MistyMornings Posted December 20, 2016 Share #101 Posted December 20, 2016 What are the "Void Forums"? Link to comment
Warren Castille Posted December 20, 2016 Share #102 Posted December 20, 2016 What are the "Void Forums"? Information here. Enter at your own risk, really. Link to comment
Kellach Woods Posted December 20, 2016 Share #103 Posted December 20, 2016 What are the "Void Forums"? Opt-in forum where shitposting is encouraged and the tone is far less respectful. Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted December 20, 2016 Share #104 Posted December 20, 2016 What are the "Void Forums"? Opt-in forum where shitposting is encouraged and the tone is far less respectful. Shitposting isn't encouraged, but it certainly allowed. It's far more reliant on self-moderating as only our site's strictest rules are enforced. (Basically, don't do anything illegal and don't drag in people who aren't opted-in.) It's not for the faint-hearted. And definitely not for anyone who cannot handle the possibility of being picked apart and judged. It has a handful of interesting threads, but more are well... the RPC was doing mostly fine without them. I'd rather have the shitposting done there than here, where it would need to clipped out and moderated. Link to comment
Warren Castille Posted December 20, 2016 Share #105 Posted December 20, 2016 For example, in the main forums, people will snipe passive-aggressively without naming names. In the Void, that kind of behavior is promptly jumped on and mocked relentlessly. Link to comment
Faye Posted December 20, 2016 Share #106 Posted December 20, 2016 It's nice to be all apogletic after the fact but none of you gave a shit when you tore into the person. Also the void forum is trash. No one really tore into the OP, not even in the Void where she posted and everyone had full opportunity. I also haven't noticed anyone who'd criticized her apologizing, but idk, I've just been skimming the past couple pages. Link to comment
Caspar Posted December 20, 2016 Share #107 Posted December 20, 2016 For example, in the main forums, people will snipe passive-aggressively without naming names. In the Void, that kind of behavior is promptly jumped on and mocked relentlessly. Or encouraged, if the poster isn't opted in, by avoiding names. Be honest now. I'm happier when posters are able to air their grievances regardless of the result. Whether or not the advice is taken to heart, there's still at least some useful responses in this thread, and I think a reading could be useful for players experiencing a similar problem. That we can't really get along is just evidence of the intense feelings a lot of posters invest within their RP, or even their OOC planning of RP. Because the hobby is so intertwined with people's sense of self-worth, it's very easy to take rejection of your character as rejection of "you," or the very least, your tastes. It's important to recognize when there are a lot of other possible reasons a player can't respond to you, but I understand why it *feels* bad. 5 Link to comment
Warren Castille Posted December 20, 2016 Share #108 Posted December 20, 2016 For example, in the main forums, people will snipe passive-aggressively without naming names. In the Void, that kind of behavior is promptly jumped on and mocked relentlessly. Or encouraged, if the poster isn't opted in, by avoiding names. Be honest now. I try to scrub my gripes enough that people aren't recognizable in my stuff. Others do the same, but failure to do so is something that can (and has been) reported. As mentioned above, OP responded in the Void, where no holds are barred, and no one said much despite having the freedom to do so. The topic was more important than digging into personal grievances. That's not always the case, but that's how the subforum is intended to work. Despite some public opinions, not everything posted there is trash. If you present an opinion and it holds water, people will acknowledge that. Link to comment
Arrelaine Posted December 20, 2016 Share #109 Posted December 20, 2016 For example, in the main forums, people will snipe passive-aggressively without naming names. In the Void, that kind of behavior is promptly jumped on and mocked relentlessly. Or encouraged, if the poster isn't opted in, by avoiding names. Be honest now. I try to scrub my gripes enough that people aren't recognizable in my stuff. Others do the same, but failure to do so is something that can (and has been) reported. As mentioned above, OP responded in the Void, where no holds are barred, and no one said much despite having the freedom to do so. The topic was more important than digging into personal grievances. That's not always the case, but that's how the subforum is intended to work. Despite some public opinions, not everything posted there is trash. If you present an opinion and it holds water, people will acknowledge that. Yeah I'm pretty sure that if we really wanted to tear into her, we would have when she posted there. We can be so much more rude there than here. Again, as I stated in the Void, less directed at her and more 'when does it ever stop'. This certainly isn't going to be the last time it's brought up here, and it's not going to be the last time it's poked fun at in the Void (as it's been done before). Also I thought the Void was like Fight Club? You don't talk about Void Club Clique. Link to comment
