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RP Confession Thread

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1) I am a fiend for conflict, angst, and feels in RP and delight when someone else is as much of a trashbaby shitlord nerd as I am about it.


2) Unless someone's RPing something that goes way out of my comfort zone ("My name is Naruto! I am an shinobi that is also the reincanation of Rhalgr himself in cat boy form!") - I adjust how I approach Lore and Suspension of Disbelief on the fly depending on who I am RPing with. (I.E: WHMs and people who don't think you can be WHMs, people capable of anime-style feats of strength and people who take a more 'gritty-realism' approach to combat)


I try to keep my characters in a mold where I can RP with either group at any time.


3) My first RP character was in AOL Chatrooms and it was a very, very small chocobo that was about the size of a Pomeranian.

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1.  I prefer open-world RP so when people let me drag them on crazy adventures that almost get them or my character killed and even play with the idea of permadeath...omg. The feels.  


2.  I like when RP doesn't go as I expected in the sense that something I thought was one thing ends up being something super different. Like I thought this would be one scene and it turns into some super character development stuff.


3.  When I am a para-poster, I am always unsure what to do about people who don't do it. I don't feel like changing my style and then I get nervous about the RP. 


4.  Managing RP on multiple characters gets nerve wracking.  My main is the IC leader of my FC (somehow?) and lately I've been super uninterested in RP on him...but there is a responsibility to do so and it gets a little nerve wracking to make him be likable when he really isn't supposed to be.


5.  My main wasn't ever intended to be an anti-Ishgard evil butt...but he turned out that way and I'm soooo happy it was fixed in the coolest way possible.


6.  I don't like how many male roleplayers portray their female characters who are interested in other women.  It's really offensive how most of them make their characters go after every other woman with legs.  Just....no.


7.  I am hella bored by tavern RP.  You'll only ever find me in the QS on any of my characters afk or idly standing there reading other people's RP for fun and maybe...just MAYBE...silently judging.  I'd rather go on the adventure than talk about it with others.

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First time I had ever rp'd wasn't in a game but on a website for anime enthusiasts probably...7 years ago. It was pretty bad.


I used to DM a lot growing up playing DnD and I was really mean to my players. But after awhile one of my friends started taking over tormenting people for me which was nice.


Though I have no idea how I am fairing now vs then. But the community I have met so far has been stellar to say the least. Plus the groups I am in have been super helpful in getting me into RP.

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- I first started my career as a role-player back on a fan site devoted to the early Resident Evil games. Most of my role-play back then revolved around survival horror. I began investing in MMO role-play around the same time that WoW's first expansion launched.


- I love engaging in debates regarding the lore and role-play etiquette. It's something I find very interesting to discuss and I feel it's a shame when people can't simply agree to disagree or treat anything resembling standards as 'elitism'.


- I always feel guilty having bad things happen to Graeham but it's oddly satisfying at the same time.


- I'm a lot more guarded online than I'd like to be after encountering the worst that a role-play community can offer elsewhere. I fear this makes me seem more frigid than I actually am but in reality I just don't pretend as if everybody I meet is suddenly a close personal friend. Those of you who take the time to get to know me, though? I appreciate it a lot. Immensely.

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  • The fastest way for me to fall asleep is picturing my character going about her daily routine. Something about it is relaxing to me.
  • I enjoy coming up with stressful situations for my character. I began mmo rping almost a year ago and I can definitely view how my character has matured in that time due to the situations I put her through.
  •  I'm terribly timid in real life and this somewhat carries over into my rp. I find it difficult to get involved in rp with people outside of my fc because I don't want to be rejected or viewed as an annoyance. 
  • I have very very few friends in real life and as such I become attached to the people I meet online. I know this is probably troublesome to a lot of people, so I'm sorry for that if it is. ^^;

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1. I really love to RP with almost everyone but while I have grown as an adult as the baby roleplayer I joined into this scene as... I am intimidated as fuck and shy as all get out. So... I just sorta... idle and people RP watch. Then, I usually sorta just... PVE. And hope maybe someone will say "wanna RP?" and I will drop everything (finish dungeon) and go RP!!!!11111


I'm still fakin' it 'til I make it.


