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What's your character fighting style?


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Kodie prefers shooting things until they stop moving, he's not afraid to unload as much ammo as possible, but if they manage to get close enough, he can handle himself in a fist fight. He can and will use small arms like knives if needed, but when it comes to sword, thinks of Mal Reynolds in the episode "Shindig" and that's pretty much the equivalent of Kodie's skills when it comes to sword dueling. I'd consider him a dirty fighter.


Korben is more of a brute force type of person since an axe is his main weapon, though he will also use a sword. He has no magic skills whatso ever, and lacks any ranged fighting skills. He prefers to go up close with his enemy.

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She's tank in-game so I feel like I have to RP her similarly.  She uses avoidance and defense techniques until an opportunity arises to use brutal, merciless force.  Opponents tend to mistake her technique as a sign they are winning right up until their head comes off.

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Hmm. I think Warren's go-to style would be pack tactics. He's rarely alone if he ends up getting into a fight, and since he's a big guy with a sword and a shield he appears to be a fairly threatening foe. By drawing attention of someone in combat and keeping it, he's able to let them get pummeled or skewered or chopped in two by someone else on his side.


In a purely one-on-one affair that isn't the Grindstone, Warren is usually reticent to get into a fight. If he absolutely has to engage, he seeks to disarm his opponents to try and get them to back down. If they are particularly spirited in their aggression, sometimes that means aiming for wrists or feet or knees. He's also not afraid to let his armor or body take what would not be a lethal strike in the hopes of landing one of his own to bring an end to things.

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Orrin's combat is borne from training as a Dragoon, as such its all about finding that one exposed weak spot and putting all the force into that hit to put the threat down for good and moving on to the next one. 


Enemy and currently held weapon informs the nuances of his style, However most who have RP'd combat with Orrin can attest it usually revolves around jumping at an opponent really hard. Failing that it tends to become a flurry of blows to overwhelm and eventually crush the opponent.

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Hmm. I think Warren's go-to style would be pack tactics. He's rarely alone if he ends up getting into a fight, and since he's a big guy with a sword and a shield he appears to be a fairly threatening foe. By drawing attention of someone in combat and keeping it, he's able to let them get pummeled or skewered or chopped in two by someone else on his side.


In a purely one-on-one affair that isn't the Grindstone, Warren is usually reticent to get into a fight. If he absolutely has to engage, he seeks to disarm his opponents to try and get them to back down. If they are particularly spirited in their aggression, sometimes that means aiming for wrists or feet or knees. He's also not afraid to let his armor or body take what would not be a lethal strike in the hopes of landing one of his own to bring an end to things.

In reality this is Warrens combat style.


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Considering that Klynzahr has recently exchanged her falchion for a grimoir and lost her eyesight her general combat approach has remained amazingly consistent.


Support and defense have always been her strengths. She may have been an armored giant, with a sword that was longer then most dark knight weapons.... but she was constantly evaluating the situation, seeking to either outlast or out think her opponents.


She was basically an arcanist with a sword and shield.


Now she is just an arcanist. :P



Kuina's style is superficially similar. She typically focuses on controlling her opponent and maintaining a strong defense. However while Klyn is primarily a strategist, Kuina acts upon instinct and allows the elements to mold her spells. She is less detail oriented than Klynzahr and generally far calmer in a fight.

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Shofie is just flatly a berserker, more in a traditional sense, and less the typical "Final Fantasy" sense (where they wear all the beast furs and such). She gets infinitely more dangerous in combat if she gets angry, or hurt, but she also gets out of control and she can become dangerous to friend AND foe at that point.


Mind you, she'll only "berserk" if she gets injured or exceptionally angry, she's capable of rationally fighting. It's not like just any and every combat will berserk her.


I play her as a fistfighter/axe-wielder in character.

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Noah wields his lance in a style very similar to our Bojutsu, using the entirety of the lance to strike at an enemy and only causing a mortal blow if absolutely necessary.

Because of this style, Noah favours lances with good counter-weights which provide perfect balance. His current lance was custom made with this in mind and he can balance it perfectly on one finger held in the dead centre of the lance.