Valence Posted December 20, 2016 Share #110 Posted December 20, 2016 The Void seems to me like a colossal waste of energy. Just skimming through it hurts my brain. If there are any gems to be found in that cesspool, you really have to dig them out. Link to comment
Tyndles Posted December 20, 2016 Share #111 Posted December 20, 2016 The Void seems to me like a colossal waste of energy. Just skimming through it hurts my brain. If there are any gems to be found in that cesspool, you really have to dig them out. It's not meant to have gems. It's meant to be a terrible place where we can say what's on our minds without having to be clever about it. The OP posted there, we could have destroyed her, we didn't. We poked fun at cliques, but NOT her. (Is it irony because the Void is pretty much a clique?) Link to comment
RiniKett Posted December 20, 2016 Share #112 Posted December 20, 2016 This is my heart to heart to the OP meant in the best way. When it comes down to it, RP is a lot like interactions in RL at times; there will people who will ignore you, be grumpy, stalk you, have a cocky attitude, or maybe just give you polite conversation. In the end everyone here -are- people with their own personalities and opinions and that's how I've always viewed the RP community as alive. Me personally? I don't have issues with that because I'm not as easily fazed by one or two people ignoring my walk-up. There are hundreds of different people in the game and there are some really nice people out there, good people. The real trick is just finding them. Running around, looking for RP in Ul'dah? Look for someone else you can tell is pacing around for hours on end hoping someone who will approach them. This can go into the argument that people shouldn't be sensitive and take the initiative if they want something, but again, human behavior is anything but predictable and it's hard to fault someone by their emotions if they are being sincere. A lot of people go to these events with friends because they are shy themselves and they don't know what people will think of them. Some, to be frank, might be assholes to you, but if you let that hinder you it will only lead to more sadness and alone time; I've been there. My best words are stay upbeat, keep your chin up, and show confidence. After all, you only truly fail when you give up. : ) That being said, my "Walk-ups loved" tag does mean I love walk-ups and I'll only turn you down if something is wrong IRL or if I just don't have the time to do a full scene. Either way, I hope you have better luck and feel free to poke me if you ever see me in game. 3 Link to comment
EliBallard Posted December 23, 2016 Share #113 Posted December 23, 2016 It's frustrating, but all you can do is get out there over and over. Posting ads in this and other forums helps too, as does joining an FC and LS. I don't know you, OP, so I can't talk in specifics but there's really no end all be all way to meet people and all you can do is keep trying. There are cool people out there and I'd be happy to RP with you if you get in touch. That being said, people who claim the community isn't cliquey/can't possibly be insular and hard to breach are usually the ones with already massive followings and networks of connections, usually the same 10-20 people who post here every day and sometimes come off as holier than thou. It's not hard for 'celebrities' to meet new people, not even on alts, but for someone who's an unknown it's a different story. Try to be more kind, some of the first few replies were needlessly vicious. 2 Link to comment
Ryslo Suramlo Posted December 25, 2016 Share #114 Posted December 25, 2016 I've read most of this thread and I can say from my experience as a 'transferred' character I have had no qualms with meeting people randomly in game. It may be the method on which your trying to do so; For example when I go to a Public Event I don't always look for the 'crowded' sections but that one or two people off by themselves. You'd be surprised how much weight that takes off someone when they are approached. I've come to learn that some individuals find a corner and hide, others have their comfort zone and stick to their friends. All this is OK. This is just like the real world, people will always stick to what is most comfortable for them. For me I have no issue walking up to a stranger in character or out and strike up a conversation. Others may find that unnerving. The one thing I will say about this Server (Balmung) it's amazing. The people i've run into have been very accommodating and sure I've run into those who don't respond but I shrug it off and move to the next. 9 times out of 10, this discomfort has something to do with ourselves and once we embrace the confidence of just breaking out of that discomfort things become easier. After all just remind yourself its a game, people come from all walks of life and if you can respect that (Not saying you or anyone doesnt) then you should have far greater respect for yourself to be able to stand on your own two feet. I've also been to the Quicksands, there are plenty of people hugging the wall. Just walk up to one of them and I'm sure they'd appreciate the attention and the random encounter you just created because it's almost guaranteed they too want to RP but having trouble breaking into it. The Generalization of the Origin Post of this thread seems to paint a bleak picture but I think being passive is one thing (Typing emotes hoping people will come to you) but being reactive (Going to people who are doing the Passive Act) you'll find the RP plentiful. Regardless of everything else, all one can do is be reactive. Being Reactive to a situation where your looking for RP will aid you in your adventures. The Fish Hooking Emotes though nice and add's atmosphere you may find yourself struggling to get those RP encounters as others may be in the area doing the same just waiting for someone to come to them. 5 Link to comment
