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You Know You Overthink RP When....

Steel Wolf

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...... you have a diagram drawn of every scar and tattoo on your character's body...

..... you know the story behind each injury, who gave it too them, and in what year....

..... you have done extensive research into the after effects of each injury just so that you can emote your character's back being sore or her shoulders being stiff.....

...... each of their fourteen tattoos has a specific meaning, and you can relate each backstory from memory.....

..... the combined markings are so numerous that you can't possibly fit a fraction of them into an emote and no one ever bothers to ask but you keep track anyways.....


....... you know your character's family so well that they become real characters and you level them all to 15 to get them some basic crafting gear.

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I thought of more!

When you.....


Try to think of a good character reasoning behind everything your character does, and I include the little things (choosing to pick X drink over Y drink, standing up instead of sitting down)


Observe other RPers who have an accent and try to "copy" it so you wont mess up.


Use your own personal preferences and make it your characters preferences even though it may not make sense, you find a way. (Why they wield a sword and shield when they obviously are a better caster)


Spend hours looking at the millions of tvtropes that apply to your character, even if it's just a little bit.


Make a post that could easily been a line or two into something much longer because you don't want people to think you're a bad RPer.

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When you want to give your character a belief that is acceptable in the setting, but also makes your character look like a jerk to actual players in general, so instead you drop the belief or downplay it heavily. (Example: Xenophobia towards the Beastmen, all of them).

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...when you spent an immense amount of time planning out how an injury is going to affect your character not just on a physical level but on a mental/emotional level as well.


Not enough people do this.




I may have taken it too far though. My character stepped down from his role as a diplomat and I've retired him for the time being in favour of playing his uncle instead. I'm a huge fan of intrigue and consequences though...and my RP is heavily inspired by the likes of Final Fantasy Tactics and FFXII. 


Though for me it's just a natural progression. Back when I devoted my RP time to WoW I retired characters there as well when it felt like their story had ended on a decent note. I killed some of them when I felt it made sense or they'd backed themselves into a corner that they wouldn't realistically get back out of. Others were lucky enough to be granted happy endings though!

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...you try to extrapolate the base effects of Eorzean crafting components based on what they're used to make in the crafting menu just in case you ever have to make/explain an item in character. And then you realize goddamn, I'm not a fucking alchemist.


...you don't RP a character until you're 100% sure you have their mannerisms and/or speech patterns down because the mental anguish of goofing your own character makes you want to sepukku in shame. So you have a conversation with yourself while pretending to be this fictional person you made up.


...your character begins to bleed into real life. Not emotionally, but you begin to react to things and situations and things twice: once as you, and once as your character.


...you write solo and the banter isn't good enough and you delete it out of shame, but you don't have the balls to share it in the first place.

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  • 2 months later...

....When you have your character all planned out and you've spent four days tweaking their face to be just right and you have the perfect name and their backstory all planned out and then you get to the Patron Deity screen. And....you can't decide on which to give them...

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I've been considering making my first alt. It would be some time to bring the character over to Balmung. And yet even though I have no pressure or sense of urgency, I cannot make the character, because I must tease out the appropriate balance between the right sound, ease of remembering, and period appropriate nature of the name. On top of that, I also want it to be meaningful on some level, as if that wasn't enough.

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When you're worrying about the stutter pattern for your timid character and whether you over use it or not.


When you play a darker character and start trolling YouTube 'Top 20' videos of villains to find which ones are best to use as a role model.

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...You describe a character's thought process as you RP to ensure that every little thing they do makes sense.


...You want to start a plotline so you spend numerous weeks planning every meticulous detail so that each character has a specific place and time for each event that will happen in rapid succession. Every NPC has a name and a purpose. There's no room for error, ...or apparently those annoying moments whenever your character suddenly has a will of their own and totally throws off the plotline you planned for weeks in advance. Shit. And then you're scrambling to straighten out what will happen in future events of the plotline now that your own RP characters screwed it up... and it just keeps snowballing. :cactuar:


(Moral of the story: flexibility is key :thumbsup: )


...You create a google search history worthy of a criminal record because you have to make sure a character who's been inflicted with a poison that causes organ failure behaves appropriately, and it is imperative that you know the stages of a decomposing body in detail or else the murder victim's identities will get discovered and your character becomes SOL.


It's just the little things :D


Basically, I am very guilty of overthinking just about anything whenever I am RPing. I regret nothing! /o/

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When it's raining in Limsa, and you say, "Ah, hell, I gotta go to the store."


So you close down FFXIV, grab your umbrella, open up the door, and... it's sunny outside.

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  • 3 months later...

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