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Open Club · 19 members · Last active
Looking for roleplay in Kugane? Want to find places to hang out in Shirogane? Meet other players that hang out on the eastern end on the map? Join us! Eastern Exposure was created by Alderique to network with other players who roleplay in the Far East. While the linkshell is focused on Kugane and Shirogane, it is open to characters from all parts of the Far East to join. Contact Kenta Nakano, Narakha Gharl, Talura Lura, or Keiho Jizutsu for an invite!
Open Club · 1 member
An RPC-wide IC Linkshell, Eorzean Market provides for the merchants among us. Used for IC crafting, gathering, trading, and other business matters, there are also rumors that many of those among Eorzea's underbelly also use it as a means of communication. For an invite contact; Elric Gystrovael, Holiukhan Jeanne, Jeice Voss, Luca Panipahr, Okita Ittesu, Shizuka Tabito, Sylvenet Grimmaux, Talan Jeanne, Talin Rhela or Zurine Ekaitz.
Open Club · 2 members
The Eorzean Medical Core is a collective of healers and medics with the goal of networking and making sure that the public have access to clinics when needed. Come join our IC Linkshell whether you're a patient looking for a medic or a new healer who is looking to gain knowledge! Our Discord is OOC so you can arrange RP with any of us! To join the Linkshell, our medics will RP you into it! Our goal is to help you with your RP plots so you have a medic when you need one!
Open Club · 6 members
Fly-by-Night is an OOC linkshell haven for roleplayers whose playtime tends to overlap somewhere with the EU daytime/evening, or those with friends belonging to a time zone far-far-away. Come and chill with us. We serve a cracking cup of tea or can even perform a lively rendition of Små Grodorna for your viewing pleasure while waiting for the Duty Finder to pop. Throw one of these magnificent beasties a /tell and we’ll see to the rest: Llyr'a Moui ▪ Melori Enara ▪ Ayricha Daakier
Closed Club · 1 member
Hellfrog Hooligans is a small, brand new Linkshell (on Siren) that is an affiliate/side-branch of the Hidden Mage Village FC. With that being said, we would love to have you part of our group, regardless of your Free Company! We want to unite more RPers together. Our focus is on role play that stays as close as possible to the canon of the FFXIV series.
Open Club · 1 member
Open Club · 1 member · Last active
A cross-world linkshell, themed to be a small, tight-knit group of adventurers dedicated to keeping peace and order across Eorzea and the lands beyond. Beyond the generic description, this linkshell is designed to connect people together for RP opportunities on the Crystal data-center. For in-character purposes, the individuals participating in this linkshell are of their own setting, being the heroes of their own story with other adventurers being backdrops. When out in the various cities they're just like everyone else. RP would mostly be done in /party chat to keep things private between the group.
Open Club · 6 members
The public networking linkshell for engineers, hosted by Machina & Magitek. This is a close-to-lore in-character pearl for engineers of all fields to collaborate and aid one another in their projects, be it through extra hands, material supply, or simply inspiration and second opinions. Officially the linkshell is Immortal Flames property - replacing a lost or damaged linkshell requires a fee, and Machina & Magitek withhold the right to remotely override any linkpearl issued in the event that it is being used for illegitimate purposes or the user is being unduly disruptive to the network as a whole.
Closed Club · 67 members · Last active
Maelstrom Command <<FLEET>> is a Grand Company / Military / Law Enforcement RP community located on the Balmung server. We are LinkShell focused – meaning that while we do have a Free Company, no one is required to join the Free Company to be considered a fully fledged member of the community. You don't have to leave your FC friends to play with us!
Public Club · Last active
The central hub linkshell for Malboro's RP community, and largest role play linkshell on the server. Currently establishing a list of weekly mini events and nudging people to get involved in impromptu encounters. Owned by Ginal Everheart/Amythine Sunweaver, moderated by Temperance Brennan and Vaati Sora. -
Read Only Club · 1 member · Last active
Dedicated to GM-led story arcs with lore-abiding characters. For the storyteller enthusiasts who enjoy long-term development in a collaborative way. The club is used to keep track of arcs and provide information as well as a repository for past activity. You must participate in an event to be invited to the club.
Public Club · Last active
A host of individuals who have been selected by fate, each character tasked with a destiny that far surpasses what they are capable of alone. Rendezvous of Stars is a lore-abiding, plot-driven LS with a supernatural excuse for its members to interact with one another. Please check out our Topics / website to learn more! -
Open Club · 2 members
A networking of roleplayers whom embrace plausible-realism, lore-centric storytelling within the Final Fantasy 14 canon, engage in Open-World roleplay and character-driven plots that may or may not have Dark or Mature elements. We encourage world-building, GM'd adventure events, immersive storytelling and cross-company inclusion all run through an in-game linkshell and discord server.