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So few Roe?

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The difference between male and female Au Ra is laughable. Males at least look kinda cool if you get the settings right. Females look like tiny anime highschoolers. And the naming scheme on half the population is icing on the cake. Yandere-chan waiting for senpai to notice her. Possibly the only things more weeb than a Mi'Qote in a yukata.


I think Roes are pretty cool. I made on when I first started playing but realized the Highlanders have some of the best history to work with

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Umm what? They look like they're the same race. Only the Au Ra Look drastically different. The Roegadyn look much like Human Male and Females. If you put a Body Builder Male and Female the differences in appearance are about Roegadyn proportions.


Fem Roes don't have even remotely the same build as males. I could go into a lengthy discussion of society's views about women's bodies, but suffice it to say, the women are muscular but still rather slim by comparison to the very stocky and thickly-built men. It's a "sell sex appeal" choice on the part of the developers rather than a choice made with a mind towards biological consistency.

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Umm what? They look like they're the same race. Only the Au Ra Look drastically different. The Roegadyn look much like Human Male and Females. If you put a Body Builder Male and Female the differences in appearance are about Roegadyn proportions.


Fem Roes don't have even remotely the same build as males. I could go into a lengthy discussion of society's views about women's bodies, but suffice it to say, the women are muscular but still rather slim by comparison to the very stocky and thickly-built men. It's a "sell sex appeal" choice on the part of the developers rather than a choice made with a mind towards biological consistency.

Well there's a few things to take into account here.


1.) There was never supposed to be Female Roegadyn in the first place, I'm sure if there were the males would have been sized down some, as the Male Roegadyn is the tailless spiritual successor to the Galka.


2.) The bone mass is pretty spot on between the two, the muscle mass not so much but Muscle mass between human male and females are also quite despairing when you look at what each sex is capable of body mass wise. The heights are on par and aren't anywhere near as disparaging as Au Ra. If you have a problem with Roegadyn you should have the same problem with Highlanders as they're mass sizes are also disproportional. The Men are much larger than the women, and facially they don't even look to be the same race as the men are more cromagnum/neanderthal cave man looking and the women look like your basic slightly larger Homosapiens

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The only thing keeping me from being able to make a Roe is figuring out how to make a good face.

That depends on your definition of good, I've seen tons of good looking male and female Roegadyn. They are more of a fierce race than a cute race, so your definition of good vs mine may differ.


For example, I can't play a Female Miqo'toe because I find their faces boring and uninspired. You cleary play one so you don't feel the same way. 


So it's really all subjective.

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The only thing keeping me from being able to make a Roe is figuring out how to make a good face.

That depends on your definition of good, I've seen tons of good looking male and female Roegadyn. They are more of a fierce race than a cute race, so your definition of good vs mine may differ.


For example, I can't play a Female Miqo'toe because I find their faces boring and uninspired. You clear play one so you don't feel the same way. 


So it's really all subjective.



I've seen some Roe with softer features. While still fierce they do have a different sort of look. I've actually seen some Roe rped with a cute personality as well. So really it's all subjective as you've said. But I do feel that all the races take some work to get an appealing appearance.

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Hi, yes, hello. I play Roe. My only character is Roe. I used to play Elezen but Heavensward, the focus on noble houses, and the migration of WoW players* because of it encouraged me to switch from always sidelining my Roe to just going for broke and forcing myself to fight the stigma.


*Many, many bad experiences and now I just can't play elves or nobles again. They're ruined for me. Long, sordid story.


Why do I play Roe? I like that they're one of the few female races with a body slider when most of the others are resigned to being waifish, which is a hell of a thing for a final fantasy game to allow. Also I get to be 8 feet tall and (mostly) everyone gets neck strain looking at me.8-)

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1.) There was never supposed to be Female Roegadyn in the first place, I'm sure if there were the males would have been sized down some, as the Male Roegadyn is the tailless spiritual successor to the Galka.


