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Post here if you want to be a brat

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passive agressiveness infuriates me. just say what youre thinking. just do it. then again my country is famous for our fowardness so maybe its just a cultural thing. Also I hate the american concept of asking "how was your day?" when you in all actuality dont give a fuck. its so disingenuous and fake.

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Also I hate the american concept of asking "how was your day?" when you in all actuality dont give a fuck. its so disingenuous and fake.


That happens a lot in England, too. People will ask how you are instinctively but then when you answer they're disinterested or just don't respond when you ask the same thing in turn.

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Also I hate the american concept of asking "how was your day?" when you in all actuality dont give a fuck. its so disingenuous and fake.


That happens a lot in England, too. People will ask how you are instinctively but then when you answer they're disinterested or just don't respond when you ask the same thing in turn.

I'm so glad this isn't a thing in the Netherlands, people would legit tell others to mind their own business and leave them alone.

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passive agressiveness infuriates me. just say what youre thinking. just do it. then again my country is famous for our fowardness so maybe its just a cultural thing. Also I hate the american concept of asking "how was your day?" when you in all actuality dont give a fuck. its so disingenuous and fake.


People here ask, "How are you doing today?"


We may not seriously care, but we do care about being polite.


We also smile to people we meet, and nod to them.  It's considered polite.  Kind of important here.


I've never found it fake, but to each their own.

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I only hate it when they don't stay for your answer.


On a similar note, I hate when people try to talk to me on the metro. I'm on the metro right now ajd the guy who sat down next to me was all chipper like, "Good morning!" And I side eyed him like he was retarded and said "hi". It wasn't on purpose. As I type this he occasionally looks up from his paper and tries to make eye contact with me. He was been pretending to laugh at a comic in the paper for like 5 mins. There is nothing worth 5 mins of your time on the weekly comic page. You are crazy.


I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND when you are in a public transportation vehicle almost completely alone and someone sits next to you instead of a perfectly empty seat. I scream internally and wish them death.

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I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND when you are in a public transportation vehicle almost completely alone and someone sits next to you instead of a perfectly empty seat. I scream internally and wish them death.

Can we add movie theatres to this as well?

I made a facebook post about this and my boss called me into his office and gave me a serious talk about understanding others because apparently getting upset about it is being an entitled brat.


His explanation was: You are blonde. Blondes are stereotyped to be friendly people. This man probably liked you and thought you were attractive, so he sat next to you just to be near you. If you were an old man this would never happen, so you should be glad for it. It's appreciation that you will one day miss. If he were some cute boy you wouldn't have complained at all.


That is true, I wouldn't have complained if he were cute. But he wasn't. He had absolutely no shot with me, and knew his presence was not welcome. So he sat there incredibly close to me, just looking anywhere but my direction in an empty metro car. He knew he was wrong but did it anyway! UGHHGHHFFFF!!!

And I'm too socially passive to do anything about it. I did; however, learn that I can pretend to be getting up for my stop and then move to a different seat instead of getting off the train.

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I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND when you are in a public transportation vehicle almost completely alone and someone sits next to you instead of a perfectly empty seat. I scream internally and wish them death.

Can we add movie theatres to this as well?

I made a facebook post about this and my boss called me into his office and gave me a serious talk about understanding others because apparently getting upset about it is being an entitled brat.


His explanation was: You are blonde. Blondes are stereotyped to be friendly people. This man probably liked you and thought you were attractive, so he sat next to you just to be near you. If you were an old man this would never happen, so you should be glad for it. It's appreciation that you will one day miss. If he were some cute boy you wouldn't have complained at all.


That is true, I wouldn't have complained if he were cute. But he wasn't. He had absolutely no shot with me, and knew his presence was not welcome. So he sat there incredibly close to me, just looking anywhere but my direction in an empty metro car. He knew he was wrong but did it anyway! UGHHGHHFFFF!!!

And I'm too socially passive to do anything about it. I did; however, learn that I can pretend to be getting up for my stop and then move to a different seat instead of getting off the train.


Frankly, it's none of his damn business. I loathe how employers can spook on your facebook and actually made decisions based on stuff you do outside work.

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I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND when you are in a public transportation vehicle almost completely alone and someone sits next to you instead of a perfectly empty seat. I scream internally and wish them death.

Can we add movie theatres to this as well?

I made a facebook post about this and my boss called me into his office and gave me a serious talk about understanding others because apparently getting upset about it is being an entitled brat.


His explanation was: You are blonde. Blondes are stereotyped to be friendly people. This man probably liked you and thought you were attractive, so he sat next to you just to be near you. If you were an old man this would never happen, so you should be glad for it. It's appreciation that you will one day miss. If he were some cute boy you wouldn't have complained at all.


That is true, I wouldn't have complained if he were cute. But he wasn't. He had absolutely no shot with me, and knew his presence was not welcome. So he sat there incredibly close to me, just looking anywhere but my direction in an empty metro car. He knew he was wrong but did it anyway! UGHHGHHFFFF!!!

And I'm too socially passive to do anything about it. I did; however, learn that I can pretend to be getting up for my stop and then move to a different seat instead of getting off the train.


I always love the "You wouldn't have cared if he was a cute boy" argument.


"Yeah, so? He wasn't."

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Speaking of public transport, I usually visit my family once or twice a month and that involves a two hour journey. First I have to get a tram into the city centre, which isn't too bad - I can usually get a seat and it only takes twenty minutes. After that, I have to walk to the main train station and board a train.


The quickest train will take 45 minutes. The longer train takes about an hour and a half. I usually go for the first option since it's cheaper and more efficient. The problem? Even when I reserve and book a seat in advance there's usually someone sitting in my chair even when it is clearly marked as 'reserved'.


