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Your Character and Guilty Pleasures


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Ok, Raeje is a bard, and has an over obsession with words, but that's not her guilty pleasure, that's just her personality. Her guilty pleasure is taking pictures. She doesn't care if she knows you or not, if she thinks you look cool, she'll take a picture. If she wants to take 17 pictures of the same tree, just to capture it in the right light, she will. She then obsessively edits the pictures and puts them in her diary. Yes, she keeps a diary, I guess that's another guilty pleasure. She has issues when not performing, and has a hard time truly engaging in social situations, so doesn't often tell people how she feels. Because of this, she finds it easier to write how she feels.

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Lunelle, for all of her murderous rampages, acts of arson, and promiscuity and revenge obsessions, loves dolls. She collects them, she loves them, and she would rather die than let anyone know. Cute things are her weakness, and she will go great lengths, and spend exorbitant amounts of gil to collect rare dolls. 



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Luminous Moon, however, is a smut aficionado, and is rumoured to own Eorzea's largest privately owned collection of Erotica.

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Leanne's guilty pleasure? The major one? -Sweets-. There's hardly a single day she goes by without having any amount of sugary intake. When going on a eating binge, she can devour plates and more plates of confections in a span of an hour.


Now, the secret one she makes sure no one knows because such fact would indeed embarrass her to death?




YUP. She enjoys sex quite a lot. But try to get her to admit. Never happening.



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  • 5 months later...

Caleria's is easy- give her a nice, big tub of hot water and assorted bath stuff and you won't see her for most of the day.  Light forbid she ever discovers a hot spring resort... she'll never leave and end up a wet, wrinkly furball.


"Uhm... miss?  It's time to get out, we have to clean the bath..."


"No!  I'll poke you!  Go away!"

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Caleria's is easy- give her a nice, big tub of hot water and assorted bath stuff and you won't see her for most of the day.  Light forbid she ever discovers a hot spring resort... she'll never leave and end up a wet, wrinkly furball.


"Uhm... miss?  It's time to get out, we have to clean the bath..."


"No!  I'll poke you!  Go away!"


Um... miiiiight want to keep away from Upper La Noscea then. Specifically Camp Bronze Lake...

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Lili - A fireplace, comfy blanket and lounge clothes, and something to keep her occupied like a good book.


Xelra - A cold, fluffy pile of snow to roll around in.


Sara - Sweets. Omnomnomnomnom she is a glutton for candies.


Parvaneh - Gem/metal polishes. She loves how they smell!

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Ayaka's guilty pleasure is her insane love for chocolates. She'd probably do anything if the payment's good chocolate...


That and oh... sexual pleasure is another thing that she knows is bad for her line of work but wants it anyways.

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Ruran is disciplined and never gives in to temptations of the mind or body. He is a man of physical and spiritual steel dagnabbit and nothing will stop him from--


...Is that a cake? With strawberry frosting? No... His willpower, it wanes. qq

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Violet has a couple of weaknesses that she tries her best to avoid.  But when nobody is looking?  Well, keep that cake away.  Or the pastry.  It doesn't have to actually be sweet, but just anything baked, flaky, and carby.  Carbs.  Carbs are her utter weakness, and guilty pleasure.

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Aghurlal's are, in no particular order and making no claims to originality,


Smoking. Preferably moko grass fogweed whatever weed stand-in you feel like rolling with this week. He doesn't make a regular habit of it, but he'll accept a cigar if it's offered, and he tends to seek out aforementioned preference if he's having trouble concentrating on work due to stress.


Sex. With anyone. He is not actually promiscuous, because this plays against his paranoia (the fear of making himself vulnerable to a stranger outweighs any desire he might have on them), but he's nowhere near as pure-minded as his track record of only bedding people he's been dating for a few months would have you believe.


Killing people he considers evil. He pretends like he sees it as a duty, a matter of "not wanting to be a bystander" more than a matter of "wanting to kill" - but despite his apparent shame surrounding the subject, he feels good after he completes these jobs. He feels as though this is his purpose in life, and that by "terminating" these people he's genuinely making the world a better place. I'm about to embark on an entire personal plot about this one - I'm expecting this to alter (either to dissipate or intensify, not sure yet) over the coming weeks/months.

