got me into the FFXIV RP scene to begin with.  I knew there was something lacking from my game experience on Hyperion, and found this site by accident.  The screenshot threads, finding out about events, making connections, and the wiki are the parts I enjoy the best.

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I like the atmosphere. We've members from all over the world who are brought together for the sake of common interests. Yes, we might not all get along but I've met some wonderful people during my time here. My only regret is that I don't get to role-play with people as often as I'd like due to time-zone differences.

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I love the lore discussions, I may not always chime in on them but I read them. 


I love the amount of work people like Kage (I really don't think we appreciate how much work they do for us.) do to make sure we get all the information on game updates making RPC a one stop information site.


I love a majority of the people here and have met some great new friends in game because of RPC, I think there's a very small group of people I'm not fond of, but even then I don't hate them.


I love the mod team and site runners for taking time out of their personal lives to maintain this site for us, with little to no thanks. I think we forget these people don't get paid. They maintain this site for us because they love the community and the game.


Over all out of 17 years of MMO gaming (98 with EQ1 :D) this site is on of the best fan sites I've had the pleasure of using. The over all RP community is one of the top 4 RP communities I've had the pleasure of playing in. (Sorry all No one's been able to dethrone CoH Virtue server yet.) and honestly is the only thing keeping me in this game. :) 


So <3 <3 <3 to you guys.

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I really like how useful the site can be for events, making new contacts for RP and generally how despite some of the OOC topics, it seems to bring the RP community closer in game.

And I do enjoy being able to post a thread about regarding a lore question and see how people respond with their own views.

Seeing some of the awesome screenshots and artwork is nice as well.


I will admit that I like being able to stalk wiki pages too...DON"T JUDGE ME!

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I have met some really great people here. I now consider many of them good friends. So I love the people of the RPC, despite the fact that we have a varied mix here. Some posters have a hilarious sense of humor that actually makes me laugh out loud behind my screen.


I will also echo Gwen in that I come here for the FF news. A few posters (thanks Kage and the rest!) make certain that the latest news/live letters/patch notes are posted here and I really do appreciate that. A lot.


Stories. There are some really creative people here. I love LOVE reading their stories. I always check the IC section first whenever I come here.


And reading IC and OOC posts, it does let me stalk get to know other RPers which opens the avenue for networking! If it wasn't for the RPC, I would have no one to RP with now.


And last but not least, the mods and the admin team. I will just echo what Freelance said since it was said so well.


I love the mod team for all the hard work they do. I've done the job and I know how challenging it can be; there's rarely right answers to the complex problems they face, and that they're willing to stand up and take it upon themselves to do a needed job is both admirable and brave.


So bravo everyone. Keep up the good work of making this place the place to come to for FFXIV RP. Remember, we are the RPC. Let's appreciate it and take care of this place.

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I enjoy that the people in game aren't actually robots made from my imagination since they are also active here with their own lives.


It's like IC is the world we rule over and OOC is like the long table where all the Gods get together and talk about how they like to fuck shit up with IC stuff.


And also because I read through this forum when I don't have anything else to do to kill time.

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