I don't like to cause a scene but I also don't like wasting money. Yet the train carriages are usually stuffed with more people than is healthy to the point where even the aisles are full of people. So slipping past them to find my seat in the first place is often a chore in itself - and tracking down a conductor to help me is even more awkward.


So usually I end up stuck standing up next to the door with people standing right next to me and it's pretty awful. It doesn't help that I'm not the biggest fan of cramped spaces either. I guess this is what I get for living in one of the busiest cities in England but...still. It's horrible.

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I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND when you are in a public transportation vehicle almost completely alone and someone sits next to you instead of a perfectly empty seat. I scream internally and wish them death.

Can we add movie theatres to this as well?

I made a facebook post about this and my boss called me into his office and gave me a serious talk about understanding others because apparently getting upset about it is being an entitled brat.


His explanation was: You are blonde. Blondes are stereotyped to be friendly people. This man probably liked you and thought you were attractive, so he sat next to you just to be near you. If you were an old man this would never happen, so you should be glad for it. It's appreciation that you will one day miss. If he were some cute boy you wouldn't have complained at all.


That is true, I wouldn't have complained if he were cute. But he wasn't. He had absolutely no shot with me, and knew his presence was not welcome. So he sat there incredibly close to me, just looking anywhere but my direction in an empty metro car. He knew he was wrong but did it anyway! UGHHGHHFFFF!!!

And I'm too socially passive to do anything about it. I did; however, learn that I can pretend to be getting up for my stop and then move to a different seat instead of getting off the train.


You need to do one of three things.  Possibly two.


1) Remove your manager from your Facebook.

2) Create a filter that deliberately excludes your manager from most of your facebook posts (this is how I handle it).

3) Find a new job.


I actually recommend doing either 1 or 2 and combining it with 3.

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so recently Canada went through federal elections. We went from majority conservative to majority liberal, and Harper, our prime minister for almost ten years has been replaced by Justin Trudeau. My complaint is not about the politics (although personally I support the change)


my complaint is the multitude of creepy comments about our new PM being hot. Now don't get me wrong, he is young for a PM (44 I think?) and I do think he's fairly pretty on an aesthetic standpoint. And there is the thing where he did some charity boxing event and professional shirtless pictures were taken and posted online, so I suppose some comments are to be expected.


Still, I swear if I see another post describing him with the word "daddy" in it I might cry. (to be clear, describing any attractive older man as "daddy" has always sent a shiver of disgust down my spine and also I'm well aware this isn't nearly as damaging to how he is publicly viewed as it would be were he a woman. But it's still creepy and unexpected and I'm just waiting for some hardcore conservatives to raise a huff about women voting for him based on looks)

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Don't you just hate when you're on the road about to cross over and you notice the guy to your side is trying their hardest to not let you in front of them?

Yeah OK, prepare to get to ass speed raced as I gun the gas and get in front of you anyway. Like I don't see you looking at me every ten seconds making sure I can't get over.


Fuck that.

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Also I hate the american concept of asking "how was your day?" when you in all actuality dont give a fuck. its so disingenuous and fake.


That happens a lot in England, too. People will ask how you are instinctively but then when you answer they're disinterested or just don't respond when you ask the same thing in turn.

I make it a rule not to do this unless I am interested in an answer. As you might imagine, I don't know many people. Lol.

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Also I hate the american concept of asking "how was your day?" when you in all actuality dont give a fuck. its so disingenuous and fake.


That happens a lot in England, too. People will ask how you are instinctively but then when you answer they're disinterested or just don't respond when you ask the same thing in turn.

I'm so glad this isn't a thing in the Netherlands, people would legit tell others to mind their own business and leave them alone.

Oddly, it was a friend from Holland that once chewed me out as a teenager. Saying that I was a shit person because I 'never asked her how she was'. Now I am hyper paranoid even into my adult life about asking people... >>;;

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Dear Starbucks employee,


How do you clothe yourself in the morning? How do you put on your oh-so expensive makeup without poking out your eyeballs? Do you even know how to breathe properly?


I ask these questions because you managed the incredible feat of serving my brother an ice cold Hot Chocolate.


It's not like it's in the name or anything.

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Dear Starbucks employee,


How do you clothe yourself in the morning? How do you put on your oh-so expensive makeup without poking out your eyeballs? Do you even know how to breathe properly?


I ask these questions because you managed the incredible feat of serving my brother an ice cold Hot Chocolate.


It's not like it's in the name or anything.


Having worked as a barista once before in my life....screw people like your brother. Seriously.


Some of the people that frequent coffee shops are just some of the most inflated, pretentious goobers that ever walked.


I also tend to frequent coffee shops.

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Dear Starbucks employee,


How do you clothe yourself in the morning? How do you put on your oh-so expensive makeup without poking out your eyeballs? Do you even know how to breathe properly?


I ask these questions because you managed the incredible feat of serving my brother an ice cold Hot Chocolate.


It's not like it's in the name or anything.


Your life must be difficukt, indeed, if you're unable to grasp the concept that people who are overworked and underpaid will occasionally make mistakes. 


I'm sure you've been perfect your whole life, so this is probably a tough concept to grasp.


This is why I detest working retail.

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y'know the worst part?


Generally if it's their fuck up they'll offer you a free one if you're friendly with them.


source : my local starbucksarino has made a few towards me.


then again if i'm there at close i help them put chairs on top of their tables and attempt to not be a goober.


My cousin is a manager at a Starbucks in CA (in between being an aircraft mechanic for the USAF), so I can confirm this.


Pretty sure she'sgot it together better than 90% of her customers.

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