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Red Wine - Being a complete lightweight when it comes to any sort of Alcohol, just a fews sips for Savona and ZINGGG! she's gone, trashed, totally wasted! At this point she is no longe rin control of her words, emotions or actions so she tries her best to stay away from it and limit herself with it.


That being said....so gooood........must.....resist.....

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Liara enjoys baking loaded brownies. And by loaded, I mean putting her favorite drugs into the brownies and then eating them to get high. Aside from her husband, I think she's only admitted this to one other person. 


Zhara likes cuddling lalafells! She enjoys picking them up and carrying them around. She has a lot of friends who are lalafells and she has a lalafellin boyfriend, so she usually has regular access to them, which makes for a happy kitty. :3

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This is another one of those threads where I thought I posted in it early on and then, looking back at it later, I realize I never actually did. I'm doing that more and more lately, it seems. How terrible.


Anyway, as for guilty pleasures...


You'd be hard-pressed to find Gogon feeling guilty about much of anything due to his sociopathy. He likes what he likes and you're not worth his time so who cares what you think of it? By definition, though, I'd probably peg his "guilty pleasure" as alcohol. He's both a wine snob and a bit of an avid fan of sake (because Doman), and so if he's not drinking tea or straight water it's probably something alcoholic.


Chachan, on the other hand, is loaded with guilty pleasures. Sweets, greasy food, childish hero stories, feeling like a storybook hero when he does helpful things, chocobos, hugs, purposely mispronouncing words. He's just full of things that he could easily feel embarrassed about should someone call attention to it in any degree of negative light.

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Guilty pleasures? Marigold has a few.


Drinking: She always had a taste for alcohol but it's only recently picked up and gotten worst for her. She's a heavy drinker and although it helps her at the time, she soon regrets it and hates for anyone to see her that way. However, just like any addiction, she finds herself going right back to it.


Trashy romance novels: Because she sure as hells can't keep a relationship, so why not read about other ones?


Somnus: Thanks to Tray'ju, she finds herself enjoying the feeling Somnus gets her but does her best to cover it up. If anyone in her free company were to catch her with that stuff, they would no doubt scold her and that is something she would like to avoid.

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Guilty pleasures, huh? 


Gunduin likes to cook. many who know him know this fact.... What few people realize, however, is that his pleasure lies in his baking. Pastries, to be precise.


Jajaruka really, REALLY likes his rum and sex, and often the two together.

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Jana's biggest guilty pleasure would be sex; she is the way she is due to a deceased lover and while she's been with others since then, she still feels like she doesn't deserve it on some level.


What should be her biggest guilty pleasure is the fact that she enjoys all sorts of violent acts including killing, but she can still justify it to herself as it being ok if it's an enemy.

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Rini isn't embarrassed by much...She's usually very blunt and accepting of whatever she does or sees...However, there are small things she does that she isn't exactly proud of such as writing in a diary, writing music, and practicing the piano.


Also...This comes to mind...Can't help it.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Being the extreme introvert he is, Taejin is embarrassed by pretty much anything done in front of another living thing. That said he has a few stand-outs: 

  1. He has a weakness for the adorable, as ironic(ally fitting?) as that might sound considering he's a Lala himself. If it's cute, he will gush. If someone catches him gushing... well, he has a gun.
  2. Though his SOLE berserk button is mistreatment of women, he has been known to take advantage of his stature to "appreciate" female adventures. Luckily, as a large majority tend to flaunt their gods-given gifts (Glamours :thumbsup:), nobody seems to notice, or care. He still regrets it.
  3. Hugs. I kid you not. As his emotional state fluctuates primarily based on the mood of the people around him, a nice warm embrace does WONDERS. But he'll never admit that one.

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Ahhh what a fun thread, some of these have really made me chuckle!


Publicly Finn will admit to a penchant for nice leather boots, expensive cigarettes and cheap liquor. Also, getting one over on her tall friends.




She LOVES secrets. Learning them, keeping them, and teasing people with them.

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Romance novels of course~


Given Tali'ra is already a big book nerd that probably isn't all too surprising. But I figure his older brother started giving him such reading material from visits home when he started to reach that age. :y


I imagine he himself has probably attempted to write some of his own, but dare not share them with anyone.

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