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"Ugh I need to update my character's Wiki"

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I've just posted a Work in Progress wiki for Y'lani, complete with a tag for broken file links. How do you update the tags, anyway?


Yep, that's because you have files set in place in the code for pictures that don't exist! Once you swap those out for real files, you won't be tagged for that anymore. You can add tags by doing this:




[[Category: Balmung]]

[[Category: Miqo'te]]

[[Category: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun]]

[[Category: Work In Progress]]



at the very bottom of the page!

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I've just posted a Work in Progress wiki for Y'lani, complete with a tag for broken file links. How do you update the tags, anyway?


Yep, that's because you have files set in place in the code for pictures that don't exist! Once you swap those out for real files, you won't be tagged for that anymore. You can add tags by doing this:




[[Category: Balmung]]

[[Category: Miqo'te]]

[[Category: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun]]

[[Category: Work In Progress]]







at the very bottom of the page!


That's exactly what I needed! Thanks!


Just so everyone knows, if you use the Infobox template, you automagically get categories added for server, race, clan, and citizenship. I know the Infobox isn't everyone's cup of tea, but you don't have to worry about categorization if you put it somewhere on your page.

Thank you! The infobox would look very odd on the template I'm using, but it's a great thing to know should I choose to have any future characters.

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I finally got around to creating a profile for one of my characters:




It's pretty light on precise details since I enjoy keeping things fairly vague to avoid spoiling too much in advance. Though I plan to expand the profile over time as he interacts with other characters in-game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just updated a good chunk of my wiki again thanks to seeing a really neat infobox on someone else's page.


It started out with just that and then I just started making more changes. Altering the layout a little, fleshing out his background more, and adding even more of the folks he's met as a sort of impromptu little black book so I can check to see who he knows and who he doesn't.


Not to mention I'm tempted to go through my screenshots again when I get home and expand on that gallery a bit as well. Oh, and replace the mugshot with that awesome art piece I commissioned from Berrod.


... I just really want it to look nice. :blush:

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Just updated a good chunk of my wiki again thanks to seeing a really neat infobox on someone else's page.


It started out with just that and then I just started making more changes. Altering the layout a little, fleshing out his background more, and adding even more of the folks he's met as a sort of impromptu little black book so I can check to see who he knows and who he doesn't.


Not to mention I'm tempted to go through my screenshots again when I get home and expand on that gallery a bit as well. Oh, and replace the mugshot with that awesome art piece I commissioned from Berrod.


... I just really want it to look nice. :blush:

zomg I gotta copy him too the stat block is so cool.


... But, even though I did it, I can't seem to change the colors in the stat block. So the title and items are invisible... (>_<)

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Just updated a good chunk of my wiki again thanks to seeing a really neat infobox on someone else's page.


It started out with just that and then I just started making more changes. Altering the layout a little, fleshing out his background more, and adding even more of the folks he's met as a sort of impromptu little black book so I can check to see who he knows and who he doesn't.


Not to mention I'm tempted to go through my screenshots again when I get home and expand on that gallery a bit as well. Oh, and replace the mugshot with that awesome art piece I commissioned from Berrod.


... I just really want it to look nice. :blush:

zomg I gotta copy him too the stat block is so cool.


... But, even though I did it, I can't seem to change the colors in the stat block. So the title and items are invisible... (>_<;)


Ah, I know the problem. Citizenship is what sets the colors and the banners. I originally had "Doma" as mine and it didn't work until I changed it to "Ul'dah." Yours is "None yet" so it doesn't load. Even if you change it later, I think setting it to one of the three cities should fix your problem.

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Ah, I know the problem. Citizenship is what sets the colors and the banners. I originally had "Doma" as mine and it didn't work until I changed it to "Ul'dah." Yours is "None yet" so it doesn't load. Even if you change it later, I think setting it to one of the three cities should fix your problem.


Just as a fun little sidenote to this, there seems to be other options for Citizenship other than the three starter cities that have color schemes and graphics associated with them. I can't find a good way to list them out (other than going here and picking through the ones that seem valid) but if you're playing something like an Ishgardian, Ala Mhigan, or Sharlayan those work as well.


No Doma (Domian?) for Chachanji though... :cry:

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Technical stuff ahoy!


