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Preparing for Heavenward

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Hey guys! We are only a month away from the expansion! EEK! So excited! This shall be my first expansion for the FF series and wondered what are my fellow RPers/players doing to get themselves ready.


I've completed the entire storyline but confused on weather I should continue my relic or just focus on raising gil or maybe making an alt to play for the time being?


Some pointers would be awesome and maybe knowing what you all are doing I can plan too!

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I'm playing as if HW isn't coming because tomorrow might never come!


I decided at some point that I wanted every crafting recipe, which means all the Master II books, which means all the Lucis, which means... lots to do, can't get bored there, only about 1/3 the way. I'm also at the Zeta part of my Relic and daily questioning if I should bother continuing this lunacy because I hate this step more than every other one, but I usually do a few dungeons every few days. I've also got a couple dozen fish left to fill out the fish book. I'm also... trying to cap my Poetics every week and dumping the gear into my off-classes so everything will be nice and tidy for levelling them all to 60. With the 900 cap, though, I'm starting to think that's a silly thing and I should focus on the everything else instead.


No way I'll get any/all of this done by launch, but it makes sure I'm always occupied when I'm logged in and not RPing. If I did somehow manage to finish all the things, I'd probably go back to the Sightseeing Log. Haven't touched it since the first 20. Always things to do~

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Stupid hype for Heavensward. Taking the friday of the expansion's early access off, and bookending that with monday, too. May be a bad idea, because there is bound to be all sorts of chaos and bedlam, but that's part of the fun of an expansion to me -- those early few days where the servers are crying and it's eat or be eaten. Want to pick up the new classes and roll with those (like everyone else) for a while. Planning on taking at least DRK to 50, and maybe AST as well, depending on what the next live letter reveals.


For now though, I'm working on melding my animus, and spending time in the gold saucer. I'm sitting on the last couple of storyline quests after Steps of Faith. I'll probably knock those out closer to launch, so everything fits in a little nicer than waiting a couple of months.


I'm not huge on snack foods, so probably won't be messing around with those. Most likely pick up a ton of tea, some nice, expensive coffee, and maybe get a nicer chair.

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Clover is prepared.


My first Au Ra placeholder is still  leveling to 50, and my second Au Ra placeholder is still lv 1. My plan is to get both ready before Heavensward, which means I have less than a month to do all that. Must work hard!


(In case I can't do it on time... Clover is prepared, at least *laughs*).

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Unfortunately, I'l be working at the game's launch and will very likely be too occupied to really dive in to EA. If it weren't for being a quasi-responsible adult, I'd have already prepared some nice finger foods and gotten myself some fresh water to keep me going on a binge.


It's just as well, because no MMO dev house ever learns from their prior launch mistakes, and I expect that Heavensward will illustrate this point as the servers come up with new and spicier ways of frustrating people who will bitch and cry and call it worst launch ever when every MMO launch since time immemorial has been awful....save for a few rare exceptions.


Seriously, everyone making MMOs should read the notes of the Rift ops team and find out how they did it.


As far as pre-prep? All done. I got Steel to i120, gave up entirely on the Zodiac line since the new jobs won't be getting any of those weapons and am just biding my time by random RP'ing or playing other games that were on the back burner.


Oh, and staring at my bank account wondering when or why the pre-order charge hasn't cleared through yet. So that's fun.


EDIT TO ADD: Hey, those of you planning a binge--be healthy and smart about it. Good, fresh food. Fresh water. Get up and move your legs once in a while. Seriously, you guys. Love you too much. <3

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I've had a little checklist I've been working on of goals to reach by the time Heavensward drops. So far, I've knocked most of them out. The list is, basically, as follows (with completed tasks crossed out):



Finish MSQ with Gogon

Finish Relic with Gogon

Cap All Combat Classes on Gogon

Cap All Crafting Classes on Gogon (Three left; one at 41, two at 35ish)

Cap All Gathering Classes on Gogon?