Watching him in combat is something of a spectacle - with quick movements and a considerable amount of spinning of the lance, you wouldn't be too wrong to think he has a flair for the dramatic, though he'd tell you it's simply a way to intimidate his opponent.

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Garza is on the line between a MRD and a WAR as far as combat goes in character. He carries an axe or a lance and is likely to charge an enemy until it dies or he does. Since he normally fights monsters and tries to tap into a feral side of himself when fighting to the death, it's not likely I can compare him to any sort of traditional combat style. 


He fights with his weapon of choice. If it breaks, then he resorts to attacking bare-handed. If it gets to the point where his weapon is broken. You're likely to see him resort to more feral tactics. Biting, clawing, so on so forth until the job is done or he's dead. The guy doesn't really have an off switch one it's been flipped on.


In more relaxed combat, such as sparring. He's "kinda okay" at most weapons and tends to bounce between his feet to try and feign an opening.

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Solenne uses a combination of knife play and umbral-aspected thaumaturgy in combat. She wields bone-hilted daggers set with gems that act as foci for her spells. When she starts casting, the temperature of the air around her plummets, and her blades, clothes, and even the ground under her feet have been known to frost over. Her signature spell encases her target in ice for several minutes. This more frequently results in death by suffocation than by hypothermia. She calls it her 'ice coffin' spell.


Michaux is an archer, and he's a damn good one, but he often finds himself in close combat situations where his bow is mostly useless, assuming he even has it on him. (It's an awkward weapon to carry around all the time, so he often leaves it at home.) He carries knives but is not very skilled with them, so until recently he pretty much had to rely on dumb luck to get out of sticky situations. Now he also has magic to fall back on, but his aether reserves are fairly limited. 


Ardenoix is a classic knight with a sword and shield. And a few knives. And some poisons. And fire spells. And he's really not above strangling his victims with his bare hands, either. Honestly, Ardenoix doesn't care how he kills you. The point is that if he wants to, he probably will.


Elinore has never technically been in combat. She's been close a few times, but she has used sleep, paralysis, or memory spells to disable her attackers. She is a precocious young mage with knowledge of a wide range of magical techniques, so she'll probably acquit herself well when she does eventually have to fight.


Tianh punches things. Sometimes she uses fist weapons. Sometimes she uses her bare fists. Her favorite strategy is to bring the fight to the ground to eliminate any height advantage her opponent might have.


Tatsu has very little combat experience. She is a young arcanist trainee with a whole lot to learn, but she can defend herself if she has to. Or more accurately, her carbuncle can defend her.

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Nebula's approach.. and she is normally taken out early on


  1. First be stoic and stand your ground projecting an air of nul-concern
  2. A thump on the noggin with a sick can often shock people into respect
  3. When this proves to not work - Run, probably with screams to attract aid and disorient your  attacker
  4. Deploy magic to slow, hinder and confuse (ice/oil floor, firework light effects, banshee howl)
  5. If others are helping, support and help them (toughen their skin, healing, extra lucky, flaming swords, whatever seems appropriate) and annoy the enemy (distractions, insect swarms, lethargy, trips, fumbles, bad luck)
  6. Escalation *rare* (unleash all the magic, burn down the house, one becomes three, dark fairy queen)

Whatever the case there is generally a cover of slapstick over the top of using simple magic in an effective way with the OOC intent to enjoy the RP rather than win. Though if it is a high pressure IC situation, she will likely get to her serious pissed state.

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With only her base weapon? Timing, momentum and physics are Eses' weapons. What she lacks in strength and overall brawn, she makes up for in speed, reflexes and the means to read her opponent's movement's in order to throw off their momentum, use it to propel herself somewhere and/or break her opponent's defense whilst having barely touched them

The closest means of resemblance towards a real spear fighting style, would be the Kung Fu style of the Qiang, although in a more butchered fashion since the wielder is far more agile and athletic than someone who would have performed this in real life.


If she has her traps?

Rig the general vicinity, put something enticing in place and then run for the hills.

