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Nikobi Eyre

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Hey folks!


So I had a question on RP etiquette. I apologize if this question was discussed in another thread. Admittedly, I am still relatively new to RPing and as such there are certain modes of etiquette I remain incognizant of. Here's the scenario..


You walk into a location and overhear/see a handful of people RPing. As it turns out, they are discussing something that your particular character might find of interest or relevant to them and their story. My question is.. is it considered poor etiquette to jump in and join their particular RP without a formal invitation to do so? 


I suppose one could argue that simply sending any of them a /tell beforehand might be warranted, and I probably will do that in the future. However, if the RP was intended to be kept between a select group of characters, then wouldn't they perhaps take their RP to a more private forum.. such as group, LS and/or FC chat?


What is acceptable etiquette in this situation?

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My rule of thumb is, if an RP is in an open area with high amounts of RP, it is open game.


However as Warren says, a quick tell 'Mind if I join in?' is the safest way forward.


This is my approach too.


In fact personally I prefer to do as much IC as possible. Tells are welcome though, even if just to get you noticed especially if lots of txt activity.

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Depends on the people in question, really. Some people treat RPing in public like an open invitation, and some people are touchy about it. Sending a tell first is really the best way to suss out which is which.


This! If people are RPing openly in public, it should mean that they are open to others joining in. I've run into people who aren't, which is honestly a little silly on their part, so the safe bet would still be just shooting someone a /tell. And you can always check their search info--if it says "Walk-ups welcome," then they'll probably be okay with you joining in.

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Maybe I am in the minority, but I prefer the walkup to getting a /tell. Just once too often, it has seemed like people use tells to avoid actually rping until they are 100% convinced that the RP will go exactly as they intend instead of letting an organic progression happen. It may also be that I do not have the distaste for cantina RP that some have, and actually kinda like the crapshoot of it. I have actually met the alts of several rpc regulars in this way, adding to the list of people I would love to interact with more.


In fact, there seem to be a few people on Balmung who wanna send long and random tells, demanding to know every detail about how my character would act before exchanging a single line of dialogue. Admittedly, I have blocked a couple of the more blatant ones. A little poke is ok, but why would I give up the fun of actually meeting a character - you know, actual RP - for stale and sterile tells?

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In fact, there seem to be a few people on Balmung who wanna send long and random tells, demanding to know every detail about how my character would act before exchanging a single line of dialogue...


I know the feeling and you know what, even if I wanted to answer I don't really know.

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Maybe I am in the minority, but I prefer the walkup to getting a /tell.


I'm actually the same way -- if I'm out in public RPing in open channels, I'd much prefer someone just come by and start RPing rather than breaking the flow of the scene with OOC tells. I don't mind a tell, but I don't feel it's necessary.


Part of the fun of public RP is that you have no idea who you might run into! :)

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To move beyond sending a tell or just approaching, it's also possible to use a couple of passive emotes to show that you are interested in/about to join a conversation. If you post that your ears perk up as you listen in to what they're saying, that you're about to turn and say something, then that gives players an opportunity to incorporate by either responding to your obvious interest or decide to take the conversation somewhere more private.


Further, I'd suggest that when you jump in, you make sure you build off of what's already being said rather than use a complete non sequitur to enter the conversation (he said, when he uses the same damn pitch to enter pretty much every conversation). Most people will likely appreciate adding to the conversation more than they will redirecting it.

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I feel that the answer to this question depends so much on the kind of RP you're trying to join in on.


Personally, I prefer a /tell before someone joins my RP unless I'm in a major hub (like the Quicksand or the Carline Canopy) or at a social event. A lot of my world RP scenes fit into larger storylines and need to stay on track in order to achieve their intended purpose. That does not mean that if someone sends me a /tell asking to join in, that I will say no. In fact, this has happened several times and I was able to work them into the scene, and it was all the better for their participation. But it really helps to establish OOC communication before jumping into the mix ICly. A lot of people seem to think OOC communication ruins immersion, but I'm a big fan of it. When I have a complex arc in progress involving quite a few different characters/players, there's just no way to make it work without some discussion outside of the RP. 


However, for the purposes of tavern RP, walk-ups are just fine.

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I can't say that I can really think of any reason why people would RP in /say if they felt like moderating who is allowed to join their session. If I RP'd publicly then I admit I'd always be wary of anyone and everyone that wants to join just in case I don't have a taste for their character or their adherence to lore, but I'd still say it was very okay for them to jump in on any RP taking place on a channel dedicated to advertising your RP to everyone in the nearby vicinity.


But as has been said many times already, Tells are the safest route. You'll surely find fewer people that are bothered by receiving them and many less potential difficulties than just assuming the right to join.

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To move beyond sending a tell or just approaching, it's also possible to use a couple of passive emotes to show that you are interested in/about to join a conversation. If you post that your ears perk up as you listen in to what they're saying, that you're about to turn and say something, then that gives players an opportunity to incorporate by either responding to your obvious interest or decide to take the conversation somewhere more private.


Further, I'd suggest that when you jump in, you make sure you build off of what's already being said rather than use a complete non sequitur to enter the conversation (he said, when he uses the same damn pitch to enter pretty much every conversation). Most people will likely appreciate adding to the conversation more than they will redirecting it.



I second the /emote thing. I'm all for just barging in on RPs in public spaces but sometimes that doesn't 'fit' with your character. A few emotes to denote your interest to join the fun usually works unless it's in a super busy place. I frequently try to keep an eye out for folks If the "WALL-O-TEXT" is strong then I highly suggest tell because it's likely your stuff will get lost in the deluge.