Merlwyb was present in 1.0, before they ever added Femroes into character creation, so clearly there was intent. Her appearance was purportedly so jarring it caused people to guess she was either an entirely new nonplayable species, or some form of Elezen, at the time.


I bullshit you not.



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1.) There was never supposed to be Female Roegadyn in the first place, I'm sure if there were the males would have been sized down some, as the Male Roegadyn is the tailless spiritual successor to the Galka.


Merlwyb was present in 1.0, before they ever added Femroes into character creation, so clearly there was intent. Her appearance was purportedly so jarring it caused people to guess she was either an entirely new nonplayable species, or some form of Elezen, at the time.


I bullshit you not.




I'll try saying Dina's thought again.


Female Roegadyn were never intended to be playable in 1.0. Must like the ever-elusive male Miqo'te and Au Ra. FFXIV undeniably borrows some design elements from FFXI. Are we playing FFXI with prettier graphics? No. Was 1.0 like FFXI with prettier graphics? You'll need to ask someone who played FFXI.

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1.) There was never supposed to be Female Roegadyn in the first place, I'm sure if there were the males would have been sized down some, as the Male Roegadyn is the tailless spiritual successor to the Galka.


Merlwyb was present in 1.0, before they ever added Femroes into character creation, so clearly there was intent. Her appearance was purportedly so jarring it caused people to guess she was either an entirely new nonplayable species, or some form of Elezen, at the time.


I bullshit you not.




I'll try saying Dina's thought again.


Female Roegadyn were never intended to be playable in 1.0. Must like the ever-elusive male Miqo'te and Au Ra. FFXIV undeniably borrows some design elements from FFXI. Are we playing FFXI with prettier graphics? No. Was 1.0 like FFXI with prettier graphics? You'll need to ask someone who played FFXI.


Weren't the initial female Roegadyn designs changed too? Concept art make them seem more stocky than their current forms. I thought I'd heard some people say that initial fan rejection led to making the female roegadyn more slim.

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I really considered a Roe before going Miqo'te.  But my affinity for cute things was greater than my interest in Roe.  It really is too bad that there are so many Miqo'te if only because the population doesn't match the lore at all.  It seems like they might have known better.  


Another concern is that I'm not all that good playing tough characters, especially male ones.  I could play against type, obviously.  If I ever make an alt, it will definitely be Roe.

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It really is too bad that there are so many Miqo'te if only because the population doesn't match the lore at all.  It seems like they might have known better.


I tend to regard pver's not so much in the mix of the 'so many'; even those who rp miqo'te are still arguably a small amount when you consider the NPC families, tribes, and etc who are out there. Generally I try to consider it this way.

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The only thing keeping me from being able to make a Roe is figuring out how to make a good face.

That depends on your definition of good, I've seen tons of good looking male and female Roegadyn. They are more of a fierce race than a cute race, so your definition of good vs mine may differ.


For example, I can't play a Female Miqo'toe because I find their faces boring and uninspired. You cleary play one so you don't feel the same way. 


So it's really all subjective.

It's really not a matter of cuteness/prettiness for me, because Roe can be very cute and pretty themselves. I'm just very picky over how a face looks, and getting that locked down along with a green/red skin tone is difficult.

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I'll be honest - I don't play a Roe primarily because they're just too tall for me.  I actually think femroes are pretty as hell, and I am terribly jealous of a lot of their hairstyles.  But they are taller/as tall as the giraffes, and that is too tall for me.



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Shoshopu may be my main, but aside from her I have four Roegadyn alts.


I would list what I love about them but I think the truth is I love everything about them. On a less serious note, it's a lot of fun being taller than everyone sometimes when I'm used to being shorter than everyone! And they also appeal to my thing for size differences. and I didn't have a thing for huge guys until my boyfriend started playing one 


Although I like Sea Wolves significantly more than Hellsguard. All of my roes are Sea Wolves. Having (and still using, to a degree) their own language just makes them feel a lot richer. Coming up with names is something I really enjoy.