Obtain solid non-Coil iLevel on SCH for Gogon (i128!)

Finish MSQ with Chachan

Obtain solid non-Coil iLevel on PLD for Chachan (127!)

Level Judge to 50

Finish MSQ with Judge



So yeah. Basically all that's left is trying to cap all the other classes on my "everything" character in prep for the raised cap... and maybe trying to get the elemental ponies? I've never done the EX fights, so I don't expect too much on that front. Really, it's a sort of "if I can get them, cool; if not, meh" sort of last minute addition to the list.

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Get all DoW to 50

Get all DoM to 50

Get all Crafts to 50

Get all Gatherer to 50

Get all Crafter Supra

Get all Gatherer Supra

Get all DoW to i125

Get all DoM to i125

Get A Lucis

Get the Delivery Moogle hat and Title


Farm FCOB (Not happening at this moment)

Raise enough gil to buy a medium for friends if needed. (A medium from someone else)

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Looking at the lists posted here I honestly feel like a bit of a slacker. >_> My goals were more character specific than anything.



-Maaaaaybe finish his Zodiac stuff? This is something I'll probably just keep working on as I have (in my own little mind) latched onto this quest as being similar to the 0.5 armor upgrade way back in vanilla WoW. On one of my back and forth stints with the game I wanted to finish this but found out that Cataclysm destroying the world (basically) removed the quest so I never finished it. I've kind of put it aside for focusing on Martiallais though.

-Up his Item Level in general? Vague intentionally, as he's sitting at 118 right now.

-Kill Primals/Raid stuffs - Seriously, still on T5 and haven't beaten Ramuh EX or Titan EX yet 

-Cross Class - Eventually I need to pick up Blood for Blood and Mercy Stroke

-RP things are already rolling so this is a Work in Progress (and never really complete honestly)



-Get to level 50 = COMPLETE

-Finish the MSQ = COMPLETE

-Farm up the Lancer armor set from ST (only missing the legs now)

-Cross Class Stuffs = COMPLETE (MRD and CNJ)

-Level Gladiator/Paladin to 50 = Work In Progress as I'm level 21 now

-Zodiac Weapon is again another maybe/eventually/someday to have for Paladin would be nice but can wait given DRK will have something different to do as well.

-RP ALL the things given there's lots of Ishgard-ish RP happening


New Unnamed Au Ra Alty Guy - this has pretty much taken a backburner seat

-Create said person

-Work through MSG

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My goals are pretty modest. The RP storyline that will see Yvelont returning to Ishgard is already underway. Beyond that:


- Farm the Varlet's set for Yvelont

- Clear all of the EX primals I never bothered trying.

- Get Hibito through the MSQ (he's already 50)

- Level Yvelont's Ninja (the only job/class not at 50)

- Get Yvelont Longinus Zeta


The fifth is the most ambitious one by far, considering I only JUST reached the Animus stage. But hey, we'll see.

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Im all set for HW. Don't even bother with crafting because I just buy what I want lol and i have a DPS and Tank slot occupied so I just been building my rested bonus the past 3 months.


Gonna be all blue from 30 - 60 on my DRK just like it was with my 1 - 50 NIN.

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I have extremely easy goals, but my laziness paired with a lack of funding might make at least half of this not happen before 3.0. (Listed from highest to lowest priority):


- Get 50 BLM and/or SMN on Lhei (who will become Au Ra alt)

- Complete MSQ on Lhei

- Get 50 ARM on Astrid

- Get Astrid's i130 WHM or SCH weapon

- Get Y'raja's i130 MNK weapon

- Get Astrid's i130 healer gloves & pants

- Complete MSQ on Astrid (currently at SoF)

- Get 50 CRP on Y'raja

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I'm still working on my first 50. Eep. I'm not too TOO far behind though so as long as I don't alt hop I'll probably be in good shape for the expansion.


Only other prep I need to do is actually getting around to pre-ordering it.

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