Juromaro Posted December 25, 2016 Share #115 Posted December 25, 2016 I already regret making this thread. Now I'm probably hated since people are making fun of it in the void forum. Mods please delete this thread. Thank you. As someone who started on Balmung(back when you could make a character without waiting) I tried to get into the RP scene, I was quickly shunned...told the server was for 1.0 players. Not entirely sure if I just ran into a d-bag group but it killed my desire to RP so I created a new character on Gilgamesh. Came to this forum and made a friend in game/forum named Adolar made connections through his linkshells and free companies....really enjoyed my time dipped my foot into RP for the first time, was fun. Then I had to stop playing for awhile came back oh idk 722 days later and Gilgamesh turned to more of a closed world RP scene, transferred to Balmung where it was more Open, but didn't make any friends for what felt like a month or more. Made a friend named Rowena Pond, joined a Free Company still didn't RP though since my first "Hey lets throw myself out there" moment was....not ideal. Rowena left the game one day and I kinda lost interest in the game quit playing....might come back in June idk yet depends on what jobs are revealed. Long story short, yes you're going to run into elitists you'll know who they are. Don't let their attitude towards you get you down and ruin RP and/or the game for you like they did me. Find like minded people if you can, avoid those snowflakes who think they are Hydaelyn's gift to RP. Just my opinion though. Link to comment
sersi Posted December 29, 2016 Share #116 Posted December 29, 2016 Hey guys, I'm sorry I started this. I read every post and accepted everyone's thoughts on this. But I don't want this to get more aggressive. I shouldn't have posted a rant to begin with. But regardless, I'm always open for RP! Feel free to add me on discord: Chelsea#3069 It's easier than adding all my alts till I pick one. Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and opinions. good luck picking a main! : ) also sorry the thread ended up feeling disheartening, but fwiw i think even among some of the less friendly posts there was some solid advice. hope you find the character you love and keep at it. Link to comment
Faye Posted December 29, 2016 Share #117 Posted December 29, 2016 As someone who started on Balmung(back when you could make a character without waiting) I tried to get into the RP scene, I was quickly shunned...told the server was for 1.0 players. Not entirely sure if I just ran into a d-bag group but it killed my desire to RP so I created a new character on Gilgamesh. This really sounds like an entirely isolated incident. I didn't touch 1.0 and I've played on Balmung actively since 2.0's launch. Not once has anyone told me this, nor have I seen anyone else saying they were told this. D: Sorry you had that happen! 1 Link to comment
Arrelaine Posted December 29, 2016 Share #118 Posted December 29, 2016 As someone who started on Balmung(back when you could make a character without waiting) I tried to get into the RP scene, I was quickly shunned...told the server was for 1.0 players. Not entirely sure if I just ran into a d-bag group but it killed my desire to RP so I created a new character on Gilgamesh. This really sounds like an entirely isolated incident. I didn't touch 1.0 and I've played on Balmung actively since 2.0's launch. Not once has anyone told me this, nor have I seen anyone else saying they were told this. D: Sorry you had that happen! Me either, I started about 2 years ago. I don't go to events any more because of chat spam, it's hard to find anything interesting to get into when there's words a million miles a minute. Link to comment
MistyMornings Posted December 29, 2016 Share #119 Posted December 29, 2016 I played back in 1.0, and returned very briefly for ARR, and I do actually remember something about Balmung being called a Legacy server. I remember someone told me you could only create a character there if you had played in 1.0, but tbh, I think that probably wasn't true. It's a rediculous notion in any regard, but I DO remember hearing about it back then. Link to comment
Rosekitten Posted December 29, 2016 Share #120 Posted December 29, 2016 Personally the whole cliques thing is what turned me away from trying too hard to find rp. When I did manage to find rp or someone willing to give the character a chance they would soon enough roll an alt or re-roll their character and I would be stuck with trying to figure out how to explain someone going from lalafell to a cat person. xP Now granted this was back during the re-release so maybe the game was just too young and people weren't sset in stone on what they wanted to do just yet. But sadly even returning to the game multiple times I have had similar issues or just running into folks who couldn't keep ooc and ic in their own places. Sure maybe part of the blame is on me, I could have tried harder or put myself out there more or even bothered to go to the smaller events. My personally solution to the issue is looking to a new server. No the community won't be nearly as large but that is not always a bad thing either. Not sure if the OP will read new posts or not but a server change is an option if you really are that unhappy with where you are. (No I didn't read through the pages and pages to see other replies so sorry if it was a suggestion already. I'm sure there is a lot of sound advice in this thread.) Link to comment