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If it's a populated area where there is a lot of RP, it's usually an open invitation. 

If it's not a populated area where RP doesn't happen normally, I prefer a tell. 

Some people don't send tells. Honestly if it's the latter situation I may ignore someone who joins in without asking. If it is a populated area (where I rarely RP mind you) I won't ignore. 

In general, I would prefer a tell....

It's up to you though.



If it's me, I wouldn't approach at all because I am an awkward weirdo who is afraid of people >> That being said, if I didn't have that problem, I would send a tell because I'd be too scared to just butt in >>

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You walk into a location and overhear/see a handful of people RPing. As it turns out, they are discussing something that your particular character might find of interest or relevant to them and their story. My question is.. is it considered poor etiquette to jump in and join their particular RP without a formal invitation to do so? 


What is acceptable etiquette in this situation?


I tend to walk right up and stick my nose in if I was ICly in the area.   I tend not to shift IC/OOC states for something l like this.  Just understand that people may ICly tell you to buzz off if they don't want you jumping into it, or being slightly hostile if it's something they wanted kept secret.


If people really don't want folks eavesdropping they tend to take it to party chat or private rooms in housing areas, at least from my experience.


Emoting first to let them know they've caught your attention might be a good way to let them know it's coming, and give folks time to spread slow their conversation a bit to give you a chance to jump in, or to silence themselves if they don't want someone overhearing / noticing.

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Like most said before me, it depends. I for one intentionally do some banter with Xyla and her Carbuncle to get eyes glued on the chat and sometimes have the characters walk up to others instead.

However, if say you see no emote or say from the character that caught your eye since you moved in the quicksand, maybe they want to rp. Too often do some walk ups never start when an invitation is open.


That said, it is always enjoyable for people to lean about a character with each meeting as oppose to understanding from the first. Gives pacing and character build.

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Further, I'd suggest that when you jump in, you make sure you build off of what's already being said rather than use a complete non sequitur to enter the conversation (he said, when he uses the same damn pitch to enter pretty much every conversation). Most people will likely appreciate adding to the conversation more than they will redirecting it.


Yeah but that's what your character would DO (and you'd try and sell a knick-knack that is relevant to their situation so you'd still be putting the conversation forward), as opposed to someone going in and trying to make the convo all about them.


If you're not there at the planning stages, you're a prop. Help them and they'll help you.

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In a tavern it's probably going to be the most welcome to walk-up, but even then if you just want some RP, I feel it's a little unnecessary. While I have Paul lounging and collecting information from what he overhears, I notice a lot of people just waiting alone for someone to walk-up. So rather than interrupt a conversation why not engage someone in RP who isn't? That's my feeling...


As for outside the tavern, if you see a couple people RPing say at... Floating City of Nym, or they are occupying the only two seats in a quiet area, it's painfully obvious to me they want to be alone.


Just because it's in a public channel doesn't mean we must engage. I often enjoy reading RP and if I only have an hour I'll just loiter OOC and be entertained by the RP. I've had people do the same to me and find it very rewarding, even receiving and giving feedback.


Reasonableness comes into play. For example, if a character is injured and yours can render assistance, send a /tell and offer to jump in.

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If I see someone who is clearly IC and in a public or open space I will approach them without warning should I wish it.


Where I come from we don't do it any other way and it feels weird to me that I would need to ask OOC permission to RP with someone. Doesn't mean I never have any OOC communication, and I obviously wouldn't just intrude if it is an event.


But random RP? They'll have to deal with my character IC! I'm just gonna say it regardless of how stuck-up it sounds. If you don't want to be approached by strangers, don't RP in a public area such as a tavern!


Maybe that is strange to some people, but I am from the EU and I don't know a single EU player with the mindset that you have to whisper/tell first in any MMO I have ever played.

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If I see someone who is clearly IC and in a public or open space I will approach them without warning should I wish it.


Where I come from we don't do it any other way and it feels weird to me that I would need to ask OOC permission to RP with someone. Doesn't mean I never have any OOC communication, and I obviously wouldn't just intrude if it is an event.


But random RP? They'll have to deal with my character IC! I'm just gonna say it regardless of how stuck-up it sounds. If you don't want to be approached by strangers, don't RP in a public area such as a tavern!


Maybe that is strange to some people, but I am from the EU and I don't know a single EU player with the mindset that you have to whisper/tell first in any MMO I have ever played.

I can echo the EU statement here!


If you were in the open, you were open to be approached. The whole skittish outlook onto 'interrupting' roleplay baffles me, especially in this game seeming we got so many private spots, housing and what not where you can really lock yourself away at if you want to have privacy.


Really, I've never seen in all my years on WoW EU people acting all "Oh my, I might be interrupting roleplay!" If people really wanted to be alone, they would just switch to party, or instances, raidzones, Skype or anything else. If you were in the open, in roleplay gear, you were yielding yourself to any type of roleplay.


 Surely bumping into events was another thing, but even that most people didn't mind, at all!


And honestly, the only 'private' roleplay you would have on WoW EU was either fluff or ERP, the rest everyone just did in the open >_>

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Amusingly for Ben this situation solves itself in most instances. See, Ben is homeless and I tend to post him outside of public rp hotspots and panhandle to players passing by. If they are accepting to a little random rp then they engage in him, and if not they walk by . . . which works if you are playing a bum.


As for overhearing people in a public place rping through a dialogue he would be interested in, then I have him walkup. I do get that sending the /tell is considered polite, but it seems odd to secretly ask to join a conversation being had in the most public of forums in the game. If they ignore Ben then I assume they have something against him being a bum and move on without breaking any immersion for myself.

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