There's also something to Roegadyn characters that are played really well without sticking to the 'stereotypes', who are fleshed out thoroughly and realistically. This goes for all races of course, but the apparent rarity of serious Roegadyn characters makes this more of a novelty.


edit: I also have some more thoughts on why I tend to find every race but the "human" race interesting but I'll have to expound on it later, but I'm going to go ahead and throw that into Roegadyn's favor too. It might be why fewer people play them, on the other side of the coin?

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I absolutely love Roes and their lore. Though my main character is Miqo'te (simply because she's been mithra/miqo'te since XI times) I go out of my way to include as many Roegadyn NPCs/alts into her story as is possible. Most of Sounsyy's crews/Levies have been Roegadyn majority. And I love using the Roegadyn language in everything. I even went and named Sounsyy's ship the Roehmerl.


Whenever I get the urge to fantasia my main on Hyp, she usually gets turned into femroe. My only gripe with them is that I'm not a fan of how certain outfits look on their character models. But the trade off are those really sexy leather tights and wondrous Beyonce thighs.




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It really is too bad that there are so many Miqo'te if only because the population doesn't match the lore at all.  It seems like they might have known better.


I tend to regard pver's not so much in the mix of the 'so many'; even those who rp miqo'te are still arguably a small amount when you consider the NPC families, tribes, and etc who are out there. Generally I try to consider it this way.


This is a good point.  It hadn't occurred to me that my character might be seeing a disproportionate number of Miqo'te because my character is forced by game mechanics to be in places where people of all kinds tend to gather.  If my character were able to venture off the map, there may well be very few Miqo'te to meet.

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I like Roegadyns. I like their lore; especially Sea Wolves. I don't find them unattractive at all. They can actually look quite beautiful or awesome.


However, I chose a Keeper because a Keeper is what fit the character concept that interested me the most. I've been staring at Kiht for nearly two years, and must respectfully disagree that Miqo'te look waifu or whatever the heck that truly means.


Sure, they can be made to look dolly, but so can Roe women (see below). If we're talking height, Miqo'te are -far- closer to average human height than Roe women who are no shorter than six feet three inches! Just because there is a race of giants, doesn't suddenly make the females of other races waifus.


Miqo'te have a subtle shape to their body, faces and features that give them a -hint- of animalistic flavor without taking away their human design. Most people don't see the subtle detail, and say they look like humans with cat ears and a tail. I'd have to wager that people could still tell if a character was Miqo'te without the ears and the tail (though I admit it would be harder).


Anyways, a lot of it is indeed subjective, but I didn't choose a Keeper because I thought they looked cute.





I wanted to try something out. I spent 5 mins making a Femroe look as dolly as I could then 5 mins making a Miqo'te as intimidating as I could.


They are stripped down because I wanted to compare builds. The Femroe is at a min height of 6'3.6'' while the Miqo'te girl is nearly a foot shorter at a max height of 5'3.8".


Maxing out muscle definition on the femRoes does not increase bulk. It only changes skin texture. I -do- wish Miqo'te females had that option though.

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It's really a testament to how great the game's character creation options are that if you fiddle with it long enough you can come up with a look that appeals to you at least a little bit in some way.


My only complaint behind that is to have 12 voice options for every race, a lot of them are very samey, and the "female voice actor awkwardly pitching her voice down" option describes like 4 of the fem Roes at least. The male voices, meanwhile are probably some of the best of any race.

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I generally like Roe. I would make one if character slots weren't an issue. I really wanted to make a lithe tribal race, which happened to be Miqo'te.


Typically I play very big and brawny characters (Orc in WoW, Norn in GW2) so I wanted a different perspective. And with the characters being females of each (Female Orc and Female Norn) I typically got bothered with creepers asking if they were futa's.


I have nothing against them or what people like--I'm super open-minded, but after years of RP and that happening, I just wanted something different. But if character slots open for free on Balmung, I'd definitely make a Roe.

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