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Halloween Candy

Miss Gaz

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Candy Corn!




Chachan has a thing about always having a decent quantity of Yellow Drops on him, and he's hit up for them now and then in normal situations. So, I would assume he'd likely give out the same on Halloween as well.


With more real-world candy instead of what's present in Eorzea? I'd probably say something like Starbursts. Chewy, fruity goodness~

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What do you mean "hand out"?  My character would be trick-or-treating!  Sure, he's a grown man, but that isn't the point!!


Actually, I expect his Halloween would be a lot like my own.  I like to dress up and chaperone my friend's kids, but I don't actually intend to do any trick-or-treating.  However, it never fails that some people will insist I take a piece of candy or something since I'm dressed up even though I'm clearly an adult. I figure my character would probably want to do something similar since he's a big kid at heart.  If people are as insistent for him as they are for me, he'll have a small but decent haul by the end of the night that he would pick one or two things from and then split the rest with the kids.  


In the event he does stay home, he would hand out nicer sweets, like full sized candy bars or little bags of better quality candy rather than cheap stuff.  He wouldn't give out anything he wouldn't have wanted, and he wouldn't stock up on anything he wouldn't want to eat in case there are any left over at the end of the night.

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Franz would likely be that person who would just buy a mixed bag of different candy, then put it in a little bowl on a stand outside the house with a "take one please" sign. ...and then set up observation to see if people were following the rule.


Worst-case, it wouldn't take much to scare all the Eorzean kids. Undo the glamor from his thirs eye and add some fake blood. Instant Garlean zombie.

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Franz would likely be that person who would just buy a mixed bag of different candy, then put it in a little bowl on a stand outside the house with a "take one please" sign. ...and then set up observation to see if people were following the rule.


Worst-case, it wouldn't take much to scare all the Eorzean kids. Undo the glamor from his thirs eye and add some fake blood. Instant Garlean zombie.


clio would most likely take the bowl and dump the entire thing into lenna's trick or treat bag. mostly so she can dig through it after lenna passes out and before vanya gets her hands on it :angel:


if she had to hand out candy it would be something with chocolate and peanut butter for the kids and some sort of rum laced chocolate for the adults having to be dragged along ;p

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Kat already has two major sweet tooths to deal with on a daily basid. She'd probably have assortment of sugary biscuits and pastries.


Guarding it with axe and rifle, maybe ask an aesthetician to make her zombie kat wherein only the brave kids can get her freshly made goodies because it looks realistic because she paid top gil for it.


Then you've got my alts who would join the trick or treating for various reasons. Like one is cheapskate who's 20mil in debt. The other is kind of a kid. The other two because foreingers.

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Nekhii would hand out full size candy bars in hopes of getting people to like him. He'd wind up eating whatever leftovers all by himself.


Jade would buy gummies, get roaring drunk that night and wind up using them in vodka instead because he totally forgot halloween wasn't just an excuse to go to drunken parties all night.

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hard caramel candy.


Think this:





Nnnnnngggghhh Lia my favorite ;-; I love those things so much.


That's what Judge would likely hand out as well, actually. In fact, I have a bit of a joke going right now that the ethers he keeps on hand for the healers at the Grindstone taste like these things melted down into a liquid. Grandpa giving you an old-timey pick-me-up when you come to visit him between matches.

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