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Sounsyy is an efficient, brute force attacker. She realizes that most enemies she faces will be bigger and stronger than she is, so she uses that to her advantage, oftentimes using her smaller stature and an opponent's misconception that she's weak to throw her attacker off balance. She then uses her large, heavy scutum shield as a battering ram to further disorient her enemy. Nearly twenty pounds of metal swung by a swimmer's arm into someone's thighs, hips, ribs, or face is usually enough to stagger or incapacitate most enemies.


This is when her shortsword comes into play. It's a thick blade, good for parrying or causing deep gauges or dents in armor when swung. But it's largely non-lethal until she stabs someone with it, which is her tactic to finish off disoriented opponents. If an opponent is too tall, she'll try to get in close with her blade and sting their leg or knee so they go down closer to her level. There she can hit them in the face with her shield to daze them. Then it's a matter of running the blade between their ribs or up into their side to kill them. In sport combat, she usually just leaves her attacking to her shield and will leave her opponent dazed or unconscious.


Sounsyy's also a musketeer, now Maelstrom, but formerly of the Knights of the Barracuda. When she's in Limsa or on a naval vessel, she keeps a Lominsan double-shot pistol strapped to her hip. Her musket is optimal at close to medium range only, and takes too long to reload in an actual battle, so this gets used for emergencies or cheap shots. If say a full-sized Roegadyn marauder charged her, she'd wait until he was nearly point blank and knock him down with a single shot to the face or chest. Sounsyy is a better tactician than she is a fighter, any day. Just because she knows how to fight larger opponents, doesn't always mean its the best use of her energy on a large battlefield with multiple enemies.

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As "unfair" and dirty as possible. Mali isn't exactly a fighter, she's an engineer with a dirty and outdated musket pistol and a whole bunch of explosives that need testing. Her job is to make things explode, the fighting and magic throwing she leaves to others.


She'll throw dirt in your eyes, bite your arm or ear mid grapple, throw a bunch of firecrackers, aim for the family jewels, shoot the kneecaps/ankles. Anything that would put her in a better situation to retreat or incapacitate/kill. Merciless cunning is her strong suit, not raw strength or martial prowess.

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  • 10 months later...

As a huge fan of combat sports, I drew a lot of real life influences to Khatar'sae's fighting style as well as how pugilists are described in game (emphasis on combinations and stance switching if I recall correctly). I like to think of him as a blend of mostly muay thai, dutch style kickboxing, and karate and primarily drew inspiration from UFC's former bantamweight champ TJ Dillashaw.


Khatar'sae would fight out of a philly shell for the most part and is a switch hitter, meaning that he fights out of southpaw and orthodox stances, which allows him to cover distance quickly and take more angles. As a jack of all trades Khatar'sae would often look to take away his opponent's strengths and exploit their weaknesses but this is not always the case. He is not afraid to brawl with brawlers or to out think strategists. Khatar'sae throws a wide range of punches and kicks, opening with noncommittal strikes on the outside before throwing more combinations and power shots, though he would not be as patient in group fights and more chaotic situations. His magical capabilities are limited to boosting his physical capabilities though chakras.



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Emma tries to avoid stand up fights whenever possible in favor of lying, misdirection, running away, looking harmless, or letting someone else handle the rough stuff. While she has few moral qualms it is her opinion that fights and dead bodies attract too much attention. 


If forced to fight she relies on her knives, speed, and an assortment of dirty tricks learned growing up on the mean streets of Ul'dah. As an amateur mage she will mix in the occasional spell, usually when her opponent least expects it.

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As a pugilist, Kallera's style depends on her target. against humanoid targets Kallera is a kickboxer, with her focus on staying in her range of attack, and prioritizing speed and reach to keep the opponent on the defensive.

Against more larger or hardened targets (magitek, giants) Kallera looks for spots on the target to attack, and using more punches than kicks(as the hands will likely be armed, and thus capable of more precise damage.) The type of fighter that would see shoulder tackle and fall in love with it.


As a Dark Knight, Kallera is unnervingly calm, when particularly drawing from her darkside, she starts teasing and taunts like a child. Often uses a greatsword for the defense. She is stronger with the sword techniques than the magical ones, using attacks like unmend as a way to land a strong attack that would telegraphed alone. She is no stranger to a tangle or grapple, and will sometimes use them herself to set up a cheap shot.