Arrelaine Posted December 29, 2016 Share #121 Posted December 29, 2016 I played back in 1.0, and returned very briefly for ARR, and I do actually remember something about Balmung being called a Legacy server. I remember someone told me you could only create a character there if you had played in 1.0, but tbh, I think that probably wasn't true. It's a rediculous notion in any regard, but I DO remember hearing about it back then. Yeah it's a Legacy server, means everything is more expensive. lol That's about it as far as Legacy goes. Otherwise, now it just means you can't create a character anymore because of population Link to comment
Virella Posted December 29, 2016 Share #122 Posted December 29, 2016 My personally solution to the issue is looking to a new server. No the community won't be nearly as large but that is not always a bad thing either. Not sure if the OP will read new posts or not but a server change is an option if you really are that unhappy with where you are. (No I didn't read through the pages and pages to see other replies so sorry if it was a suggestion already. I'm sure there is a lot of sound advice in this thread.) Worst advice given so far. Running from your issues as a shy wallflower aren't going to be magical fixed. In fact, I imagine you only have to try HARDER to get noticed on a server with barely any roleplayers. 1 Link to comment
Rosekitten Posted December 29, 2016 Share #123 Posted December 29, 2016 My personally solution to the issue is looking to a new server. No the community won't be nearly as large but that is not always a bad thing either. Not sure if the OP will read new posts or not but a server change is an option if you really are that unhappy with where you are. (No I didn't read through the pages and pages to see other replies so sorry if it was a suggestion already. I'm sure there is a lot of sound advice in this thread.) Worst advice given so far. Running from your issues as a shy wallflower aren't going to be magical fixed. In fact, I imagine you only have to try HARDER to get noticed on a server with barely any roleplayers. Not really running when the only enjoyable rp I have had was from players who long left the game. Anything in the recent years has been a sorry excuse for rp when I did bother. Just because I would enjoy a smaller community myself where I could actually get to know people or know what was going on isn't what I call running. But hey to each their own. As I said.. I had rp and I got noticed. It just never lasted long due to people being fickle on how they wanted to play or rp from day to day. From anyone who has met me in game or back during the beta.. shy is hardly my issue. Link to comment
Kilieit Posted December 29, 2016 Share #124 Posted December 29, 2016 I'd seriously encourage you to actually read the rest of the thread, since a majority of the issues connected to this discussion have already been addressed. But Balmung's a huge community. Like, immeasurably so. The RPC is a tiny percentage of it, the Quicksand is a tiny percentage of it, the people listed on the Google calendar are a tiny percentage of it (and there are overlaps). Like... you have a problem with an RP FC on Balmung, you go and find one of the dozens on dozens of other FC's, linkshells, or informal groups to RP with. You don't even have to pay extra money or start your character over to do this. They're all already on the server; you just need to root them out. I know for facts that plenty other users of the RPC have advice on how to do this; some of it's been posted in this thread, too. You have a problem with an RP FC on another server, and -- oh, oops, that's the server's whole RP community. In its entirety. And suddenly you need to reroll or transfer if you want to RP with someone else. Because every time you say "LF RP on (server)", people direct you back to the RP FC you dislike. And if you say "okay apart from them", they direct you to transfer. Because that's it. I did small community RP for almost a decade (in WoW) and honestly cannot recommend it to people who think it's a solution for not having found what they want on Balmung yet. 1 Link to comment
Faye Posted December 29, 2016 Share #125 Posted December 29, 2016 I played back in 1.0, and returned very briefly for ARR, and I do actually remember something about Balmung being called a Legacy server. I remember someone told me you could only create a character there if you had played in 1.0, but tbh, I think that probably wasn't true. It's a rediculous notion in any regard, but I DO remember hearing about it back then. I do know that around the game's launch, with the RP community getting briefly split between Balmung and Gilgamesh, a lot of those going Gilgamesh were citing the Balmung was a Legacy server full of 1.0 players who would somehow ruin the experience for everyone else and some were even using that as a scare tactic to sway people to Gilgamesh, I dunno, maybe that got misinterpreted (or maybe there were a handful of genuine Legacy assholes). Link to comment
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