3. It's taken me time to learn this. I've learned to find ways to RP with you. So usually, if you just ask me, I will get a way. Somehow. It might take me an agonizing week or two, but it will happen. All the while I will be screaming excitable happy tears of relief that you are RPing with me. Because I like to figure out a nice story setting to introduce or start a scene even if it's just small. Having a friend free labor someone pick up and drop off a chocobo BUT NOT :<. Deciding to try a hand at a new trade but running away because you left the primary weapon somewhere else? Yes, you wonderfully elegant Elezen, save the lalafell. I don't want to just bump and be friends because... I just can't do that realistically as a person and for a character.


4. I am not obligated to interact with or roleplay with everyone. I am allowed to roleplay/interact or not with whoever for whatever reason I please.


5. My first RP character was this dude right here on GaiaOnline's Breedables/Collectibles forums.


It blossomed into something like this


But finishing University and then work got in the way. I wasn't able to rejoin like I'd hoped even just a year ago...


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I think the biggest issue with shy roleplayers is that they are afraid to actually ask anyone in case the other person/group don't find their character interesting at all.



1. If I want to take part in public RP, I'd really like to do it in the outside world and not confined to the likes of the Quicksand(not that I wouldn't mind visiting it once or twice). Though with that said, RP'ing in a place with lots of regular, non-RPers around would make me very nervous and self-conscious, like the markets for example ;


2. People who weave ERP into their stories don't bother me in the slightest. People who ERP for the sole purpose of ERP'ing do. So with that in mind, seeing what seems to be a large increase of those people standing around in the Quicksand - where I sometimes like to idle to look out for other RP'ers - makes me very sad. It's always going to be there and whatever, that's fine... but I just dislike how it's always consistently in my face and even outnumbering actual RPers on certain occasions. Honestly, I don't think I'll feel comfortable RP'ing there in the future for whenever I get around to playing that miqo'te scene I've had pending since months before Heavensward(oh my God, someone help me).

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3) My first RP character was in AOL Chatrooms and it was a very, very small chocobo that was about the size of a Pomeranian.






I have a few but it's hard to phone type. I kinda slinked about looking at people's wikis and felt motivated by their hard work to rp again. In retrospect, I should have realized not all of them would actually want to play with me, but such is life.

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My first RP character was made for Yahoo! Chat about 500 years ago and I honestly don't remember much about her except for her name and that she had one eye, a mechanical arm a la Vincent Valentine, and she had a sword or something. Don't remember anything else about her. I even drew her.


I'm super scared about asking people to RP. I'm just scared of people and their rad as heck characters.


The weirdest thing I've ever RPed was probably a kind of grisly take on the Trix Rabbit.


I used to be an admin and lore writer for a Minecraft RP server.


Because I spent so much time in chat RPs, I have a really bad habit of blabbing way too much when I RP in MMOs. I'M SORRY Y'ALL IF I'VE EVER FLOODED YOU. I'm trying really hard to get out of the habit, at least when RPing publically.

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- I absolutely despise any 'normal' romance. I want passion. I want drama. I want things to be complicated. If it is just your standard kissy face roleplay, I tend to get super bored super fast. Not that I have anything against people who do it, it is just not my thing.


- I like torturing my characters. I do not think any of my existing characters I have a particularly happy ending for them written. If roleplay leads up to it, of course I will change my mind, however it ain't my thing, happy endings.


- I can't roleplay male characters beyond a few concepts; Unless you want them to be n1 douches, or undead, I few I'm not going to be the person to roleplay men.


- Most of my characters have been magic users. With a few exceptions. I lubs magic in roleplay.


- Elves/human relationships ALWAYS end up to be a theme of most of my characters. And I'm not even doing it on purpose.


- Adhering to lore is a big thing to me. If people don't there is a big chance I probably won't be that enthusiastic about roleplaying with them. Of course grey areas can be filled in, as long as they make sense! :D


- I can't do apprentice roleplay. Done it a few times, and gods, I hated it so much.


- Guilds/FCs don't do it for me. Never have on any MMO. I prefer good friends who I can rely onto over any guild/fc. Especially after I've seen on another MMO guilds just turning into cliques, and stamping down any sort of random roleplay in cities.



- Personally I cannot stand another 'progressive' irl female roleplaying your stereotypical gay man. Of course, exceptions to be made! THANKFULLY! But I've seen so many male gay characters just being degraded to their yaoi fantasy roleplay. I find these type of people terribly offensive towards the LGBT community; despite them claiming often to be a part of it.


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--As a general rule I can't stand when people talk about their characters.  I get it, they're special to you and powerful in their own regard but not too powerful because they have this tragic thing, and they're just going through so much right now and...