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  • 1 month later...

Miiyn abhors being damaged or hurt. She is absolutely terrible at close-range combat due to this. Luckily, she's great at healing and a pretty good shot with a bow. However, despite the fact that she does have some surprising aptitude with knife-play due to her slight frame and nimble fingers (thanks to her proficiency with weaving and alchemy), she usually avoids it due to the whole being-up-close-and-personal-with-the-enemy thing.


She makes an ABYSMAL tank because she cannot keep an enemy's attention on her even to save her life.

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Liliri is just... reckless. She keeps going on and on, constantly jumping and using brute force as if trying to force her will against the opponent. Her main job is a Dark Knight, but she was originally a white mage, so she always thinks that she can heal herself afterwards and doesn't care about the consequences of being hurt. 

Much of this style is due to her own insecurity about her place in the world, which she tries to conceal with lots of jumping, rushing and outbursts of her big sword. Truth is, to this day, even with lack of faith, she still ocillates between "white magic" and "dark arts", while trying to protect those who are important to her.

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Whether she's hunting with a shortbow or duelling with a sword and shield, Rinh fights with precision, accuracy, and persistence.


She learned to shoot growing up in a very traditional Keeper family, and maintains the skills she learned at her mother's knee. Stalk quietly, avoid sudden movements, maintain a tireless pursuit, stay in cover, and when you finally do shoot, for Menphina's sake, make it count-- if you startle your quarry, all your efforts are for nought, and the family goes hungry.


Rinh's time flighting on the bloodsands was one of the most intensely unhappy times in her life, but the lessons she learned about fighting with sword and scutum have served her well. She's stronger than she looks, but the fact of the matter is that a four fulm eleven ilm miqo'te isn't going to be able to knock down a seasoned Roegadyn or Highlander fighter with brute force alone. So precision, accuracy, and persistence are as important in a melee as they were when hunting antelope in the depths of Shroud. Every blow must strike true, every opponent's blow must be parried or blocked with her shield with unerring accuracy, and above all, she has to endure, no matter how exhausted or injured she might be-- if she lost a fight, all her efforts would be for nought, and her family went hungry.


Towards the end of her career, she heard a rumor that some of her opponents were just outright aiming for deathblows, since it was allegedly the only way to get her to stop fighting. She never did find out if that was true or not, but it still helped her decide to put her winnings towards passage on a ship the hell out of Thanalan.


In her current capacity as an officer of the Maelstrom, this defensive fighting style is put to what Rinh considers much better use-- protecting others from harm, saving the weak, working to better the whole Eorzean Alliance. But the instincts that guide her are still half Black Shroud and half Coliseum.

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Val improvises, but he also realizes that no move should be a wasted opportunity, so he's careful not to overextend himself or make any movements that don't have a particular goal in mind.


He mainly fights with a spear and his daggers, something he learned both in his time growing up in his tribe and later added on to with his secondary weapons. Over time, the spear became more secondary than the daggers and each had its own purpose.


The point of the spear is to test enemies and keep them at bay with pokes, prods, and a bit of defensive maneuvers as well. It acts as a makeshift shield while also helping to serve as a weapon. If he can manage to finish off his opponent with the spear, great. Val's certainly no slouch with the weapon and has managed to do so pretty often!


However, once he grows confident in being able to read the enemy's moves or finds a weakness/opening, he'll often drop the spear in light of a swift, finishing blow. An example of this is when an opponent of his overextended with a straight jab with a sword, in which Val dropped the spear and snapped the enemy's arm at the elbow. Another, he parried a high blow and pulled a dagger to counter with a stab to the chest.


Another part of his fighting style (as mentioned above) is disabling. If a person can't use their limbs, they can't attack, and it is also something he learned in the Shroud. When they were hunting game, especially of the dangerous variety, they often operated by striking from multiple directions at key points to subsequently weaken their foe and is something that the Seeker relies on in combat, especially when fighting enemies much larger than him.


