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The Bah Humbug thread

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As I sit at work on another Christmas eve, the sounds of Phillipinos, French and some broken form of English fill my ears and all I want to do is sleep blisfully through the next 24 hours.


Tell me my fellow nerds. For those of you 'lacking' in Christmas cheer, how do you intend to spend Christmas day?


I intend to spend it asleep and trying to avoid doing anything in the contary.




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Had over trough from midday till just a half hour ago or so. Honestly, I got so much food and booze left I'm probably just going to be drunk tomorrow and see if there's some people on for rp, or else play some games/watch netflix.


Day after my mom will be dropping by, idk what we will do yet


my sister fell asleep on my couch earlier though, that was cute. Then again my couch is too good and amazing to sleep on :( naps sneak upon me like a ninja when I lay onto it, and I just get randomly ko-ed

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I can relate to the whole bah-humbug feeling.

I currently moved house about six months ago, the last house I was in was decorated from top to bottom the way we wanted it but the area was awful. We exchanged with another family and the house was in a pretty bad state but followed through with it anyway, but time and money has been harsh and haven't been able to get much in the house sorted plus with stuff being all over the place.


So this year, no decorations, no tree, no gifts, it isn't happening this year!

But I still wish you that are a very happy Christmas and I hope you enjoy your day!

As for me, I am going to go down to the pub and get completely shitfaced and wait for it to be over and a picture shall be taken later to prove my worth as my face is already around the RPC somewhere!



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This entire year has probably been the worst in my life. I've been just wanting this year to be over. I'm usually very festive sbout the holidays but it's been so damn hot and muggy here.


We have no decor up, no tree, no gifts, no nothing for some reason or another.


Probably just going to drink all day. I can make my booze last through New Year's.

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I do have some decorations up and I will be spending tomorrow with my family, but I haven't really caught the holiday spirit this year. I'm unemployed and my UI benefits are about to run out, so I'm fretting about money. I also have to move next month, and I'm not looking forward to that. And in terms of my mental health, 2015 has been the worst year of my life. I'm ready to just get it over with and see if 2016 has anything better in store for me.


I also have health problems which prevent me from eating or drinking any yummy holiday foods or beverages, especially anything alcoholic. So I don't even have the luxury of getting drunk tomorrow! :(

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I'm probably gonna just hang with the guys and be a idiot like we always are in public places akin to those guys from Impractical Jokers, just to go above and beyond for the holidays.


Got a tree and all that, my roommates gonna have her friends over and take over the place so I gotta find something to do while I'm out

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Bathroom ceiling collapsed this morning, so I'll probably be spending Christmas Day cleaning that out so that I can actually take a shower.


Except I probably won't because I'm missing half my ceiling and the pipe above is still dripping so it's all hilariously damp. Ah landlords.

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As a filipino myself, crap I don't feel the christmas magic.


Anyway, I'll go wherever the family goes. That means lunch a relative's, dinner at a relative's. Go back home like 6am on the 26th with the rest of the relatives. It's all about the family and the food. 

It's the same damn thing for the past 18 or so years the repetition is maddening I just wanna curl up and sleeeeeepppp


Santa came by early today, you know what he got me? Fat. I'm gonna be fat at the end of this day. @u@-b


As a silly future person, hey at least I'm like 9 hours (as of this post) in Christmas and the world hasn't ended or anything.

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I'll be trying to hit another level 60 (The glamour beast in me needs more clothing options). Well, that and cooking a 13 pound prime rib, but that's less because it's Christmas, and more because Christmas gives me a good excuse to spend 100$ on a fancy hunk of meat to gorge on without anyone being too judgy. >_>

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In Japan alone on the biggest date day of the year. 

Being a fuck and taking myself on a date while I think about how I moved 3,000 miles away from my friends and family for work and I am now my social life went from hanging out on weekends to playing ffxiv with people. 

Also...I am Jewish so Christmas is like whatever >>

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The year I decide to travel 1300 miles back home is the year that all of my mother's relatives are going to be in one spot ... all 120+ of them.  And guess who has to put up with their crap and family politics at the Christmas party.  Always a game who can talk the loudest, RIP my hearing.


The things I put up with to see my siblings who I miss dearly.


Also, internet sucks, pls send broadband.

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I have no friends or family to celebrate with, nobody calls, texts, emails or writes me. People here are all I have and even those relationships are strained these days


If I didn't have a child that depended on me, I'd go lay on train tracks.


I wish I could bitch about overzealous family gatherings


merry christmas

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I suppose I might as well weigh in.. I DID have plans to go and visit family in between school semesters but they sort of fell through. Now I'm pretty much all by myself for the next week and a half. It sucks.


Don't be surprised if you guys see me here a lot over the next couple of weeks. However, for what it's worth.. Happy Solstice, everyone!

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The year I decide to travel 1300 miles back home is the year that all of my mother's relatives are going to be in one spot ... all 120+ of them.  And guess who has to put up with their crap and family politics at the Christmas party.  Always a game who can talk the loudest, RIP my hearing.


The things I put up with to see my siblings who I miss dearly.


Also, internet sucks, pls send broadband.

 /proceeds to share some of that delicious Dutch internet


Don't think it will quite work though :( Figured you might pop on Skype, but nope xD!

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