-- This is the main reason I play NPCs, I love seeing characters be special, but I hate being talked at about why they are.


--Biggest pet peeve is when you take abilities from somewhere else into whatever setting you're in.  Give me a reason to believe it would exist at least.  Don't just say "I can do this."


--I lied. Biggest pet peeve is when you try to make me sympathetic to your character's plight. Or try to apologize for them. "Well my character would..." Yes I get that. but guess who made them that way. You.


--Blatant disregard for in game authority for whatever reason is a big way to get me to just walk away.  If you're that powerful you're boring, and if you aren't that powerful a police force, corrupt or otherwise should be a bit intimidating.


--Positive confession!  I end up deleting and remaking my characters a lot because they just aren't quite perfect.

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1. I don't like people who ERP as lalafell. They straight-up look like babies. Anybody who is alright writing a detailed account of a baby having sex is somebody I don't need in my life.


2. At least from what I've seen, a homosexual character being played by a heterosexual person of the opposite sex almost always ends poorly, so I tend to avoid those types. Most if not all that I've seen are either thinly-veiled ERP characters.


3. I think para-RP in a public setting is one of the most inconsiderate things you can do, especially in crowded places like the QS or public events. Match the length of those around you. The chatscroll is often bad enough, so I don't need five unnecessary sentences of inner monologue.

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1) I am a cruel god and enjoy putting my characters (and other people's characters if they like the same thing) through horrible, horrible things. ADVERSITY BUILDS CHARACTER.


2) Romance RP only interests me when it has a really awesome conflict (either the lovers are against each other or have to work together to endure some kind of trial or fight for some sort of goal) and would make for an interesting story. Otherwise I get bored as shit and have no interest.


3) I give the characters I spend the most time on (mains) the most complicated backgrounds and personalities. Alts get much simpler backgrounds and personalities that are easy for me to get into. This is because building up the RP for the complex characters takes a bigger time investment where as the alts are characters I just want to dive into and have fun with in bursts.


Unfortunately this means I have a ton of really awesome character ideas I want to run with, that I can't, because the time-investment is too high for an alt.

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My first RP character was made for Yahoo! Chat about 500 years ago and I honestly don't remember much about her except for her name and that she had one eye, a mechanical arm a la Vincent Valentine, and she had a sword or something. Don't remember anything else about her. I even drew her.


I'm super scared about asking people to RP. I'm just scared of people and their rad as heck characters.


The weirdest thing I've ever RPed was probably a kind of grisly take on the Trix Rabbit.


I used to be an admin and lore writer for a Minecraft RP server.


Because I spent so much time in chat RPs, I have a really bad habit of blabbing way too much when I RP in MMOs. I'M SORRY Y'ALL IF I'VE EVER FLOODED YOU. I'm trying really hard to get out of the habit, at least when RPing publically.

I understand entirely the second one. I wanted to rp, but I'm always worried someone's gonna be busy with PVE, or they don't want to rp at that moment, or that they don't care for my character.


It's a surreal feeling. Back when I did pbp, I was constantly in demand for play until I had almost no free time. I even got called onto another forum by demand, and it inflated my ego a little... Now it feels like I'm the fresh meat, like I've got something to prove again. I'd forgotten how that was. It's exciting and also intimidating.


Everyone is established and has long character plotlines, and I've read their wikis and seen how much work they put into thinking up backstories and setting up non-canon locations and groups, and I'm impressed. That's the kind of work that made me want to rp again after years of inactivity. Before I saw the wiki, I hadn't even considered rp in an MMO. And yet, at the same time, it makes the world feel "full," like any attempt I'd be making to fit in would be shoehorning myself into a story that doesn't have any room yet. It's kind of unfair, but I'm super envious of the people who already have very exclusive, small groups, and I want to prove I won't mess things up by getting involved with them. Their stories are already so interesting, and I can't find it in myself to break their equilibrium, potentially. Yet I really want to get involved.



Other confessions:


1. Like Tiergan and Virella, I am a sadistic creator, and I gorge myself on drama. I haze my characters because I care. :D

A lot of my characters have had tragic ends, or would have. Off the top of my head, one was separated from his sire and both died, one was a child soldier and got disposed of by the corrupt government, one became a fascistic computer program to please his dad and was deleted halfway through micromanaging the world to peace, one was a pair of identical twins holding the same identity who committed joint suicide, one had brain cancer, one killed the only other person who understood them and was destroyed before they could escape the collapse of the universe, one would lose her personality and become an empty shell for spirits to inhabit, and one had oni blood and was destined to either go mad or die violently. Needless to say, Virara's prospects aren't exactly glimmering. I say "would have" because of problem #2.