The LanInfoBox template, just like Infobox-character, uses a cool "behind the scenes" template called Citizenship-switch. If you look at its documentation (linked), it'll list off all the supported citizenships. Citizenship-switch also drives the autocategorization function of templates related to or derived from Infobox-character.


Doma isn't currently supported by Citizenship-switch, so the template falls back to the "default" option. It's not that hard to add Doma in, but it would require changes to Citizenship-switch, Citizenship-logo (which is where the logos come from), and templates that use those (so they correctly specify what to do when "Doma" is specified). It's nothing against Doma; we don't have Thavnairia or Meracydia, either. :) Infobox-character uses the default fallback of Citizenship-switch to provide a generic grey background with no logo for the header if you specify a citizenship it can't parse. It looks like LanInfoBox does something similar, at least in the header, but I haven't read the entire template, so I can't comment on what else it does. :)

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I followed Xydane's example and actually listed in order Roen's story threads in her Wiki page. It is actually helping ME locate them. :roll:


AND I added a very lovely art piece that I commissioned for Roen and Nero's current arc. I must say I was quite pleased with it. :)

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I am new to FFXIV as of the first weekend in January, and new to Balmung as of this morning! I recently finished putting some meat on the bones of my two main characters' wiki pages:


Rosalind, Eccentric Ul'dahn Bookseller: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Rosalind_Westwind


Kamome, Mopey Doman Smuggler: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Kamome_Greywing


I am looking for some lore-inclined readers to do a quick scan of my dates and character histories and let me know if they see any glaring errors. I am still very, very new to Hydaelyn's lore because I'm still a new player in the game's lower level ranges.


A warning: they are pretty wordy and full of run-on sentences at the moment. If you read them and catch any errors, I would be eternally grateful (especially because they are so rambly right now...) Please send me a PM if you have any feedback or corrections! My English is not as good as it should be and I would love edit suggestions if they occur to you, too. Maybe it's crazy of me to think one of you would enjoy correcting my English, but I find editing fun, myself.


I can't wait to see all of you in Hydaelyn tonight!

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Nice sheets. Maybe sometime our characters could meet?

Your character is a refugee and a smuggler. That's two different reasons why she might have stopped briefly at the (non-canon) atoll Virara was raised in. Depending on when she stopped there, Virara might have mugged her or bought from her, I'm a bit more sketchy on the timeline.

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Nice sheets. Maybe sometime our characters could meet?

Your character is a refugee and a smuggler. That's two different reasons why she might have stopped briefly at the (non-canon) atoll Virara was raised in. Depending on when she stopped there, Virara might have mugged her or bought from her, I'm a bit more sketchy on the timeline.


Hey, that sounds great! I would love to RP with you. I'll check out your wiki today before I get home and friend you when I get online. I am definitely looking for smuggler connections! The atoll idea is very cool—it's possible (because they're around the same age, too) that Kamome would have met her even before she left Doma; her family led a small trading company.


And lala connections!! Especially roguishly-inclined lala connections. >:D

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Casually gonna just join this thread. I recently (through a long story) am recreating K'aworu on Balmung when the server opens up, but I've actually not been actively RPing much for some months... so I kinda need to update his wiki, not to mention probably set him on a more interactable sort of story arc (if that makes sense).


So ahem. Yes hello.


The characters I've been reading in this thread are pretty swanky~

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I've lost hours reading through so many of these. I'd be happy to contribute, alas... I don't have a character to submit yet.


I love the formats you all use, very easy on the eyes. It's funny to see how much it's changed over the years. Wikis make this so much better.


I suppose in the meantime I'll keep reading. This way I can steal all of your powers and- Whoops.

Carry on.

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I actually need to update Chachan's backstory a bit. Not so much rehash the older stuff, but add in some of the newer. He's more or less entered a new "arc" and so I think it would be good to define what's happened thus far. I just need to figure out what to include and what to name those specific sections.

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All these updates to pages and here I am still figuring out the wikis for my other characters.


Finally got around to updating Kat's wiki....but then I realized that arc is coming to an end soonish and then I'll need to ctrlF all the "she" to replace with "he" then rework a few things, replace "Kat" with "Kurt", edit shit, add shtuff to the wiki, recap.....yeah I dont feel like updating the wiki anytime soon. xD


-amateur tsun mode on-

I-it's not like I want you guys to read it or anything. 

-amateur tsun mode off-

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