Finally, in a world where almost everyone has some sort of ace up their sleeve when it comes to magical technique, Val has the use of mudra. It is something that grew out of necessity rather than a direct desire to use it, and Val very sparingly employs it thanks to a pact he made when he began learning it and a respect for the individual that taught him. I also like to limit it based on the theory that, since Mudra pulls from the elements around, Val has to have certain elements in his vicinity to be able to use certain things.


For example, there has to be open sky/a wind in order to actually use a wind spell to improve his speed. There must be fire, or a source of heat, for him to use fire to mix in with things. There must be an open sky for him to draw on lightning, or a mage using lightning spells for him to extract the aether from, and so on and so forth. It feels more realistic to me, and while it makes him more of a.. mudra-using geomancer, it lets him (and me) get creative in the combat, which is always fun!

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In general, Haztion is a traditional practitioner of weapons, believing in them to be tools, as well as extensions of one own's body. As such, it is important to use the right tool for the right job. For killing small game, or quick prey, be it large insects, wolf-like critters or even other humanoid enemies and Lalafell, he would be ready with a one-handed sword, namely his personal Cutlass made out of the bone of a whale. Against larger beasts, he would employ a Greatsword or his axe, depending on what's needed.


He doesn't fight with a shield, preferring to leave his left hand free. However, he would usually have armor on, and as such, is accustomed to using his gauntlet to parry attacks away from himself. The free hand allows him the option to use his opponent as leverage, if he could grab an overextended spear thrust, or catch an article of clothing, if not a body part. As such, his style seems very rough around the edges, with an aggressive focus on moving into an opponent's space, but keeping the blade away, making it harder to anticipate. A less-experienced opponent would be watching his sword arm for any attacks, only to be greeted with punches, shoulder tackles, tripping and kicks.


As a former privateer, his fighting style is unorthodox, wild and aggressive. Mostly because his style wasn't born from the disciplined halls of martial artists, but from being given a weapon and being told to survive. While traditionally, the style seems to have many gaps in its defense, not many have the peace of mind when participating in combat to effectively take advantage of all of them.

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Being a thaumaturge, Celica tends to go for a devastating first attack followed up by a series of high powered spells designed to overkill, just in case. Should that fail, she will often swiftcast a sleep spell so she can back off and regroup for another go. When all else fails, she runs away as fast as possible and comes back when she feels she can gain an advantage over her opponent. Lately, she's been practicing some sword play to mix in with her tactics.


Ayane tends to fight aggressively, pressing her opponents until they make a mistake and she can slip her weapon into an opening. If the opponent is still standing when she begins to tire, she switches to a defensive stance and tries to redirect her opponents attack and riposte. She is careful not to allow her opponent to put her to far on the defensive and will often shift from what was at first a defensive stance to a swift and powerful attack designed to throw her opponent off balance, setting them up for a take down.

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Given Valic's practices in magic and sword techniques as well as his composure... I'd say he's more of the type to build a tactic throughout a fight to win a result.


For instance, using magical abilities at a range to force the opponent to dodge and move about until there's an opening for him to lunge and strike with his sword. If he can't find an opening, he'll essentially "make one". Keeping distance with Valic would just result in tiring yourself out with a constant barrage of attacks, slowing your endurance or catching you off guard. If a head on assault was had, he'd just have to take it on himself within melee range and possibly create a gap if he felt the need to be defensive.


Overall, the strongest offense can make a suitable defense. If they're immobilized and unable to counter attack with so much pressure, there's nothing to fear typically. I would say that could be Valic's weakness in combat though, getting in a surprise attack or something sudden that would force Valic into his own position. In the end it'd be a battle of the minds, who can outdo who or who can best use the environment to the best of their abilities to their advantage. Otherwise, he's very cautious in choosing when to deliver a finishing blow that risks a close up encounter.




That's only strategy though, if we're talking actual attacks.... I'd say massive flares and aeros to keep the opponent on their feet. They'd be typically fast spells with chainspelling and the range coupled with the size of spells would prevent any advances or retreating to original positions. The moment they're between steps of dodging a ranged attack would be when he would lunge in for the multiple stabs and finishing blow. If that doesn't kill them.. he'd retreat and advance when another opening is available and repeat until it was a success. (sounds very much like the red mage videos so far huh, just repeat the spells and rapier motions until dead lol.)

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