2. My stories don't get finished. I want to blame this on others, really I do, as shameless as that is. Pbp is a really flaky place. It's easy to blow off posting out of tiredness for weeks on end, and people progress at such a slow rate that sometimes campaigns just peter out and lose steam. Almost all the endings I listed up there never happened in game because people lost interest, but I'm also to blame. If I'd held their interest, or moved things faster, the story would get finished, and I sometimes lose creative energy too. I want to be better about that in FFXIV.


3. Being nice. I think that it might surprise or not, but outside of Balmung I am thought of as the 'grump' of my friends. I'm trying really, really hard to be nice and friendly to people in Balmung so as not to hurt anyone needlessly and make enemies. I feel a bit dishonest in doing this, and I keep somewhat secretive to avoid any OOC affecting people's impressions of my character. Every once in a while it gets through though.


4. I try hard not to be petty, but I've got a few chips on my shoulder. I don't like erp and avoid it pointedly, especially with Lalas; romance is fine and cute, but I just *can't* think about it. I even picked lala because I figured nobody would make a pass at her for it. I'm sad that I was proven wrong.


I get kinda paranoid sometimes people don't like me or my characters, and even if it's irrational, worry they've got it out for me. When clear headed, that's never a problem. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to write. Every once in a while though, I get that itch.


I'm not afraid to snowflake a little, but I am afraid of people not liking it. It's a weird contradiction. I never want to play anything too normal, but at the same time, don't want to alienate others.


Worst of all though is my fixation with bad luck; I'm one of THOSE who rolls poorly and feels like they're cursed. If I think logically about it, all those bad rolls eventually even out, but sometimes when stressed I complain more than I should. I've had my share of run-ins with bad luck, but never to the point that I've exaggerated at times.


5. I didn't get my start in rp, but in an IAQ (Imaginary FAQ) similar to the "make your character a fighting game character" thread, over a decade ago. Mine were of that horribly chu2 seraph wings and overpowered attacks level of mary sue. I want to slam my head against the keyboard every time I'm reminded of them.

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My RP intrigue started in AOL chat rooms when I was a youngin'. My first character was a Carpathian named Raven... because I was an angsty teen who read way to many Christine Feehan novels because vampire romance was soooooo legit. But it eventually came back around thanks to Twilight? I'd like to pretend that doesn't exist though... moving on.


During work (I'm a massage therapist), I get incredibly bored staring at the painting in my work space so my imagination runs wild with things my character experiences and ideas flourish and I use most actions in my random RP's with folks. And sometimes I forget if I've worked on the the clients right leg already... *ahem*


I've been strictly chat/forum RPing. I've played WoW for over four years, and never once roleplayed in-game. I found it... limiting. And I prefer to write and describe which you just can't do in such a fast paced environment where the deeds you do are on a whim instead of planned. The first time I ever roleplayed in-game was in FFXIV. And it was awesome. And I initiated because Chaz is just bubbly and enjoys being a social butterfly.


Backstories... *sigh* I'm terrible at them. I can not plan out my characters back story completely. I always keep it general to leave room for intrigue and minute details while interacting with other characters. It keeps the RP interesting, and me from getting bored.


My RP style reflects my taste for action/adventure, slice of life, romance and drama. I love having it all. And I will lovingly put my characters through the ringer... and yours and LET YOU put mine through hell as well. I do my best to spark reactions. To make you feel something. Whether it's amusement or full blown "omg-wtf-did-you-do, wwhhhyyyyyy!!" I love it all, and I want my unique character to be memorable to yours.


Hrmm... that's it really.

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I'm an enabler. I get my kicks out of fleshing out an already established world. My mind is such a churning chaos of creativity that every attempt made and spinning something from whole cloth tends to fray and the threads snap.


And the spinning wheel locks up. Then the loom collapses in on itself.


Give me an idea. Your character. Your character's perception of mine. Your headcanon on how you think Magic A works. The fact Eorzea is such a huge, rich world is such a bounty for me that I can't even begin to explain it. There's joy to be found in pulling weeds in the farm in Upper La Noscea. Fun to be had in plastering up posters for the next big fight in the Coliseum. Slaving away in front of a forge? Yes, please!


My confession is that I want to bask in the possibilities afforded to me.

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